Reinhardt is overtuned

Most of the stuns came from Brig who could still shield bash through shields at this point.

Maybe if he wasn’t also the hero with the most cc abilities in the game tied with Doomfist then this argument might make sense. The devs said they wanted to tone down cc in the game but left Reinhardt cc completely untouched even giving him cc resistance.

I mean, maybe a bit. Then again, I’m biased.

Rein has always been more a circumstance of the meta rather than the driving force. Rein has never been a massively overpowered hero, nor a massively underpowered hero; he’s just always there, and while he’s always been a popular hero, his viability rises up and down on the account of other heroes in the game.


I was focused more on the beachball gameplay then the stuns.

Reinhardt doesn’t have a lot of cc, shoot, he spends most of the game blocking damage, thats why people like to fight him.

People only ever complain about Reinhardt’s cc to make him seem like a more annoying hero than he actually is in discussions like this one. No one has ever written a thread titled “Rein has too much cc”

Because they buffed every boop in the game.


People weren’t saying he needed nerfs till they made his competition really weak. Now of course he’s the most picked.

Have I been rude? I definitely haven’t been slinging insults.

I definitely have to admire you for that. So many people on these forums feel the need to personally attack each other (rank shaming, insulting intelligence, etc.)


Awe, thanks.

I don’t see why its so rare though, we’re all just here to talk about a game we like, right?

I’m glad OWL is going ok btw :3

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Rein isn’t overturned. Orisa and Sigma are overtuned.
Reinhardt doesn’t need nerfs, the other tanks just need really careful buffs.

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Just search Rein nerf and you’ll find plenty of post asking for nerfs and most of the comments within are saying no.

II was speaking more generally about other people. You are the most civil person that I’ve responded to about Rein. Not like the people in this thread

I find the people who just say “no” or post some dumb emote laughing at the post so annoying. Like it provides nothing to the discussion and has no argument yet those posts generally get the most likes.

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And I’m glad :sweat_smile:

Oh ok.

I’m not like some people. I’ve embraced pretty much ever Sigma nerf, even the last ones, but I genuinely think Reinhardt was seriously unfun before his buffs.

I tried him a lot and dependency on Lucio and weakness to boops didn’t just make Rein weak, it made him really frustrating for me and a lot of other people that used to play him; like that Timthetatman guy left and came back after the buffs.

I think it will no longer be too soon for Rein nerfs after Sigma and Orisa are more serious competition. I think thats a reasonable stance, waiting for competition. even ended up getting over nerfed because she had no competition.

I wouldn’t say annoying but its kinda weird to be on a forum but not say much.

What if we just made it so bubbling a Reinhardt with his shield up doesn’t give Zarya charge? Currently it does and it takes zero coordination to pull it off.

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this IMO is unideal use of a bubble anyway, and ismore of a nerf to Zarya anyway. Also, I think Rein is fine.

quite frank literally nothing in this game has a 1600 barrier or is a terror when nanoboosted.

I’m sure. Rein has the better shield and can push forward with his team while protecting them. Orisa is stationary and has a much flimsier shield.

Now, Orisa verus Rein in a 1v1 should 100% of the time lead in Orisa winning. She counters all of his best moves including his ult.

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indeed as a rein main she has always been tricky to face.

Yeah. I agree, but there’s just so much I don’t want to give up.

I really don’t want to give up the boop resistance and movement speed. Taking away some of his damage would really suck too.

Increasing ult charge, dunno if that would really do a whole lot.

Nerfing the barrier is about the only thing which still seems a bit concerning to drop down to even 1200hp.

I can defend whoever the hell I want, kid. Reinhardt is the #1 balanced hero in Overwatch and you expect me not to defend a hero that’s balanced? If you can’t fight against a Reinhardt, pick Bastion and shred his shield and health.

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It’s a tough call now.

With the big tank rework patch, all tanks, and Rein, were changed drastically. We can’t really apply old trends to the new data. It could very well be that Rein needs adjustment. It’s hard to say.

As time goes on we’ll be able to discuss the topic with more certainty and reference. As is we’re all just kind of shooting in the dark.

I disagree. Have you seen some of the suggestions to “tone down” doom on these forums? Their suggestions would completely butcher him, but they considered that “toning him down”.

The same thing is happening with Reinhardt. People indeed list your suggestions as ways to “tone him down” without realizing that this will ruin the character.

Besides, why would anyone want to change Earth Shatter? I’ve seen Reins shot to death before they can even finish casting it, and he has hundreds, HUNDREDS of heath!

Or you can just be like me and flash your shield in front of him to quickly deny his ult :^)

Then disregard them because that’s unreasonable, and their opinion should be taken with the biggest grain of salt.

Reasonable people wouldn’t want any hero sledgehammered.

I can understand people’s frustrations with Rein’s ult but I think it’s fine because of that. It’s interruptible. My only issue (personally) is I wish the visual was a lot more accurate for how far back it goes… :confused:

I’d rather hack him :3