Interchangeable Skills in OW2, aka Loadouts

Why oh why haven’t we gotten more information about this? To me it is like one of the cooler things about the sequel.

People seem to forget that OW2 is more than just new heroes and maps. It’s also new abilities for existing heroes. I think I recall seeing mei turn into a giant ice ball and roll around lol.

I was doing some thinking of how they could implement these new skills into the PvP mode. (This is of course, assuming everything will be perfectly balanced)

Before the match starts you can select your loadout (yes, similar to other shooters) except instead of guns it’s abilities. You could do a lot with how you want that to work. Have the skills only be changeable in the spawn room, or even have set points around the map where you can swap. The important part is that you are able to switch things up even further during a match.

Customization is a part of so many shooters and mobas. It should be a key part of overwatch 2 and not just for the PvE mode. It just adds more depth to the gameplay and strategy.

Torbs level 3 turret still gets skins, and new heroes still voice symmetra’s shield generator. Not to be a conspiracy theorist but I think these abilities might make a return in the form of alternate skills.

People wanted more from Overwatch “2” so give them more.

They had to massively change the game 3 times now to balance it around static characters.

This would end up being a nightmare for the OW team lmao

They are, but for the PvE. If it ever comes out.

I guess I’m just hoping they are more capable than what they’ve been showing us

I do think a specific pvp mode will be made for it, but I’d like to see it make it way into the main modes. Will have to see how popular it is.

You know what I think it would be nice for this game? And it would be way easier to balance.

An item system similar to the one of Paladins.

There is a reason why a team with two barriers can be destroyed on Paladins.
There are too much barriers? Buy this item and now you do more damage to them.
There is too much healing? Buy this other item and now you reduce their incoming healing by shooting at them.

And the best part of all is that even with that, tanks and supports are fun to use.

I was thinking of having a sort of buying system for the skills too. I like your suggestion of items though.

Really just more things to mix up the gameplay really. I feel like overwatch is just stuck right now. And people are feeling kinda mixed on the sequel with one major complaint being it’s the exact same gameplay.

So why not mix things up a little? Or a lot. Come on devs I sometimes believe in you.

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Well, um… I hate to break it to you, but…

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Well then if it’s not balanced then at least nothing’s being changed that much so

Idk I just think having ability loadouts would be one way to help with the “same game” criticism, and I don’t think I’d be wrong.

And there are hero shooters with loadouts and mobas as well. I’m sure balance wouldn’t be…impossible…(who am I kidding)

Cynical, but perhaps accurate :wink:

I would be REALLY surprised if they didn’t put in at least an arcade mode which you got to use your extra powers.


And who knows if it’s popular enough they should consider making it a main part of the game.

I’d like to play a game and not know if they’re running shield gen sym, or torb lv 3 turret, or Gatling gun mercy, pepper spray ana

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A skill tree that unlocks throughout the fight would be awesome.

Would bring out all sorts of potential.

Guess they only want it for pve since PvP balance would be whack but I still think it could be done in an acceptable way.

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Yeah! That would give a personal goal for you during matches. More elims, heals, etc and you “level up”

You know I’m wondering if all those experiementals we’re actually part of these new abilities…

Valk on E, Moira fading her entire team, sigma flight…


I mean total mayhem exists. I would love it as an arcade mode at least, or in unranked

You are asking too much of the Devs. PvP will be normalized pretty soon. All uniqueness will be gradually taken away from our beloved heroes.