Remove role queue

I agree 100%. This only serves to limit player flexibility and kills what once made Overwatch fun.


PRECISELY. That’s the problem in a nutshell.

Maybe a competetive classic and competitive role queue, just like quickplay, cuz i flex between role, same with my guys, but that doesnt say we play every single character, usually i wouldnt mind swapping support position with a teamate so i can play mcree and counter the tracer in backline, if our dps isnt any good at mcree or any tracer counterpick, you know, same way if our team is getting beat by snipers and soldier76 on a map like wpg or Havana, our tanks may not know how to play winston or dva, maybe they only play hog,rein and the likes, forcing them to play what they cant is basically throwing, so wouldnt it be nice to just swap postions so i can play the dive tank and if you can heal in my place its fine, little things like that role queue just makes mockery of. And it feels soo bad to lose when you could have done something about it given the chance. So its not about getting gud son, its about player flexibility and whats best for the team. Different maps, different playstyles, different compostions, role queue limits that terribly, and basically forces people to throw games because they play the characters their not good at if needed by the team.

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Nice logic :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Sadly that won’t happen. There’s a Greentext post on a similar post somewhere, to sum it up simply it said “if we did implement that everyone would just play that instead of role queue” or something along those lines.

You don’t need 2 competitive modes though. Just make competitive Role Queue and leave quick play the way it was so that the casual players have more freedom.

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Know I’m a little late to the game on this but as someone who usually fills the tank and support role I don’t think this is a great update. I understand that it removes the issue of 4-1-1 team comps but I think non 2-2-2 teams can still win games. I also don’t like the fact that I can’t change from a tank to a support once the match has started which I may want to do depending on situation, map, or game mode. Plus assuming I’m playing tank or support I suddenly have access to less than a third of the roster and having so many different characters is what helps make this game fun.

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Ya let’s go back to playing with no tank or healers so everyone can go back to being a troll

exactly every time i play tank its like im running a daycare with 5 autistic children

Tanks and Supports get screwed over by role queue even more than DPS

3 month later, Q time for support on weekend ~7 mins. So you where totally wrong and he was right, role Q killed the game.


The game isn’t dead. Not enough DPS players have quit.

yeah…did you see how bad quick play was when they had it just for competitive… now…imagine being a new player…and playing 25 levels of that chaos.

As someone who played support and tank most of the time. being able to switch to either or or even a dps every once in a while helped with comp.

I HATE comp now. i can see us getting utterly wrecked and I can’t do anything about it. I don’t enjoy comp anymore. i haven’t even placed the last two season.

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You could not have put it better. Overwatch in nearly every sense ruined Competitive play. What made the mode fun was being able to switch hero roles depending on the turn of the game. Now that is no longer an option (or at best extremely limited). If your team needs a counter that only you can play, but you’re stuck in a specific hero role, you’re basically forced to watch your team lose. I suspect that Overwatch implemented this queue to counter toxicity and players refusing to play a certain role. However, it is even worse when you can’t switch roles with someone who may not be playing as strong. Adding on, I think that the freedom of being able to play a comp game with 5 dps and Mercy is what made it fun. This is all without even mentioning the absurdity of damage skirmishes. Most times I want to play dps in comp, the skirmish is longer than the actual game. Not only is this a waste of time, but dissuades me from wanting to play that role in the future. Players should be able to go into comp as a damage hero without it being a big deal. I know the queue times are as long as they are because of the magnitude of players picking damage roles, but the issue wouldn’t be there to begin with if role queue wasn’t implemented in the first place. I feel like blizzard made this change with the best intentions, but the reality is that the adjustment changed the nature of the game and makes it less fun to play.


FFS, they will never revert role queue. Deal with it or leave. Period.

10-30 minutes in my experience. Include the game where people leave at the beginning (likely other dps that fell asleep waiting for their long queue) and you easily spend 2-3 times the amount of your game time in the queue menu than actually playing.

This is true for the other roles as well. There are plenty of times where I wanted to switch to healer or tank to pick up the slack of those players. But it it most apparent with the DPS role. You can not dps reliably as a healer or tank. Instead you just wait for the L.

This is true. A plat player is plat. A masters is masters. Your game sense is more responsible to the sr that you’re in than the specific skill with any selection of heroes. RQ just limits you and forces the latter to be more of a factor.

Flexing is dead my friend. RQ choked the life out of it.

They wanted to kill goats because esports generates more revenue than the players do. Our opinions do not matter, the game is and will always be catered to esports.


Care to give suggestions on how to improve it?

No, I’m busy playing other games now. I don’t even know if there was an update in the last month.

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Honestly feel like I spend more time waiting to get into a game then actually playing the game. The system they introduced with RQ obviously wasn’t fully thought out if they didn’t even consider extended queue times (and if they did and rolled it out anyways then shame on them).

The whole intent of being able to swap was for being able to adapt to the game as it progressed. With RQ that has been tossed out for the most part (the only switching lies in the respective role you chose, even if you are able to flex to help DPS/Support/Tank you are unable to do so).

I can spout numbers out all I want about how I’ve won more games since 2-2-2 was introduced or I won more games before 2-2-2, but it obviously don’t mean anything to the bigger picture.

In regards to what I read at the beginning of this thread, individual experience SHOULD NEVER BE USED AS A REPRESENTATION FOR A GAME’S ENTIRE POPULATION. That applies to user experience as well in recent games such as Anthem and FO76. While a majority of the player base did not agree with the direction of the game, there were still who did.

I’ve come back around to OW recently and the comp experience really isn’t enjoyable anymore for me. I personally believe there is a good portion of the population that would say something similar.