Rein is now a bigger problem hero than Mercy

Then why aren’t we in a dive meta ?
After all “mobility is king”…

And I’m going to repeat myself but, “D.Va was nerfed for less than that.”
Not saying Rein is OP, but in all fairness and logic, he should be nerfed.

oh your right, only the entire reason dive meta stuck around for so long because it lasted long enough to defend against most ults was totally small.

yeah i guess that nerf to her DM follows up with widows body shot nerf as “not that important”

Because Hanzo and Widowmaker are both so dominant right now, you basically can’t do without Reinhardt. Orisa’s and Winston’s shields are both too slow and weak to provide the constant cover you need to avoid having the enemy Widowmaker instantly delete your healer.

Overwatch is a game where staying alive is so important, if you lose just one team member before a fight you almost always auto-lose the fight. But at the same time you have heroes that will absolutely shred your team before the fight even starts, so without Reinhardt it just comes down to whoever has the best Widowmaker.

I don’t think nerfing Reinhardt will change the meta. As long as his shield can do what it’s supposed to do, Reinhardt will remain meta. What they should have done was introduce another shield tank because Wrecking Ball, D.Va and Roadhog are essentially bruisers and doesn’t actually provide any cover for their team.

I don’t know where you get this idea I’m bad with her? My profile is not hidden and I keep telling you I think she’s fine, a good hero.

When I said I’m asked to play Rein, I mean in spawn at the start.

Dive stuck around because “mobility is king.” Also, Tracer and Genji being OP.
Dive died because Hanzo became more OP (notice Genji is still the 2nd most picked DPS).
The argument of “DM eats muh ults” has no value, every shield block an equal amount of ults.
DM was barely touched between September 2016 and May 2017, but people all of a sudden started crying about it. It never was the issue.

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TL;DR: OP had no idea what they’re talking about


Pulling up a spreadsheeet is the wrong way to look at this, other tanks just DON’T provide the utility that rein has in the same way, he is an TRUE tank alongisde Orissa, the other tanks just do not provide the same protection. So what you have is actually two tanks in the game, there’s your problem.

At the same time, you can’t compare Rein to Orissa just because they are shield tanks as orissa is MUCH more defensive in comparison, It’s like comparing the opposite poles of a magnet.
Rein is a balance of defence and attack with the potential for crazy aggression and team stuns that change a fight. When his kit is working correctly, Rein is the epitome of balance, fun and impact. Orissa is defensive and stationary, it is her greatest strength and her greatest weakness, if your team is not using the shield, and is being aggressive, you have nothing to contribute. The game needs to change around rein, not the other way around.

What we need is one more true tank. The problem is true tanks typically need a shield, however, more shields has a high potential to create a super Bastion meta that would really kill the game, this is why I think Bastion will be the first hero to leave the game.

Remember when we considered him a weak pick? Earlier this year? Yeah.

If this were true, we’d see 50/50 with Rein used on attack, Orisa used on defence.

That’s not what happens at all.

Remember when we considered Widow a weak pick earlier this year…? Yeah.

This is actually what I wanted to get at in my post but I didn’t want to add to what was already an essay. I’m not saying one is attack and one is defence, my emphasis is on rein being 50/50 on each, able to switch at will but Orissa is so specialied she doesn’t have a choice but sit behind the shield and hope no one tries to get past.
She’s not a threat once she moves out of her barrier but rather a very large target that is easier to hit if it tries to defend itself.

Orissa being a specialist is good for balance as long as there is variety in the roster, right now rein plugs all the gaps in between. Maybe just another shield tank in between the two would complete the holy trinity.

With all due respect, that’s where you’re wrong. It does work the other way around. Yes, Rein also creates space, but if Reinhardt doesn’t have anybody backing him up he hasn’t actually created any space at all. The enemy team doesn’t have to respect it. They can just enter your space and kill you. Therefore, you haven’t really created any space to begin with.

All tanks are capable of creating space. Using that as the reason that Rein specifically enables his team is a little silly, in my opinion. You could play literally any other tank (even an off tank) and do that.

Sure, there is some degree that Rein (or any tank generating space) enables his teammates, but without a team at their back, that space is meaningless. Thus, it is the team that enables the tank to do his/her job.

In any event, I wasn’t even really talking about that. I was talking about the fact that Zarya, Hanzo, and Brigitte were extremely meta, and those heroes run best in death ball (well Hanzo could be run in whatever, but the other two demand deathball). That is why I said they were enabling Rein. Because the heroes that work best with Reinhardt (or more accurately DEATH BALL) were meta. Which means that Reinhardt, by default, must be played.

I think there’s a lot of misconception about Orisa, she can do a lot more than hunker down behind her shield.

She’s just not in a practical sense actually that niche, she has the tools for far more but because Rein is so strong and all consuming she’s not being allowed to show that.

It’s not about her being weak or niche, it’s about Rein being too strong to even give her a chance. I have a 75% win rate with her as my most played, that’s not me finding her lacking; it’s me finding her strong and wondering why she’s still so overshadowed. The problem doesn’t lie with her.

This post is absurd.


Wow, I’m not sure if I am amazed by your lack of logic, or by how dumb your Overwatch understanding is.


You can’t fight with these community, better move on in monster hunter, even it has connections error. Rein mains, mercy mains all act like there hero are useless and require a lotta skill to play them. Look at honorable forum Reinhardt, he even made about how baguette is huge treat to all tanks, and unfun to play, but in real only Rein help baguette be in meta…

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DuDe No AiM hErO aRe sO EaSyYyY. PlEaSe NeRf.


I am eNvY, I CaNT plAy THem, I HaVe Low POSITIONING skill. Reeee…

Don’t even bother. This guy is a troll 100%.

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People who are worse at the game will hide their profile and so the negatives aren’t nearly as well represented anymore.
Rein is a favourite at low ranks and for players who aren’t particularly good, so a lot of his information will be missing.