(rereedit)Just ignore everything I guess

Life doesn’t have to be this miserable

Today is a good day for Sym

Again, how exactly do you know if they aren’t actually planning on doing something with her? :thinking:

Idk, maybe you’re right. However, the fact that they are aware of Symmetra’s problems shows us that she isn’t “completely forgotten about!”

This is literally a beta, I don’t understand why people are losing their minds about the unfinished and unreleased content of a “new game.”

They know about Syms problems, I guess all that sym players can do is keep voicing their opinions about her.

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Which is the kind of attitude with brings us full circle.

Now your getting it. Finally someone with a realistic view on OW. But they won’t delete her, her playstyle will work really well in OW2 PVE.

And they say if you don’t move in a burning building, the fire won’t hurt you. All in the mind. :roll_eyes:

There is no full circle here.

At no point Sym has been a healer. She failed in the support role, was reworked into 2.0 and was played as a dps because of this.

That is the inexorable truth.


She was a miscatergorized defense hero ~

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This is why I need a divorce lawyer.

Because I am talking to old Sym mains who played Sym differently then me.

Your a DPS Sym main, and I am a Support.

She failed as a DPS as well or are you forgetting that


Could have both possibly if my wishful thinking comes true

Setting down Shield Gen and being mindful of photon barrier deployments for maximized team defense value doesnt mean you played a support. It was basic Sym 2.0 gameplay.

This isnt LoL. Heroes cant really play as something they arent built for. There was no ~secret Sym 2.0 support playstyle~. It was just an utility dps, which yes, could situationally defend their team just like… almost every defense hero could back then.

…again you are assuming too much how I played Sym.

I used the teleporter more then the Shield Gen. (if at all)

We are talking about two different heroes at this point.

Old TP was a better Mercy rez. A Damage hero btw.

The dev blog merely said they will focus on changing her later while moving forward.

They simply have other priorities at the moment.

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You mean the role she was reworked away from at the same time she was put into?

Because 3.0 at its core is this insane, delusional idea of ‘‘non-healing utility support’’ brought to its ultimate conclusion: a gimmick hero who has no place in the game and depends on the use and abuse of a specific gimmick to have any kind if impact. A ‘‘support’’ who cant heal thus cant really replace a support. A dps that is deficient at being a dps thus cant compete unless the gimmick is abused.

And if you read my posts, well if you read comprehensively, I am nothing but critical of how poorly designed 3.0 is. So I am not defending 3.0 here lmao.

“just means not BETA 2 (upcoming beta).”

Careful don’t get caught in the bickering sym mains fire

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That’s unfortunate for you since Sym is a DPS

They’re not going to delete any hero, that’s nonsense. A rework is a possibility but they simply said she isn’t their priority right now - they’ve told us very plainly that their priority is supports.