Remove role queue

okey i cant force what make sense to me over to you :smiley:
yes they are spread trough all 3 roles, still majority will be dpsers just because they have long queue in the RQ.
yeah im not meaning you are the only one or like there is only a few houndred or thousands having the same opinion as you. But for a healthy pop on a ladder you need ALOT of players. and there are alot more dpsers that will play there simply for the long rq times than there is tankmains and support mains that will swap ladder to focus theire games and time they have available

but if it would work it would be great. People hating RQ but still play and maybe not at there best because of theire state of mind" i would simply love if they didnt get into my games. and the queue time for dps would go down. for me personaly its a win -win situation if they could make it work

the majority will be dps players simply because dps players are the majority of the playerbase

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Role Que is amazing ignore all the hate blizzard! <3

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why should they listen only to one set of customers?

Because I’ve mastered the power of biological science and now has an Army at my command!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

uhm, yeah, ok {slowly backs away}

Every post that say someone dont like role queue have your comment like its crying and they should gtfo. Dude ppl have different opinions if you dont agree just say it insteed of claiming thats a crying

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few posts i read about not liking 2-2-2 have no good arguments and some are just about wait times. and those are just cry posts. or complain is a better word maybe. there are post made by anti RQ2-2-2 here that are good and have some good arguments and statement. i dont use the word cry cry cry cry or gtfo there. gtfo i actualy have never used in any post. i have said “adapt or quit, alt+f4”

Thats preatty much how communism works

okey maybe true, i have no clue how communism work.

Totally agreed. I love Role Queue. I’ve only had 1 player that was a jerk since it started. Sure, I’ve had some bad games, but had WAY more before 2-2-2.

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or in that 10 mins they’ll look up stuff on instagram lol

Remeber how every match used to be…hero select…3 dps locked hero’s as fast as possible…next 2 people when healer…then that prolonged stare at screen just waiting for that one lone guy to load in…see hero select…and screeam at the ceiling "are you !@#$ kidding me…i have to tank again?!?..

sounds to me like you were never that last guy. you’d probably even have reported that player for griefing if he’d chosen anything but a shield tank…it didnt matter if you never used the shield…it was a principle…the last pick had to pick tank because that was just a universal rule.

blizzard…having finally realized that mentality was bogus…fixed it…consider it like this…ITS THE SECOND BIG BANG.

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overwatch more like overqueue… 10 minutes (and still waiting) for DPS


its so terrible. :frowning: my life falling apart because this queue…

you really don’t have arguments against any of the things posted here

just a blizzard fanboy or employee defending a bad system

get lost

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relax crybabie :slight_smile:
do like me

queue dps , watch po*rn then play your best. cry will get you nowhere. 3-7min queue total aceptable.
14min longest 4clock nightime on thursday.

Exactly, the thing is completely garbage, atleast before, as support we could switch and help out in dps or in tanking during crucial times, and the creativity of character swaps and compositions was also quite satisfying, now you have a pharah problem and you know youre a decent mcree and soldier but your dps be playing junkrat and doomfist, wth you gonna do, feels bad man, sometimes sacrificing a healer for more damage or extra tank to cap point could be surprisingly handy, and it was the joy of overwatch too, the flexible creativity, now we forced to be stuck with garbage role locked teamates that you cant switch to help in their roles, atleast make it possible to trade roles, so that way we can bring all our skill set to the table without the downside of scattered comp, smh


What I’m hearing is you use to supplement your bad support play with DPS, welp not anymore bud, as the kids say git good…at whatever role you are playing. If not simple, don’t play that role