Role Queue for Quick Play? Bad decision

dress right dress - the term used in the military meaning neat and organized sorry about that.

I see. Thanks for explaining.

I think this poster summarizes the problem quite well:

that can be a problem. But im still not seeing why rq should be removed form qp. From biz point of view they are happy with the results. And i love it. make no mistake all i every want for this game was a place not comp but close to comp.


Quick Play Classic Exists.
play that instead and don’t ruin our fun.


Considering 2-2-2 ruined my fun, I will never not complain about it.


All these flavors and you chose…

QP classic segments the game and splits the player base. QP is not competitive. Competitive is competitive.

@Ripper, I get that. That’s why I think this RQ should be an option for people like you who want it. It can be an option in the Arcade while QP is restored to normal.

Sorry for wanting to play a good quick play match without 3 dumb dps players out of 5 doing absolutely nothing but feeding.
Be glad enough I play things besides damage.

Good for you. xD

If you want to be restricted, you should have the freedom to choose such a mode. The rest of us who haven’t slighted you in some unknown way can carry on with our lives.

i’m grateful for this change, because i can now practice DPS with proper team comps.

you have no idea how relieved i am about this

i don’t have to play ranked anymore…

Then go ahead and play quick play classic and leave us alone. Or should i say…6v6 deathmatch because it’s a dps mains no mans land.
Role queue is the best thing to happen to this game. DEAL WITH IT.


“Leave us alone.” Funny. I wasn’t not leaving you alone. You chose to interact with this thread. :slight_smile:

You’re entitled to your opinion, and I’m entitled to mine. To quote you, “deal with it.” :slight_smile:

Overwatch been a shameful product ever since Ana release and focus OWL. What came after was it’s own downfall not only from the community, but also developers themselves.

The fact you called it a “structured game” is hilarious. Taking 3 years to come up with role queue does not make it a structured game. It means they lost sight on their own product trying to grasp for whatever ideas to bring back consumers. Role queue with this balancing of heroes is not going to bring back players.

"structured game" :laughing:


Trying to play atm. All I can say is that I dislike RQ very much.
It should be renamed to Slow Play.



“It should not replace normal quick play.”
SORRY for wanting to have a good quick play match without excessive terrible dps players. The fact you want role queue gone completely in quick play is why i told you to “leave us alone.” If you wanna play your terrible quick play classic, go in there and don’t ruin the best thing that’s ever happened to this game. You get arcade loot boxes for playing that filth of a game mode, so be grateful they even kept it in in the first place.

And if you’ll read, I said clearly that this mode should be an option for people like you who want it. See, I want you to have that freedom. See how that works? :slight_smile:

Ah. I disagree with you, and therefore I should “leave [you] alone.” Interesting. That’s not how civil discussions work, I’m afraid. No one is not leaving you alone. You chose to be here. Your opinion is valid. Mine is as well.


So it’s okay for pro-222 people to be in the arcade and that’s true choice and freedom. But if anti-222 people’s mode of choice is in the arcade that’s bad, and forced, etc.

You kinda need all 3 roles.
Role Q provides you at least witj 2 players of each.

Other than *no u go tank, no u, no u, no u… *

I never said the games are better/worse

Unless your tank is Hog played by DPS player :joy:
And 2nd tank is Diva picked by DPS player only because she is cute.

Yeah but I don’t feel like I’m the Ahole for not flexing to tank, its the guy who qued as tank.

Countless times I qued, with the intention to find my true skill lvl on My selection.
Just to hear stop throwing, swap, useless, I’m already dps swap, etc

Current role Q is definitely not the final design of ow imho. But might be a good step foreward.

Especially, since you can’t just go zen (worst zen eu) and suddenly swap to mccree and get 70 hs… (actually best mccree eu)

I play like 3 heroes to high plat, the rest probably gold or lower…

Its imho a first little baby step

Don’t you think it sucks they had to dumb down the game for role queue? Sure it has its perks, but three years to think of this concept? Not impressive indeed.

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