Reinhardt is unkillable

This is the reality that many users here pushed on Roadhog as a narrative. Now, i want to see you all cry for Rein nerfs cause if not, then we know it was plain bias


The Rein I had last night cares to differ. Spent more time in spawn than on the field.


Never gonna happen. Rein is perfect.

Rein is literally the most killable tank in the game and depends 100% on his team to provide heals and pressure for him to function. He has absolutely no sustain, very limited mobility (he goes forward and turns a little) and no range to punish you, and the only part of his kit that removes damage is his shield, a huge, easy to hit wall of light limited to 1400hp that he needs to do anything because the moment he drops it to use his hammer he get focused. His only stun is in his ult and his pin doesn’t even instakill anymore and just put him in danger’s way, considering it will even land. If you can’t kill a Rein you and your team are either having a severe skill issue or he’s and his supports are gods among men.


Reinhardt is one of the much weaker tanks rn, absolute joke of a tank


Orisa begs to differ. Her whole Kit instantly shuts down a Rein.

Rein swings. Orisa fortifies.

Rein Charges. Orisa fortifies or spears or spins.

Rein Shatters. Orisa fortifies or ULTS.

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Even if that was true, Rein metas are far better than Hog, Orisa or Mauga.


To be completely fair, I believe the people calling Roadhog immortal are quite literally insane. There is no bias on my part. They both suck for different reasons as far as I am concerned. The people crying about either of them should genuinely consider one tricking them for just 5 matches in a row. That would shut them up real fast, my ninja. Most Overwatch players just lack perspective. It’s all about me, me, me!


I have replays to prove my point. Don’t have me embarrass you. if you think That is perfect, then you have proved my point of there is strong bias.

Hog was never meta lol, Orisa wasn’t even that tough to fight, and Mauga was meta for like a week and a half

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Rein is widely liked unlike roady so tough luck

Majority of the playerbase would pick rein if asked what tank they want on their team.

He is that accepted and popular.

It’s not just the hero but his mains too.

A rein main has tank blood flowing in them.


The only mains who never admit when their heroes are overpowered are hog and orisa players.

This thread proves that yet again.


Oh yeah. That’s such a strong argument. How much we Like a hero is exactly how we should decide to balance the game. Yup! No downside whatsoever!

I wonder if that has something to do with these heroes never being overpowered :thinking:

with a well coordinated team he can be killed

You actually just said “hog and orisa are never overpowered”. Thank you for proving my point one more time. Oblivious hog players.


I mean don’t mind games with the charging German Bull. So cute and fun to mess with

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Talking about a hero where lack awareness allows him to thrive and not allowing him to get into your range to kill you. Awareness and overly aggressive check hero

No, hog is the hero you play when you want to turn your brain off when playing tank. He’s widely known as one of the easiest tanks in the game for a reason.

Easy heroes should never be powerful. give him more damage, just nerf his suitability so hog players actually have to think

Hog is no different from any hero. Orisa by far more easier over Hog. No Tank is really hard to pick up than Doom or Ball.

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No arguments on that but on the other hand, if it takes all 5 people to gun Reinhardt down, maybe he’s just a little bit too strong. Im not saying gut him. He just needs to be pulled back slightly.

I don’t have to take you seriously if you still think Hog and especially Orisa are broken. You are straight up biased and if you cant see why that’s unhealthy for the game, i can’t help you.

Don’t even bother conversing with Midway. He’s one of the unsavables. He’s deep rooted in his ways.

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Rein isn’t op though :joy:

Neither was hog.

People are less likely to cry for nerfs on a likeable accepted hero as long as they are not too op.

People are more likely to cry for nerfs to heroes they hate even if they are marginally better than good