Revert Mercy please

I’ll try and word this a bit better. there was too much pressure put on mercy cause every game she ultimately was ether the reason we won or the reason we lost. I don’t think mass rez was too strong, but something doesn’t have to be op to be unhealthy for the game.

I should also state that I don’t think current mercy is fine. From an enjoyment perspective at least. she’s doing fine when talking about viability, but she doesn’t have enough impact in games to make her fun.

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You’ve got a strange way of saying that, but I’ll take it I guess.

I think we should call this “The Widowmaker Problem”, and recognize how integral parts of certain other heroes’ kits provide the same effect and yet aren’t going anywhere. Also consider whether or not this is truly a problem. Shouldn’t every player have the chance to “pop off”?

I’m glad you see this, but I’m confused then why you would be against mass res coming back in some form. It doesn’t even have to be a single button press. The community has offered countless suggestions for new mechanics to replace old res from simply adding a cast time to turning it into some kind of crazy reverse-dragonblade, many of which sound highly entertaining and all of which are surely better than what we have right now with Valkyrie.


None of which were intended playstyles and only really endorsed by
A) People hunting their stupid 30 seconds of POTG fame
B) those who legitamently wanted to gain the system by stat padding (which could have been easily fixed by either removing perfomance based SR as they did with Diamond+ or Take Ressurects as a stat out of the equasion)
If they’ve done that, Hide & Rez would have never even been heard about outside of low low Ranks and the occassional thrower story.

So… Like you ask your team to group up to get the enemy Zarya to Grav you for you to use Trans/Sound barrier? Ask your team to pressure the enemy Lucio to force his Sound Barrier JUST for you to EMP it away? You do know that not every single Ult needs to be used as much as possible right?


That’s rough, I lost my trust level 3 4000 posts ago and I still haven’t gotten it back.

I’m against a straight revert which was what this thread was about. If a suggested rework that implemented mas rez but in a healthy way. Than i would support it.


I mean, I could easily work to get it back, just not right now :yum:

I don’t know if they let you get it back, I don’t even really know what I did to lose it.

You need to do the following to gain trust 3:

  • Give and get likes to posts (I think it’s 10 for each, but I don’t exactly remember the number for each though)
  • Read 500 different threads (a thread is considered read once you open it; you can do this upwards of 10 at a time)
  • Read 20,000 posts (You can auto scroll through large threads if you haven’t looked through such already. There’s a blue circle shown in posts that you haven’t read already. When that circle disappears, the post is considered as if you read it)
  • Visited the forums for at least 50 days

Each of these conditions need to be true within the past 100 days. I think you also need a clean record within this time too. If you’re still not able to get it with all those conditions met, then I’m afraid I am unable to help you there.

About what players exactly are you talking about here lmao…? :rofl::rofl::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

I’m still able to keep myself in GM with her.

I don’t know chief, something’s missing on your part.


The “Hide and press Q” excuse is the most idiotic excuse I’ve seen for nerfing Mercy…

Reaper and Pharah hide behind the enemy team when they are not looking and press Q.
Hanzo hides wherever and presses Q towards the enemy team
Sombra literally hides in plain sight and presses Q. So many heroes have strategies involving hiding and pressing Q, yet Mercy couldn’t because it was “disheartening”, as papa Jeff put it simply.

She is so broken her rez cooldown is not reset when she dies, yet Baptiste’s lamp cooldown is, because it’s “disheartening”. You know what’s “disheartening”? Is watching a whole roster of support heroes become gradually more and more dependant on the rest of your team, with less and less comeback/clutch opportunities.

Two years ago, the worst it could happen during matchmaking was having too many players of a single role on the same team. Nowadays, whenever I start a match, I basically put my SR in the hands of my teammates, because the support heroes are weak, so that playing against them is not “disheartening”.

News flash, ppl… Playing as support is disheartening now.


Mercy 1.0 was so overpowered it was crazy mercy flys in rezzez everyone after the enemy team completely wiped them and invested alot of ultimates haven mercy at 1.0 again will make her a must pick witch isnt good.

Now I do think she needs a buff the amount of healing she does in comparison to other supports its ridiculous. You cant sustain the tanks anymore as a main healer it’s difficult especially when more hero been added with more high burst damage mercy healing needs to he 60hp a second at least. So she can be used as a main healer again in these high dps brawl comps

I love playing mercy as she is now, old mercy was really boring and i hated how i had to hide when my teammates died so i could rez them again.

The way mercy is now even made me main her recently. Having her new ult makes it much more easier for me to actually survive.

The only thing i actually would love blizzard to do with her, is to actually buff her healing a little bit more.

Well, to be hones, Res on CD is much more useful then ult Res. You have at in the beginning of the match, can revert most of early picks. With mass res you had to charge your ult up and it was used for 1-2 res more often then 3 and more lol
She is pretty useful so be happy about that pls

Same…I honestly think they didn’t take Mercy into consideration when the changes went through. Since it’s still a bit buggy and inconsistent.

Also lol. Mercy 1.0 was never OP. In fact she was trash pick until invuln. She literally had to die 90% of the time to get her rez off.

Not to mention the higher you played the less effective she was since enemy teams knew how to stagger and knew when to hold ults. Heck her Mass Rez was more often used as a partner up for her in those ranks because of how ineffective it was at high ranks.

You must be thinking of Valk 1.0 where she had 4 insta rezzes in 20 seconds. Cause THAT was when she was OP, and took away the biggest and easiest counter player to mass rez which was staggering.


You’ll get no argument from me that the current version of Mercy is a bit of a chore and a mess, but to revert her I think isn’t really solving anything. Yes, she might become meaningful again, not have an ultimate ability that seems like a diluted standard ability and a standard unearned ability that seems like an ultimate ability, but it won’t solve the original reason for reworking her (albeit questionable in validity) - disheartening to play against.

Sure, she’s a bit disheartening to play as now, and there’s a good number on here I’m sure who will say she’s fine when they don’t actually main Mercy :roll_eyes: (e.g. out of motivation to not see her get any further changes unless they are nerfs). Some ironically do find her fun, but each to their own.

I don’t honestly find Valkyrie fun unless I go Battle Mercy, other than free flight it does everything I can virtually do as Mercy albeit with improved self-survival and a minor HP buff. It feels like semi-autopilot if I don’t go Battle Mercy. Teammates appear to often ask more about when resurrect is off cooldown and not to coordinate with the ultimate ability. I can’t recall a single time (since nerfs) that I’ve been asked about when or where to use Valkyrie, unlike many other ultimate abilities in the game.

On fire is still busted, but understandable in Mercy’s current state. The other reason for reworking Mercy was apparently due to ‘hide and res’, yet Mercy has to often do that today in order to successfully resurrect someone who might be near a fight (or to avoid snipers).

The rework ultimately is a failure, though officially and currently unacknowledged as one. The fact they aren’t doing more hero reworks I think is part of the reason, without admitting that a number of the other hero reworks have been a bit of a miss too. Torbjorn is perhaps the only truly reasonable one that I can think of.

There’s much they could still do to Mercy to improve her for a majority of players, both for those who like her current state (genuinely that is, those that still main her and say this) and those who don’t really like her current state. There’s been many ideas, not all of which appear overpowered and some quite reasonable, but all we get on the forum is very little in the way of discussion these days. The megathreads for Mercy which were forced upon us some time ago weren’t much help either sadly, with virtually no direct engagement with any comments.

Suffice to say something more needs to be done with Mercy, though a revert I don’t think is the right direction.


I mean like that’s your opinion and all! Not everyone did the hide and rez tactic. As a matter of fact. Ive learned with this Rendition of Mercy, I find myself hiding in corners way more.

OP: She doesn’t need a revert. She’s not to bad but she’s not to good. She’s in the middle.

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I’d take Valkyrie and Resurrect and swap their positions. They’d have to water down Valkyrie a tad to make it fall in line with other abilities but it wouldn’t take much considering how underwhelming it already is as an ult. They’d only have to put some limitations in place for Mass Resurrect to balance it out from what it used to be. Really the only glaring thing that comes to mind is a stricter LOS as in it wouldn’t be able to rez through walls/floors/ceilings like it used to.


And they removed the voice line for Valkyrie anyway because “it didnt sound impactful enough”. Maybe back when it was overpowered and people literally would not stay dead, but currently, that old line fits perfectly; “I will watch over you” as thats pretty much what she does in valkyrie.


Despite 20 likes (which points in the direction of how Support heavy this forum is) they won’t ever go back to a mass rez design, that is out of the cards. That being said I did some time yesterday on Mercy (something I never imagined) and she’s more skillful than people think, and more impacting, but her ult is unsatisfying to say the least… I’d like to see during the ult her c/d on rez dropped to 5 seconds, theoretically allowing 3 rezzes, more likely 2. It’s not mass rez, but its enough to feel impacting and matches the style of play I think a lot of Mercy mains yearn for.