(rereedit)Just ignore everything I guess

If these changes need to take longer then so be it. I love her but she is not the most important aspect of the game.

Sadly there are aspects of OW2 that are much worse than Sym, and arguably need more attention.

Its cool, I am a Sym main myself.

“That’s unfortunate for you since Sym (now) is a DPS”

Yes we are all aware DPS father stole Sym from Support mother for 4 years, forcing her to taxi for him.

I think these “support” syms are either delusional, or they were straight up throwing with her, which is doubly bad as she was already a throw pick at that time.

Sym was never a support, she was a defense hero put in the wrong category.

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Okay, so why are you SO against the idea of making her a Support? If every iteration of her failed, all of which was a utility DPS hero, why not scrap the kit and do something else?

It fits her lore to be a Support. She’s seen saving lives in both of her comics, she even mentions that she isn’t a killer in A Better World. She was supposed to be a Support from the jump.


TP was certainly not better than Mass Rezz what kind of ahistorical nonsense is that. There is a reason it was given an alternative in Shield Gen. Tempo MR was far, far superior to ult TP for the sake of keeping your team in the fight.

Mei’s wall is just as good blocking ultimates that support ults so…???

Torb and Sym were better at stopping oneshots that any of the supports were.

I don’t want to heal and babysit tanks and dps.

I want to literally kill things

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Rez on E existed around this time and TP was definitely a better version as it could still quickly bring multiple team mates back.

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The problem is Sym will never be a better DPS with her current kit.

Another likely event, is they will Delete current Sym again and replace her with another DPS Sym.

which really just ruins the point


Just change her hero name to “Vaswani” and give her healing stuff.

Sanjay can be the clunky flanker hero that people are so desperate to keep for some reason.

Sym 2.0 and moth mercy were about the same time, so if you are choosing the tp over shield generator, you were throwing. Shield generator was easily one of the best ults at that time, arguably THE best.


Because I am not going to heal with Sym. Simple as that. You dont deserve any more explanations. Deal with it.

Sym 2.0 didnt fail because of the hero itself, she was misclassified and misplayed as a support and was extremely out of meta due to Dive meta… and she wasnt the only one in that, basically every immobile hero was literal fodder for Dive meta. Half the dps roster was grossly out of meta back then, it was only Sym who was singled out.

Lore is meaningless.

Zenyatta has magical healing out of his robutt. Lucio heals through… music… Brig heals through… telling people nice things…

Like the devs admitted that if we go by lore very few things in the game could make sense.

so dramatic lol

20 c

I’m sure that at some point they’re going to rebuild her from the ground up.

I can see the devs making teleporter self-use only in return for better gun modes and faster-deploying constructs. It’d be a good starting point, if nothing else.


If buffs don’t fix her, then yeah

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I cant take you seriously lmao

Giving her an alt E ability that helps with survivability is something she desperately needs.


Devs should definitely not be afraid to simply ditch heroes that do not work. That’s the purpose of Overwatch 2.0, to get rid of bad design that never worked.

Given with time remaining… I don’t think that might not be an option anymore.

Reworks take up alot of time.

OW2 would end up delayed again.

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Okay? The rest of us will then.

It is? Alright, let’s give Hanzo two confetti cannons that deploy out of his nostrils that does knockback. Because lore is meaningless.