You are at 3111 on Tank, surely you can climb!
Source please. 20 cha
- Jeff Kaplan again addresses that is not wrong to have an alternate account but to attempt to tank or boost your skill rating is - Jeff Kaplan - 9/13/2018 - Official Forums
- Jeff Kaplan reminds the community the difference between owning an alternate account, throwing and boosting - Jeff Kaplan - 6/14/2017 - Old Official Forums
Seems like Jeff, you, and me agree that 3100 is your true SR.
Before you said low Platinum…?
Btw you claim to be GM but you’re master on your Slevin acc lul…
I said low plat when you were 2700. So are we agreeing that your real SR is 3100?
Yep, I haven’t played in a week.
Never was 2700…
Is current SR always a perfect reflection of current skill level…? I admire your absolute faith in the system lul…
3916 now… Yikes… “GM”…
You were. You always complained about an 800 SR gap between that account and your masters account.
No i don’t, but for the past 2.5 months you have never been above 3111 with lots of play time. Pretty safe to assume that your actual SR is around low diamond.
Imagine being so obsessed about SR
Nope… Quote please…
assume what you want… How do I stomp so hard…?
You brought it up lmao… ggez…
Is your ego so fragile that you have to gaslight now?
So back to being proud of smurfing? What is it now?
When did I bring my rank up?
Are you ok buddy…? Is finding a quote of what you claim I said too difficult…?
*Involuntary smurfing…
On the other hand you deliberately Smurf and boost other people’s accounts… That’s literally against terms of service…
You literally brought up the subject of SR in this thread have you already forgotten…?
I am not gonna waste time going through your history. We both know you were 2700 after your loss streak.
So you are not intentionally logging on your lower account to play there instead of your higher account? I keep getting confused here
I never said i boosted other people’s accounts. Nice try though.
You are smurfing and bragging about it. I am just calling out your hypocracy since you are the first to attack others for smurfing.
Nice fabrication… Got any evidence…? Thought not… 2ez…
Of course you get confused because you still don’t understand the simple concept of intent…
It’s almost like saying that someone who was framed for murder is the same as someone who actually committed murder… Makes zero sense…
Did you not log on to another person’s account and play on it and bring it up to a rank that that individual wasn’t normally at…?
Not only do you deliberately Smurf you also boost other people’s accounts…
Your justification for smurfing is that you want to play with friends… You could just play other roles then…
At least try to put up a good argument lul… ez…
Too bad most people think Rein Zarya Mercy Ana is a good idea to run
Yup it’s hard to find a lucio player with a brain to always speed you and play aggressively but thanks to lfg I found one… You don’t only need hero synergy you also need “brain synergy”…
here’s what you’re probably lookin for
There you go 2.8… Not “low plat” that was claimed…
and the amount of games I could’ve won if my Ana played Baptiste is insane
Splitting hairs over 100 SR.
I mean 100 SR is a pretty big deal for hulk