Rein is now a bigger problem hero than Mercy

They’ve also nerfed the top DPS. They nerfed the other predominant Tank.

It’s not the meta.

Meta is different from rank to rank. Generally everything in low gold and below is the same meta over and over. Low skill players don’t play Zarya or Winston very well, so they’re obviously going to gravitate more towards Orisa, Roadhog, or Reinhardt.

Your games are different than other peoples games and vice versa. was seeing more playtime by a long shot in the current OWL playoffs. What was it, like 90% pickrate amongst the tanks? Guess we need to nerf her hard based upon your logic.

Whataboutism and rank shaming is this?

I mean, D.Va already had several nerfs for reaching these kinds of pick rates. Wonderful example. Even I tried to make the “it’s the meta” argument for her. It didn’t work.

Why is Rein special, why is he allowed them when no other hero has been, especially when by your own statement, he’s a “low skill” tank? :thinking:


This is just… i don’t even have words to describe.

I’m not rank shaming. How am I rank shaming by saying the games are vastly different from rank to rank?

He’s not special, he’s been plagued with game-breaking games for 2 years now. If he was special, he would have been fixed by now. Get off your high-horse.

So game breaking he’s in every game twice over? Okay.

I agree he’s buggy and that can be frustrating, but they absolutely do not stop him doing his job.

He’s so bugged right now that the only thing that is mildly not broken in his kit is Firestrike and his shield. And even then, in an OWL game a pro player had his shield up and still died from a D.Va bomb. It’s on my post I just linked, and I’ll link the exact part where this has happened; that’s game breaking.

So since the only thing somewhat working on his kit is his shield, obviously people are going to pick the 2000hp slowly moving rectangle for cover over Orisa’s stationary one on a cooldown, because anyone can use Reinhardt’s shield, but not everyone can use Orisa properly. Make Orisa better first.

I think blizzard trying to solve heavy task - make depth in FPS games. To be honest many games just based around aim, even weapon types in most cases common - ak47, m4, awp… First they trying now to make “all-access mode for all heroes” (like lucio auto wallride), because they mentioned - this game about picks and repicks, so faster you able to perform basics of hero better for this game, right? But to be fair i am not interesed to play all heroes, i wanna be OTP. And it will be pretty boring for me only use basisc of hero, i really want something special, which will change my gameplay after 100+ hours on hero… I mean look and monster hunter, 14 types of weapons and all have “double bottom”. For example widow and hanzo. Widow can only aim, her other skills are pretty garbage, and hook is not really cool, especially if can’t aim him(( And hanzo - you can be low garbage and do only spam, you can be pro and be like widow, your ult not only damage option, but can do safe corridor and create space like tanks.)

Orisa doesn’t need buffs though. She’s in line with the other tanks, who are also generally doing okay (Jury is still out for me on Hammond).

That is why I’m seeing Rein as the problem here. The meta has been pulled apart around him while the other tanks work just fine; but he’s still stubbornly holding on to being a must pick.

Reinhardt is like Zenyatta in the sense that no matter what you do to them, they’ll still be picked due to the uniqueness of their kits. They’re balanced and versatile, but unique for their utilities.


Exactly. All tanks create space to enable their teams. Reinhardt is a tank. Tanks enable their teams. You could argue the relationship is mutual for supports and tanks, but for DPS tanks mostly make it possible for them to do their job, not the other way around.

Also Reinhardt in particular is popular even when he’s not meta. He’s never been a bad pick, which is why I don’t believe his popularity is entirely due to others enabling him.

winston is bad because his shield sucks, it has a high cool down and low hp. Plus hanzo eats him alive.

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That is 100% untrue.

If you think this relationship does not work the inverse way, you’re mistaken. Everything in Overwatch is about teamwork. No one class or hero functions without the other 5 team members. Everything works hand in hand. To be very bluntly honest, to claim it only works one way is incredibly narrow-minded.

I find hard to believe you dont understand that a lot of heroes are META right now wich is good. Talkin about tanks they are ALL viable, with Orisa+Hog comps on Junkertown, Nepal Sanctum etc; Dive tanks (sometimes with Hammond) on Dorado, Gibraltar etc; Reinhardt+Zarya on Hollywood, Kings Row etc.
So right now Reinhardt is NOT OP, he is good and works on a couple of situations.

Yeah when i said that, i meant OP was a troll.

Like seriously, a gold widowmaker main crying about Reinhardt being overpowered?

How can that not be a troll

I’m a D.Va/Orisa main in comp. Try harder, it’s just one more mouse click.

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the day rein gets nerfed is the day this game is dead

its a nail in the coffin to nerf a perfectly balanced hero that has been the same for 2 years, he just depends on what your team is playing

This seems like an elaborate thread that is somehow going to link back to Mercy when someone says the wrong thing.

Completely ignoring the fact you have 168 hours on Widowmaker in Quick Play.

Also if you were a SMART Orisa player, you’d ask for buffs due to the fact that Orisa is situational and trash, instead of asking for MORE Tank nerfs.

Tanks as a whole are already suffering, and you want it worse?

I expected a Gold to know how the game works at least a little bit.

I’ve barely played QP for a year.

I’m not complaining about Orisa being weak, why would you think I’m bad with her, with a 75% win rate?

The tanks are fine, why would I ask for buffs for 5 heroes when their only problem is that the 6th is better?