(rereedit)Just ignore everything I guess

(old title) Would not be surprised if they delete Sym all together

Given the recent “PR” attitude in the last blog, recent events in OWL, given direction of the upcoming Beta 2, and stuff behind the scenes. (Would add more but this would drag on.)

I think Sym players should just be aware of the possible event of Sym deletion.

The recent attitude from the blog today revealed the possibility increasing.

So as someone who kinda dealt with Sym support deletion already and doesn’t want to see Sym deleted at all.

Just be aware of the possibility.

Because it sounds like they are just giving up.

“At the same time, Symmetra is suffering from increased overlap with heroes like Mei, who possess better tools for close quarters survivability. While these heroes aren’t our current focus, they’re on our radar for future adjustments and continued monitoring.” (PR talk)

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They literally acknowledged her problems :joy:

What makes you think that they have completely given up on her?

I’m sure they’re planning on doing something with her


theyre not deleting her…theyre “working” on her

at least theyre acknowledging where she is (some people make it sound like shes “ignored”)

also, you didnt bring this up but i think its worth mentioning…clearly theyre not making her a support either (they wouldve mentioned it by now)…can we put that one to rest


There is a difference of planning to do something next and planning to do something later.

OW2 PvP is gonna likely be first at that point and it will be too late for Sym by then.

They will never bring that up in a PR talk. They have proven that much.

People reading this and think they’re doing something?? No, they just see they’re a hot topic but still don’t care enough to address them. In the same article, they admit Moira is performing well but they still are making changes to her because…funny?

They admit both Junk and Sym are underperforming but they’re “not our current focus” it’s such a joke.

Edit: It’s the way they don’t even tell us their pick/winrates like they did for other heroes…



(my favorite radio quote.)

But you just got confirmed that they are testing out changes… and planning to test things out.

Isn’t that not enough?

Best case scenario they make minor adjustments, sym does not need ANOTHER rework. Just make a new hero at that point.

Drama queens on this forum, really.

They specifically addressed how her gun relied heavily on shields and it’s now harder for her to gain charge, AND her lack of survivability in close quarters comparing her to Mei.

People have been talking about her lack of survivability since the 3.0 rework. Every sym main on the forums has brought it up at some point. It’s taken some time but I’m glad it’s being looked at.


because you know
they want to make supports fun
almost every support is doing well, its just boring to play

Look they are just fine with Sym and other just being trash picks for OW2.

They pretty much said as much.

Combined with what is Illegal in OWL.

Sigh, great pr talk blizz.

No. This is just PR bull to try and shut us up :man_facepalming:

They have no plans to actually address her issues. “Future adjustments” will just be a few minor buffs, then they go back to ignoring her for years like they did after her rework in 2018.

I was hoping they were neglecting her because they have bigger plans. Turns out they were neglecting her because they just don’t care.


You guys are being dramatic.


I think I have every right to be. My favourite hero has been ignored for years and when they finally talk about her, they pretty much brush her off.

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Anyone who was backstabbed by a hero deletion would.

‘‘b-but my non-healing damage support!!!’’

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We clearly suggested ways Sym could work as a Healing Supprot.

It’s just Blizz has done a terrible lazy job trying to make it happen.

refering to the Buggy launch of Healing Turrets. (Which could have been better with something else that was healing too.)

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No no, dont forget they will nerf her orbs to 100, her sentry damage to 30, her beam to 50/100/150 and her HP back to 200 the moment they catch a whiff of OWL teams plan on using her seriously for TP strats.

I wont be surprised if they nerf her in the beta to stop OWL from using her next time or some bullcrap like that.

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They have all been garbage. You can keep those. Making her a healbot wont bring back the glory days.


players are so pessimistic.

Did my players think I was going to get deleted when my pickrate was at 0.00%? No.

Dont give up hope. You sym players have nothing to fear



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