Rein is now a bigger problem hero than Mercy

This is why I’ve severely cut down my play and not really planning on making a quick return once I’m done with WoW.

He’s been like this for what seems like forever, twice, the only thing that ever impacted him was Winston’s buff to his shield. I don’t care that he’s so buggy he’s allegedly unplayable, IMAGINE WHAT THE HELL HE’D BE LIKE IF HE WASN’T.

Other tanks need work, properly, same as the Supports got it, and it was needed 6 months ago.

Edit: To those who say nerf the rest of the meta:

Literally every other “OP” hero has been nerfed, some repeatedly, but it’s Rein enabling them, Rein is the problem.

Edit 2: To those who say he just has no competition:

Orisa should be that competition, and Orisa is a fine hero, pretty well balanced. To say she’s weak because she can’t stack up to an overpowered hero is disingenuous, it says more about the OP hero being OP than Orisa being weak.

Edit 3: So what should be done?

Dock him 50HP.

Historically, the ease with which Ana could keep him up, and now with how he can be kept up through being bounced around by basically any healer are the problem. Being a damage sponge like this is why he excels against Orisa.

Edit 4: It’s the meta part 2:

  • Brigitte is no longer a top 10 pick because nerfed.
  • Hanzo is now picked less than Genji, and in GM, barely more than Tracer. He’s been nerfed as has Zarya for Grav Dragons. McCree is catching up with him elsewhere.
  • Mercy has been nerfed and is slipping.
  • Widow has been nerfed and is now a middling pick.

Who else is there? Why cant it be Rein that’s the problem? We saw more complaints about him at these levels when Orisa didn’t exist, more complaints about D.Va for DM botting.

It’s not the meta anymore. The meta has has been nerfed around him and he’s still a mandatory pick.


I don’t get what you’re arguing. Is he too OP or too weak?


He’s a must pick with a positive win rate. He is overpowered, and people need to accept it.


It’s the meta rn. He is good, but he’s got a lot of bugs. I wouldn’t say he’s OP.


Did you know that sites like that are no longer accurate?


They nerfed the rest of the meta, but still he’s here. He’s the meta.

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They still have a large enough sample size to be valid.


He is not going to be must pick whenever we transition into perfect initiation, or triple dive, or whatever. Despite his pick-rate, he is a pretty weak character that is realistically only played for his shield. It works with deathball and it works in the sniper meta. Not sure it will work with whatever meta is establish, that remains to be seen.


You know that Rein is picked a lot because he works best with the most meta heroes right?
Zarya is picked because of Hanzo…
Rein works best with Zarya out of all the main tanks.
Zen is a very powerful support because of discord.
Mercy is needed because she works best with zen…and rez.
Ana works very well with Rein, so does Moira.
Rein is also just the most reliable main tank. Winston is bad because of Brigitte. Orisa, well I don’t know about her.


Rien tbh is in the worst place right now.


Not true. We can’t be sure if the sampling is a real representative (respecting the proportions) of all the playerbase.


Rein’d still be a melee hero with bad cooldowns that Hanzo can drop to 0 with just storm arrows, the same shield bot as ever.

It’s amazing that such as bad hero is so essential to the game and that’s all his pickrate means.


And all of them would be much weaker without him, you get that right?

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Yeah, they would be much weaker without him.

That’s why he’s picked, so they are at their strongest.
You get that right? Doesn’t mean Rein himself is good.


So you nerf him, you nerf them, he enables all this to happen.



Rein isn’t OP lul :sweat_smile:



Or just nerf the OP heroes that Rein enables so all their pick and winrates can be normal instead of nerfing a bad hero.

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They literally have done that, repeatedly, he still stands, the meta remains. He is the problem.