Reinhardt is unkillable

That’s a bit of a downer for all these symm players. According to you (and I agree fully) she should never be playable. Also sombra and widow should join her ASAP.

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Absolutely not. Emotion has no place in balance! I hate Sym but she shouldn’t be dumpstered. Every hero should have as equal viability as possible and the meta should be flatter. That is when games are at their most interesting. When what you’re good at is meta rather than artificially creating metas. Your emotion should play no role in how heroes are balanced. That is what we call bias and it has no place influencing the games balance state

If a hero is a problem it shouldn’t be meta just niche for tanks that’s the number heroes like Hog Mauga and Orisa. For Dps that’s tank busters and a few specific broken other ones (stated by LazyDragon) Support has less problem heroes but I would still say that Lifeweaver and Moira should never be meta. These heroes need design reworks and should be nerfed to be underpower and niche till they get them. Not emotional here talking about fundamental design flawed heroes.

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I don’t even you know why im bothering to argue with you. You repeatedly show that you have no intelligence. You argue about problem heroes and then proceed to list heroes who aren’t a problem whatsoever. You again, throw your emotions out on heroes. There is no legitimate stats driven reason you have as to why Moira or Lw can’t be meta. There is nothing wrong with such a thing happening.

Lol this just shows that you are the one with the lack of iq points or understanding of this game.


He was at a 60-something% winrate right before they introduced Mauga. He was insanely op.

One of the early seasons of OW2 also saw nothing but Hog mirrors because he could oneshot everything that wasn’t a tank every time hook was up. That’s why they re-worked him in the first place.

Hog has absolutely been busted multiple times during OW2.

Also! 51% winrate is a perfectly acceptable winrate.


I don’t normally play Hog, but I’ve been trying him today post patch and he still feels really obnoxious


Rein really is the easiest to shutdown, any hitscan (almost half the roster) will just melt his shield if he tries to advance. if you ever dare to use hammer you better pray to whatever god you worship because if your team is not right with you then you have 3 seconds maximum.

You don’t know the stats.

Ok look at it like this
Why is rein considered a bad tank? He is a short ranged character that has many weaknesses that can easily be exploited.
Shield? Gets popped like a balloon when focused on
Short ranged? Any character with range or flies makes him difficult to play into unless you hug the wall 80% of the game

As for pickrate and winrate
Winrate doesn’t mean much for overbuff, as greyfalcon has pointed out, high winrate suggests strength in defence, sombras low winrate suggests strength in offence etc
Looking at overbuff comp, this guy has a 50.9% winrate, on the higher end but then Brigitte and illari also has a high winrate but no one is saying either is in a good position rn

His pickrate is middle of the pack in comp so it doesn’t mean much

You know what else proves winrate doesn’t really matter (unless it’s blatantly overpowered like launch mauga or terrible as symm). Roadhog has a 47% winrate, yet he gets nerfed for what? Because people were complaining he was too strong

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I just do not care about stats anymore. I am winning more games as Reinhardt, one of my worst characters, than almost any other hero BECAUSE he is so easy to counter. Lots of weirdos just want to strip your ability to play the game away and commiting 5 counters for a mediocre Reinhardt that was already getting diffed is such questionable decision making. These are like DBD players. It is more of a bully simulator than people actually trying to have fun or win the game.

Do not get me wrong, sometimes it works. My team cannot figure out how to defeat 5 trolls and my nonexistent impact certainly does not help matters. It can happen. It has happened.

But I literally have a higher chance of winning by letting sadists have their way with me while I contribute nothing than going flawless on Reaper and out damaging my other dps and the tank combined. That’s just… It’s messed up. It is why I do not take party games seriously. Anything goes and I just go with the flow.

Hope the people who barely managed to beat my Reinhardt after going a full counter composition enjoy playing the next match against a rock, paper, scissors main. I wish them good luck because they are going to freaking need it. :joy:


I salute you. Now. Bring me another. Beer.



Roadhog was overperforming prior this patch, the armor change dealt a bit of nerf on his impact on damage but also he won damage reduction on headshot. His survival value increased greatly due that.

Sigma also won great deal on this patch too. Similary to Junkerqueen and Zarya.

But, rein got stronger against roadhog due the rd on hs doesn’t change rein damage and the armor and rd hs buff on rein reduces roadhog’s damage against rein. While rein got a bit weaker against sigma due the average damage on him increased, but due rein being already pretty fine against sigma due rein being able to push forward and make sigma leave space for him, the outcome doesn’t change much.

While most tanks often got somewhat more damage on rein, but less damage if they had HS and fast firing or shotgun weapons.

Running Sigma on Rein, is not great even less if there’s nobody suppressing rein to him to keep his shield and not press W.

Sigma can hit rein’s shield while walking backwards, but the moment that sigma is within rein’s range he is pretty much dead.

Sigma is one of the worst matchups against Rein if your team can’t prevent rein from pressing W even with his shield.

If you counter his team but not him, he will get space and you would feel that he wouldn’t die, not until your team kill everybody and only he remains. Rein like Sym, are heavily reliant on teammates and often if they’re not kept in check they will do some severe impact.

While I consider his hammer dealing more damage than I would like, the hp increase offsets it a bit, due the rate of fire(swing speed) being slow.

Is more akin folks not dealing with him properly, instead of him being unkillable. Bastion, reaper,sombra, hanzo, pharah, echo, tracer and soujourn often gives rein a bad time. From this list bastion, sombra, reaper and tracer are the ones who got somewhat less impact on him, although bastion would be fine against his barrier.

If he gets to the point of his abilities doesn’t have counters and he overperforms to the point of most of the time he’s being picked not leaving room for others to perform, he requires to be looked. Roadhog was somewhat fine prior to the armor and hs rd on tanks, which while his lethality decreased on mostly tanks, his survival increased to a point that wasn’t good for the game overall.

If rein, actually require any kind of nerf, would be tied to his swing damage if he start overperform too much or in some cases changing the armor ratio on his hp pool.

Bro. You act like i don’t have overbuff to see that you’re literally making stuff up. Just because you say it confidently, doesn’t make it true lol. Hog has never been busted in OW2. He was reworked because players whined and moaned. It was purely an emotion based decision and had nothing to do with actual stats. Additionally, in the early seasons of OW2, Hog wasn’t meta. Zarya and JQ were

Bronze level quote right here.

Replays are right there my dude

Nope. I can’t see the stats on overbuff. Yup. Right. We’re literally pulling 60% out of our backsides

Overbuff isn’t accurate at higher ranks. The devs said so yesterday. It’s only accurate for the more populated ranks in the middle.

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Wow. What an incredibly insightful response from a trash Hog one trick.

Git gud kid.

And don’t bother responding. because from past experience, the person who uses that repsonse turns out to be nothing more than a salty OTP who got hard diffed by the player who has more than one brain cell, and won’t do a thing to improve. Stay seething kid.

If you can’t beat Reinhardt in his current state-there’s nothing that can help you, you need some gold level coaching. Actually I take that back, you’re not worth being in gold with your current mindset. You’re the sort of trash player who prefers to blame your team rather than your lack of awareness in gameplay mechanics.

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The devs are known to be chronic liers so uh yeah

I crunched the top 500 numbers myself and yeah, Overbuff is borked. Not only that, but I can get 3 different numbers for the same hero at the same rank in the same timeframe on the same platform using Overbuff. Which of those 3 numbers is the correct one? Nobody knows.

As you can see here though, Roadhog was doing really well in both NA and EU. These numbers are from the 20th.

You compared him to Rein, who isn’t doing bad at the top. But in top 500, Winston is actually the top tank. What this doesn’t show is that Winston is hard and falls off in lower ranks while Rein gets more popular in lower ranks. Apparently they balance around high Masters.

h ttps://w ww .overbuff. com/pla yers/Road hogTime-1748 (backspace the spaces) Hog one trick, right? Look at the comp stats from the past seasons. I hope you look in the mirror and see how much of a clown you look when i have the receipts and the proof everywhere to back up every single argument i make!
And im 26 years old. Don’t call me kid, little boy/girl

My discord orb disagrees with you.