Reinhardt is overtuned

Or do we have to nerf Lucio again?

Spot on, there’s a reason I said “overtuned” he has gotten too many buffs. To keep up with all the recent nerfs + his buffs he needs to be toned back.
Toned back as in small nerfs. I don’t want him getting the orisa treatment.

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Sym doomfist Reaper Hanzo Moira Baptiste Widowmaker others have been nerfed hard but not directly such as bastion.

Wasn’t he meta for like over a year before those buffs? he wasn’t exactly garbo tier…

You’d have to give him the Orisa treatment to get him to their level though, thats the problem. 50% steadfast sent to 40% isn’t going to change anything.

Minus 10 damage on storm arrows isn’t the same as getting nerfed every patch for half a year.

No heroes have been riding the nerf train as hard as anchor tanks.

Playing Rein in GOATS was :face_vomiting:
You were a powerless pawn trying your best not to die too soon. They’d even do youtube videos on how to crack open fights as best you can because your odds of surviving much longer than that outside of OWL were slim.

There’s a reason the requests for Rein buffs began with triple support becoming meta.

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I do think a middle ground needs to be made, Orisa and Sigma both need to be buffed a bit and Rein needs to be nerfed a bit, rather than sledgehammering rein to have them at their level.

ahem… baptiste… 9 harsh nerfs in a row…

I disagree, he was super fun to play in GOATs, it felt like you could never die and just run into the enemy. Especially with lucio

Or maybe orisa had the same pickrate because of sigma???
And rein is now the best because every other shield tank sucks and it’s not good running them???


we can’t just use that logic all the time.
for example, what if you had a game where there were really weak tanks that basically had 0% pickrate. However the one viable anchor tank was legitimately Overtuned compared to the rest of the roster.

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i hate the mentality of “people run x because y and z are bad”

it has never been a good defense for any hero of any role and is often just flatout incorrect most of the time


Then can we talk about buffs first?
I’d like to avoid a season where every anchor tank is bad.

Ok, one hero, the worst support atm, has had it worse. Doesn’t really change what I said though, Reinhardt’s competition might as well not be on the roster.

You were in the minority, I promise.
Remember these kinds of videos?

This is what people thought of playing Rein:

You couldn’t play Rein without him.


Ehh no. Just because rein is better than the other two main tanks doesn’t completely rule out the option of him being overtuned.

again just because he doesn’t have competition doesn’t rule out the option of him being OP.

that was season 10… CC has SEVERELY been nerfed since then (thanks devs)

Ultra extreme super duper unpopular XTREME opinion alert…

Delete Zarya’s ally bubble completely and give her compensation buffs, and remove all the healing from nano, and Overwatch instantly becomes mostly balanced.

Aw but I love zaryas bubble ability. I say this as a zarya main. It makes me feel amazing when I save people, I’d argue the opposite should be done honestly, more support bubble for nerfs in other parts of her kit. I like being the semi-support type hero.

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You have rein or orisa as main tank right now, that’s it :sweat_smile: so I get why there is such a increase in rein


That video peeves me off so hard. Rein was countered in this clip and should have switched to Orisa but instead he cried his eyes out because he wouldn’t swap off his precious Reinhardt.

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I agree, orisa should have been the anti CC hero, not reinhardt. Rein pretty much took her role.

Yeah but its kinda disgusting that the community would rather nerf Rein then buff Orisa or Sigma. He’ll still be a must pick until they are playable or he’s garbage.

They buffed knockbacks though.
Thats one of the reasons 30% Steadfast didn’t cut it, all it did was undo how badly Rein got :eggplant:ed by the knock buffs.

A Doomfist punched him all around the map. So if the enemy has a Doom, I should have to swap to Orisa or leave the game?

And Rein still has counters even without knockback heroes, so why does he need to be so vulnerable to cc too?

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Welp, if you want to take away his anty cc, or nerf him, give him back his barrier then. He got anty cc and faster movement because he cant no longer just hold position and have to move in. Other tanks have option to stay away and shoot, he cant if he want to be usefull. Shield cant protect anything anymore, and hammer is short range.
So he either gona be in this half agressive rein state he is in, or go back to being barrier. If you just nerf him from what you have now, he would be useless most of times in this game.


I told you it was XTREME! :rofl: I even deliberately omitted that first E to show you how serious I was.

My issue is that Zarya and Ana allow Rein to get away with way too much. Personally, I’d prefer to nerf that synergy than nerf Rein directly, because then you’d risk him being unplayable without them.

Maybe removing the ally bubble is a bit much, but I do think it needs adjusting – especially in the current state of the game where even the dev is seemingly aware that sustain is too powerful. People complain about immortality but I believe the bubbles provide exponentially more value over the course of a match.

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Maybe they could make it so the bubble doesn’t absorb so much damage (maybe reduce bubble hp to 100?) however give zarya 2 of them. That way she isn’t so much about pocketing rein but saving team mates from burst damage (e.g hook, widow shot, etc) You’re right tho rein zarya synergy should be less effective.

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would have to increase the charge she gets from those bubbles if you’re dropping the HP that much.

As for the synergy, it’s fine…