Reinhardt is unkillable

Ya’ll are gonna be bitterly disappointed in the future when not if Hog gets rebuffed. More informed and sensible circles where things aren’t being made up out of thin air are all in agreement. Mark my words, if Cyx says something, ya’ll are cooked. If he says Hog is underpowered, then Hog is underpowered. I hope you remember me when your favourite gets unjustifiably hit and i show no sympathy or understanding. Remember Mercy and Widow and Hanzo and Junkrat? I’ll be biding my time until then and i can’t wait to taste your tears :yum:

lmao, you are a just a whiny child, get back to us when you have 20 more years of experience.

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Hog mains and sensible? That’s like a unicorn


Skill diff moment for sure.


Nice argument. Like i said. Ya’ll have nothing.

You’re free to watch the replays anytime my dude

Fattest display of skill issue I’ve ever seen on this forum, and that’s even after arguing with someone saying Weaver needs to be nerfed because the Weaver killed them on Widow at range after he missed every headshot lmao


Incomparable my dude. Just watch the replays. I back up all arguments with bonafide proof. Just watch for the proof

Completely comparable. You got diffed. End of story. Rein is still the easiest tank to kill in the game by a longshot, and these armour changes make it even easier.

Yup. No brains here.

As a Rein main. I was like, did something change. Then I read the post, oh look its Hog tears.

Nah i am still much much easily killable.

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How? I give him like every single sleep dart.

I don’t feel cheated when I fight a Rein unlike a hog

:smirk: :+1:

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Yeah, I was aware of that fact lol

Wait till you see a rein with a dps Maria definitely killable

Im a variety player. I’ve had the same issue on a wide variety of heroes in all three roles. But go ahead, make your baseless assumptions just because one hero is my favourite and i make it no secret.

Certified jam

So do i. And Anti. He’s more than capable of shrugging it off if he isn’t jumped.

Your feelings are irrelevant though.

Firstly, anybody would die if that were to happen so your argument is moot. Secondly, you make it sound like dps moira is a common issue so your argument is doubly moot.

Holy formatting error, Batman!

Accidentally clipped a bracket, didn’t you?

Fixed. I think… It better be

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Looks good to me!

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