Reinhardt is overtuned

Stop defending him.

His winrate is above average on top of the fact that he has a super high pickrate He’s basically orisa before the 9 or so sledgehammer nerfs she got, she had similar statistics to what rein has now.

He was buffed too much and now needs to be toned down.

It’s so annoying how these forums will act like rein is sooooo balanced yet if any other hero dares to have similar stats to him they get witch hunted :clown_face:

Just because the other two main tanks are bad doesn’t mean rein isn’t overtuned


People were defending Orisa (including me) the first months of her being meta tank, more people started to complain longer into the meta.

Meaning, rein just became meta; complaints wont come yet.

Though there are two options; buff the other tanks who just got dumpstered or nerf rein to their level.


Nerfs the only other two viable shield tanks

Reinhardt is magically better



That’s how power creep happened, He should be nerfed like the rest of the roster, he isn’t a special case at all.

Right and we can nerf rein down so he isn’t so much better.
His winrate and pickrate are bloated. you need to at least consider the option that rein is better than your average overwatch hero, he might be better than the other main tanks, but that doesn’t rule out the option of him being OP y’know?


You’re missing the point. What happens when he gets nerfed? Something else will just take its place as well.

Then it will repeat again and again, nerf after nerf until no one wants to play tank ever again, because who wants to play a class that constantly gets nerfed?


You’re ignoring the fact that everyone else is getting nerfed as well. Tanks aren’t the only ones.

The reason why rein shouldn’t be nerfed is because the other tanks got dumpstered, though nerf to his knockback resistance is inevitable, Orisa/sigma deserved to be nerfed but not all of those nerfs, they genuinely need something now.


I feel the same way, but damn if you say anything about Reinhardt possibly being slightly overtuned you’ll be crucified.

It’s either he’s the only viable tank so that should protect him from any nerfs (even though he’s not), or that he “only” just became meta…

I love Reinhardt. I don’t want him sledgehammered. But I think he was given too many buffs, and my issue is Steadfast. He’s hardly punishable for poor positioning, now. :confused:

Pickrates and winrates aside, I have always felt that he was just given too many buffs and too significant. I felt this way even when he wasn’t meta, but now it’s just that it’s finally going to come to light. I don’t think meta means broken. In this case, Reinhardt is the least offensive meta tank we’ve had.


Its almost like every other main tank has just been sacked, leaving only one viable.


The forum logic is always so amusing yet so funny.

Like seriously, there’s reason why majority of these threads where people complain about balancing cant be taken seriously.


Ugh stop this victim thing, tanks aren’t the only ones who have been nerfed geez.
Not to mention rein has had huge buffs.



I don’t really believe that, since by mots people on here “toned down” means “made easier to kill without much strategy”. Note that I’m not blaming all of that on the DPS.

Regardless, you can’t really compare Reinhardt to other tanks, or even other characters. He has super predictable animations. Even his earthshatter where you can shoot and kill him before he does it even though the move is REALLY fast, and the fact that any hero can kill him wiht ease when he’s out of place. Plus, there are characters DEDICATED to killing tanks, and he suffers the worst from them since he can’t attack from any range.

Trying to say “But ORISA had similar stats and people complained there!” while ignoring her GUN and her FORTIFY and her HALT and her ABILITY TO LAZER DOWN TARGETS BEFORE REINHARDT CAN EVEN DAMAGE THEM will only make you look like a :clown_face:


they’re going to say

“Reinhardt isn’t OP, the other tanks are just weak”

Reinhardt imo was the least affected by the shield changes because he got some awesome buff with it


Time to nerf steadfast back to 30%? Make him more boop-able?


Yes he is too strong right now.

Nerf steadfast to 35% and lower barrier hp to 1400/1500.

He’s OP because he can advance on Orisa and Sig for free with no drawbacks despite them being able to shield and shoot.


TBH the only thing I want is steadfast to be brought down by 10% or so, and maybe a better visual for Earthshatter.

Most of the time when people say “toned down”, we mean toned down. Smaller changes so that if you need to tack on another one (which we shouldn’t need), that we can stack them without destroying the hero.

I’ve seen suggestions for Earthshatter to have a longer cast time, to have lower barrier health, etc. and those are not toning down, those are drastic reductions. I don’t want those. I want slight adjustments.


Show me another hero whose been getting nerfed for months, all I see are Sigma and Orisa.

Yeah, its the only reason I’m still around.
He felt like garbage before those buffs, a joke of a hero.

Only playable with Lucio, hard countered by boop heroes in addition to high damage.

:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: that.


I’m mostly just annoyed that Sigma can’t even slow the guy down.

The only barrier holding the pace of the game now is Rein’s!

All the other barriers, bubbles, matrix, damage mitigation and invulnerability abilities are more temporary somehow:

  • Sigma’s barrier has a 1 sec CD of downtime between re-use and lower HP
  • Orisa’s Barrier has very low HP now, Fortify got its CD increased
  • Winston bubble has low HP and, a long CD that provides guaranteed 4 secs of downtime.
  • Matrix 1.5 sec of guaranteed downtime between re-uses and a meter.
  • Bubbles have long CD, there are only 2 of them and they only last for 2 secs.

Using Rein’s barrier + Lucio’s speed boost has become the best strategy to get in close range and start doing damage, whenever things go wrong you raise the barrier to give healers time to top off teammates, all the other barriers give away way more counter-play and/or exposed time.


Rein can also run over orisa comps before orisa can barely do any damage.