I decided to try lfg and find a Lucio player to speed boost me and I became an unbeatable demigod…
I’ll probably check it out later today.
Will we see some Doomfist play from you any time soon?
From a first time watch.
From what I’ve seen, you were rocking it on offense with Lucio.
They were catching on at this point. Your Junkrat was putting up numbers.
This was a lot more coordinated than your Junkertown video. It was nice seeing your squad push up with you on overtime. If I were to give a bit of criticism (not just this video, but generally speaking), it would be to be more careful around the enemy Anas. They’re getting some openings on you. Overall, it was pretty entertaining.
Imagine congratulating yourself for finally understanding how a team composition, based around hero synergy, works.
He is the forums #1 Reinhard after all.
let people have their fun, man
So you just learned what hero synergy is? Ok
There’s a difference between fun and egotistical. I’m all for having fun though.
I am glad you figured out hero synergies =]
Took a long time, but I gotta give you credit for that. When is teamwork coming up next?
Lfg unlocked my full godlike potential…
Smurfing got you building up quite the ego, i like it
How else is he supposed to feel proud of himself when he looks in the mirror?
Define “smurfing”…
Well, you claim to be 3500. At the same time, you are bragging about “stomping” 3k lobbies.
I thought you were against smurfing, especially with the purpose of making oneself feel better. Why don’t you play at your “real” SR or are you not actually 3500?
Does intentionally playing 500 SR below your alleged actual SR and bragging about it not qualify as smurfing?
Key word…
So you are not intentionally logging on the 3k account and play comp 500 Sr below your alleged actual SR, instead of logging on your 3.5k account and play against people of your alleged actual skill level?
Alt = smurf…?
By your logic, all my accounts are alts ;]