Rein is now a bigger problem hero than Mercy

Honorable white knight - you are not far from me. Somebod point out that rein is too good as Mercy, but a lotta not trolls trying defend themselves. And you said to troll to not troll another troll. To be honest I made a not troll post.



Just gonna leave this here.

The only thing broken on Reinhardt is the bugs.

He hasn’t changed at all since launch day. It’s already been stated numerous times that Reinhardt is constantly a result of the meta and what other heroes are popular. Maybe stop making all of the other tanks crappy and situational, like Roadhog and Orisa.


I think he is fine. He’s a huge mobile shield with a great ult. Damn sure people will pick him over orisa anyday.

The fact that u think Orisa is balanced says everything.

I used to be a diamond Orisa main (50 hours) and tho I love her, I will be the first to tell u she is trash, and has been since her release.

She has always been botton of the tank roster by a wide margin, even lower than Hammond, and shes only kept barely viable because there are so few tanks.

Shes basically a more interesting version of Rein w massive drawbacks.

Literally the only reason Rein has made a resurgence is because of Hanzo destroying anything that strays from behind the safety of a barrier (whilst Rein also has his own barrier piercing attacks).

So tanks has same problems like support role. One hero with simple mechanic who outplay others in category. Maybe that’s why people don’t like to play tank/support. Others support was nerfed somehow like roadhog, dva, but to be fair, their is one deference rein didn’t got a rework.)

If only blizzard didn’t remove downvotes from the forums we could just downvote this troll so people would ignore the thread.


To be honest you can flag. If it a troll why did you feed him? Seriously 250+ posts, amazing bait machine)

Difference is, Reinhardt literally has never changed. He relates in 0 ways to Mercy because she is the one who got changed a ton. So in a control situation, the “problems” people have with Reinhardt are the fact that the only tank who was made to compete with him for the deathball situation is Orisa. And she sucks.

Stop nerfing and changing a bunch of people to be not as viable, or too OP, and these problems wouldn’t be happening. The heroes Orisa synergizes with are all super lame at the moment, unfortunately. Roadhog, Bastion, Torbjorn. And Reinhardt synergizes with Hanzo and Zarya…and look who’s popular right now.

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About deference I mentioned it. But what balance do you want? I thought that Mercy and Rein and other must middle at their roles. Like soldier maybe… Not situation, but never be best at picks. Maybe it’s not people fault, somewhat map design. All dive, because it’s one way to use all map…

I think that ToxicDude is a troll. They don’t want Reinhardt to be good because they see him as a “no skill” hero which says more about their lack of understanding of the role than anything.

Don’t feed the troll.

Your comments are spot on. Reinhardt is just meta dependent and one of a very limited number of options for main tank. And the only main tank that properly supports the deathball style of comp which so many of the good heroes want to play in these days. It’s all about synergy not Reinhardt specifically.

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Well, Reinhardt was utterly useless in a Dive composition, so tanks are always situational and subjects of their environments. The balance I want is to give heroes the buffs they deserve. Reinhardt does not need any. Bugs aside, his kit is balanced and fair.

Orisa is weak, she could benefit from an extra 100hp and a tighter weapon spread. Roadhog needs a tiny damage buff, and really shouldn’t be such an ult battery, so some kind of passive for him that makes him provide less ult charge would help.

If Hammond wasn’t so bad, we would potentially see dive come back. But people are still getting used to his playstyle, so who knows where that’ll go once people start mastering him.

Hanzo is the best DPS right now, which is annoying. His main weaknesses are now mostly gone, so all he needs is some nice shields to keep him safe. Who would you rather have? Reinhardt or Orisa? Obviously Reinhardt, because he synergizes better with Hanzo.

There’s always a trend. It’s an obvious correlation. But then people like OP wanna say, “OMG REINHARDT IS SO OVER POWERED AND TOO STRONG.” Yet they don’t even know how to play him, are in a super low rank, and they completely forget that he has never changed and has never defined a meta; it’s always been OP DPS or OP Healers. Really not that hard to see that.

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I never said ToxicDude was a troll. I think Hello was saying OP was because of the quality of post that was posted.

The meta has been nerfed all around him.

It’s no longer about the meta.

Once his bugs are fixed, he will, like Doomfist, become even stronger.

This is definitely a Reinhardt issue.

No. It’s not.

Doomfist’s pickrates are stupidly low. Other hero choices are weak FOR THIS PARTICULAR META. Not a Reinhardt issue.

They nerfed our healers and kept giving Mercy an OP kit, then all we had was Mercy who was viable in literally every single team composition. Reinhardt has never been vital in every single team composition. Mercy has been, though. Their situations are entirely different; stop comparing the two.


No, you didn’t say they were. I apologize if I came off as insinuating that you did. I was saying that I think they are. Or maybe they just really don’t understand Reinhardt.

They either don’t really understand how the tank role works or they are intentionally trying to bait you. Either way, they are missing the mark pretty hard.


Ok, I’ll take my words about mercy and rein, I think rein is zennyata case, but bounded by bugs. Never changed a lot, but on the other heroes nerfs, they shi. For me Zen always be out and in meta, maybe like Rein some how…

lmao that’s why overwatch community is a joke, you guys will open the pickrate page and complain about whoever is on the top


To be honest do you have any other proof tools? Do you accept for example OWL players/ pros options as proof?

People want Blizzard to balance around “low skill levels too”, but this is exactly why they don’t. If they did, Widowmaker would be a low-skill hero and complete garbage, and Ana would just be another Mercy, and Winston would get a huge damage buff but would lose his jump, or something ridiculous.

Blizzard has access to stats that we don’t. It’s not just about winrates and pickrates. Symmetra was F-tier with the some of the worse pickrates, but her winrates were some of the highest.

You don’t balance around that. You balance around input vs output, as well as how a hero synergizes with other heroes. Thank God they don’t balance around what lower-ranked players say.