Reinhardt is unkillable

Look, you’re just being biased. Your profile pic is Hog and your name is RoadhogTime. We all know that you like the hero. But literally every single top tank player I know, or watched on stream thought Hog was S-tier. In the plat chat podcast with 4 former pros / analysts it was one of the fastest decisions on their tier list. The devs rarely put out a patch this quickly. So clearly they also thought so.

He was really really good. It’s weird how you can’t acknowledge that. Stop with the propaganda.


He’s… fine?

Rein isn’t op, also he’s not hog so people like when he sees play :wink:

All jokes aside the roadhog nerfs weren’t warranted.

Rein is one of the few tanks who benefit from the armor changes is all. I suspect we’ll see more tanks get compensated in some way soon.

That literally never existed. He’s been hovering around 48%-51% for a good few seasons now.

Sigma is his best tank and Rein shouldn’t be a difficulty for Sigma. It was never this way in the past. Junkrat is range. Venture is also great for poking the backline which i did try to do. But like i said, Rein is too strong. I never feel in the zone with Cass, and i don’t play any other of the heroes you mentioned. Soldier also isn’t super good against Rein i find unless the map is totally long range oriented. I prefer to attack the backline vs a Rein.

Precisely. I knew our comp wasn’t ideal but we did try to counter theirs and we did play the best we could with what we had and could use. Im not really saying he’s OP. I think Rein could use a slight pull back. Just a small tweak so he can’t play so aggro anymore

My name and profile pic means nothing lol. It’s just my favourite hero. I play a wide variety of heroes. I have a better understanding of game balance than most because of that. If you can’t acknowledge that perhaps i have a point, i don’t know what more i can do for you. The crappy biased opinions of Flats and Samito literally do not matter and about as wrong as you can get. They’re the ones ruining the integrity of the game with their “suggestions”. You need to understand the top ranked echelon don’t know anymore or less than those in the metal ranks.

Sounds like me during a weekend game after a “few” beers KEKW.

But to OP: people who say he’s literally unkillable…give me a break. You got diffed. Don’t be ashamed about it. It happens to everyone. It’s happened to pro players, champion ranked players…I’ve seen it happen to LHCloudy repeatedly and he’s the Rein GIGACHAD.

Just say after me: It’s ok to be diffed. It happens.

Hell I’ve got a ton of hours on Reaper, Rein, Junk and I get diffed every so often. I use it as a learning experience. I don’t whine about it on the forums demanding nerfs, good lord.

Please don’t tell them the forbidden knowledge. I prefer it when players do not realize that you have to stand outside of hammer range. Life is better that way…


As a Rein enjoyer this is the response.

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The number of people who do not realise this fact is legit outstanding. There’s no reason whatsoever to not know this, there’s a wealth of information out there on the internets. But people cannot be bothered to learn the game so instead prefer to whine on the forums demanding nerfs. Like the “Genji needs a nerf” thread from earlier.

I play an absolute tonne of Rein and the number of 5 man shatters I’ve been able to pull off in every single game is unreal.

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Right. You just made my point for me. You’re defending your favorite hero which was obvious from your name and profile pic. Step 1 is admit your biases to yourself.

You don’t though. I also play a large number of heroes. I played both Roadhog and Rein in this patch, pre-nerf. As well as quite a few other tanks, supports, and even some DPS. It was only a week and DPS is my least played role so I didn’t get a huge variety in that role last week.

If simply playing a large variety of heroes is what supposedly gives you good opinions, I am willing to bet that I have you beat. I’ve played every tank this season and most supports.

Flats has a bias yes. But pay attention to others as well and you’ll find that there are some things that they all had in common. Everyone is biased. They aren’t all biased in the exact same way. So when they almost all agree on something and the devs stats back that up, it’s different. The devs don’t nerf based on Flats opinion. And don’t just watch Flats and Samito. Watch Emongg, Spilo, ML7, KarQ, Plat Chat, The Group Up Podcast, Fareeha, FitzyHere, Yeatle, etc. The point is don’t watch a single opinion. Find several you like watching. You’ll find outliers that way and maybe find some to avoid because they’re often wrong like Coach Mills, Metro, or UnsaltedSalt.

Not always. There’s some smart people in metal ranks some higher ranked people like UnsaltedSalt who have terrible opinions. But on average, people ranked higher do have a better understanding of the game. It’s not a rule. They do have their biases. And they don’t all agree on everything. But you shouldn’t be so dismissive of higher ranked opinions because in general they do understand the game better.

And in this case the consensus was Hog needed a nerf.

I’m torn with Unsalted. I love what he comes out with at times, it’s just hilarious but also borderline offensive, but it’s great content lol. But yeah sometimes the opinions can go a bit askew at times, but I wonder how much of it is from pure frustration.

I should know, when I get really frustrated with the state of a hero, I just get so angry I come out with some really irrational suggestions to make to the said hero which make zero sense, but at the time you just don’t care.

But when you look back at what you said, it’s like “What the actual hell did I just say…” lol

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He can be entertaining. But he has a hard time articulating his points. And I find that his thoughts are very biased and emotional. He doesn’t seem to have a cohesive objective view of things.

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Rein is top-3 pick and top-3 win-rate at all ranks and has been since before the mid-season patch. With the new patch I expect he will be top-2 pick and top win-rate.

Where are you seeing anything showing he is a bad tank? He hasn’t been a bad tank for a long time now. People jumped on the wagon after the LHCloudy misplay video (he charged in front of a bap who put up a window).

Show me some stats to show he is even close to a bad tank? I can point to overbuff which the devs stated is a good representation of the stats they see.


Exactly yeah, it’s more like it’s frustration talking more than what he wants to say, heat of the moment. I’ve been there so many times it’s unreal. And yeah bias can play a part, that’s something I find hard at times to keep seperate from what I really want to say, so I’m more than guilty of doing that.

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They backtracked on this less than 24 hours later. They clarified that it’s not accurate for the higher ranks. Basically it’s mostly accurate for Silver, Gold, and Plat but you shouldn’t trust it for Masters or GM. And based on how they worded it I wouldn’t trust Diamond or Bronze stats either.

They also only confirmed it’s accuracy even in metal ranks for win rates.

Firstly, how are you gonna tell me who i play and don’t play!? I’ll link you my overbuff and you can look at my most played heroes the past 4 seasons. Hog is in there naturally but so is a bunch of other heroes. You cannot take my favourite hero being Hog and just decide that i want Hog to be busted. I want him to be balanced. Capable of doing what other tanks do at vaguely the same level. Hog is risky to play vs Reinhardt who is generally much safer and with much higher potential survivability. Rein can get in, get some major damage and then put up shield and get healed as he falls back or heck, he can even pin out. Roadhog is, if you miss hook, you better hope trap hits or you have to breather, fall back and probably still die. Sigma and Orisa are also prime examples of tanks with very high survivability

You’re the one who said that he was your favorite hero.

Combined with your other comments, yes I can do exactly that. It’s either that or you are incapable of realizing that he was busted.

Then you should support the nerfs. He needed them.

Reinhardt does not have higher survivability.

Yes, this is true. But Orisa was nerfed, justifiably so. Sigma is very survivable. He is very good, but not as good as Hog from a few days ago.

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Ah goodie another Schrodingers tank thread. Now where’s the accompanying “Rein gets deleted too easily” thread?

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Ugh ya that is not going to happen Rein is loved Hog is hated it is that simple. Hog got off light. They could have just gone full nerf no compensation.

Again. Doesn’t matter who likes or hates what. Emotions have no place in the name of balance. Only hard, unarguable stats and the stats didn’t support the nerf theory

Not sure I think it should matter as the heroes that most people primarily hate should never be meta and those that people like and feel fair/fun to play against/with should be.