Reinhardt is overtuned

Dsp aren’t having their damage nerfed at all, which is kind of the tank’s problems right now. You can nerf utility til the cows come home, but if damage isn’t adjusted, you won’t be seeing tank players since they don’t want instakilled.

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Orisa can’t solo tank anymore.

you really clowning huh :clown_face:

You know what, even as a Reinhardt main myself I believe they he is kinda overpowered due to the numerous recent buffs he has received…

However, if Reinhardt ever gets nerfed, for the sake of fairness and for the sanity of both the hero and the entire game, I don’t think I even have to mention how quickly other (blatantly) overbuffed heroes such as Mei and McCree will have to receive the appropriate nerfs as well.

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I’ll rather play against rein than orisa sorry not sorry

They shouldn’t give him a passive in the first place i think what makes rein overtuned right now is because of his shield speed penalty buff its so ridicolous that brig has more shield speed penalty than him :clown_face::joy:

The difference is, that Reinhard has a more engaging playstile than Orisa had it before (even with her strongest barrier).
He can move with his barrier, Orisa can’t.
He is better at pushing and you don’t have to wait ages to finally deploy another shield.

Orisa was like; Yeah… stand behind me and you guys will be fine.
Reinhard is like; You wanna go in? THEN LETS DO IT. You don’t? Okay, we fall back with my shield being up and moving with us.

Plus Orisa can DMG from far away, Reinhard can’t. He can’t swing without dropping his shield so it’s only fair that his barrier is stronger than hers. :woman_shrugging:

just nerf steadfast hes unboobable

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Nerf his damage also. Rein is way too generically good. He can be an overly oppressive M1-holding bot that you can’t do anything about sometimes. His no skill spammable melee attack should do like 60 damage a swing at best. Also they should increase the wind up on shatter and reduce the stun duration.

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I think the other tanks are just overnerfed making rein the default best tank.

Also hog is the only tank that hasn’t been played in OWL

That’s kind of how I’m seeing it currently. This current Rein is better than the old one, but only because he’s resistant to boops.

Sigma and Orisa were both chopped, leaving a power vacuum that SOMETHING had to fill.

Sigma’s left click doesn’t affect Rein at all in terms of shoving or moving, so there’s no real way for Sigma to slow him down. Once he decides it’s time to swing, it’s kill or be killed.

There’s rarely an Orisa to hide behind, so it’s just getting whammed over and over by hammer swings.

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UH OH incoming CC changes or another CC character :confused:

Maybe that’s why Mccree has been working well against rein. I saw those xzi flash bangs

The main issue, is the utility for Orisa was chopped so much that she’s become a chore to play AND weak. When she was strong at least she had that going for her. Now she’s been chopped as much as Sigma but is also boring to play.

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Orisa was a problem though you have to admit

Well, we’re living in the alternative.

And what? He’s the only tank that is allowed to be meta. People wanted Orisa to be gutted along with sigma and they wanted Reinhardt.

He won’t be nerfed any time soon. Forget about it

Again, not the characters fault that blizzard can’t create a fun, engaging tank that is well balanced. People keep saying that he has been getting buff after buff after buff, he’s had two. The shield is higher because he is the only anchor tank that cannot shoot and shield simultaneously.

Orisa was gutted because she created such a boring poke meta and could do the following: shield, shoot, fortify to double health, halt to create any number of combos.

Sigma was nerfed because he could shield, re-shield, combo kill a squishy, face tank damage and be rewarded with shield and stun characters between 1 and 3 seconds.

Rein can shield, charge (usually a suicide when used offensively) fire strike and hammer people.

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Your bias is definitely showing…
rein = good
other main tanks = bad

Reinhardt should be above average. It’s a skillful hero that’s balanced. We don’t need overly insane heroes like orisa and sigma to be meta. Orisa and sigma are way too modern, they do everything with no real downfalls until heavy nerfs repeatedly to them. Orisa you just put down a shield, spray your stupid gun and halt people. Anyone rushes you? Just press (once was 50% dmg reduction) fortify 4Head. We don’t need easy brain dead heroes like brig, moira etc etc heroes to be the best heroes. It masks true good players where the skill ceiling is very low. Heroes like genji, you can tell the difference drastically between a top 500 genji and a pro player genji. Top 500 moira and pro player moira? No difference. Just an example. Rein being really good is a GOOD THING. I just want to add, I do not like playing rein, he is boring and I do not like tanking unless it’s zarya, ball or hog. I find tanking boring so I’m def no bias.


I play/played every main tank and find this game way more fun when rein is the go to. My highest win rate on tank is orisa but id rather not have to play her.
Sigma is great but needs to be buffed to be able to be a proper main tank and synergize with more off tanks and not only synergize with orisa. Winston and ball (depending on who you ask, is a main tank) are way more fun to play than any other tank but cc/tank destroyers eliminate them from play at times.