Reapers hide then ult to kill 4-6 people is unfun to play against. Can we do something about that?

Kill her second, not first. That’s how it worked. That way she would be down for a better time period.

Just to be clear, which characters are flankers though? Because I know some consider Reaper a flanker, but to me his kit just doesn’t seem up to it (I know he has Shadow Step, but I think most would agree it’s really not an amazing ability).

Probably worst comparison i have ever seen.

I think the main reason people are sick of the threads is just because of the sheer number of them. It starts to bury potentially diverse discussions.

I understand the frustrations (I’m a Reinhardt-main), but I also know that flooding the forums with the same 3-4 points 50 times just buries (potential) good content.

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Sick of them but unfortunately agree with a majority. Blegh.
I bet my fellow Mercy mains would hush if the developers would just respond to us. (Depending on what was said, anyway)

But yeah. This is fine. We’re all in hell and this is fine.

Just shoot him in the head while he’s doing it. DVa can defense matrix him, many others can stun/cc/displace him. It’s a crappy ultimate.

yeah, more than an year later and we don’t even know if it will be effective. The respawn invincibility may trigger the mines before the characters can take damage.

They have responded lol.

Multiple times. Sorry it’s not good enough for your peers.

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Trust me. I have had 2 year old bugs on Reinhardt still not addressed or resolved so…yeah.

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But they did listen and even commented about it.
It’s just not the answer some mercy mains wanted to hear.
“No, we will not revert her” is also an answer.

And I do think they care about a hero being fun to play. Otherwise did they not added the bunnyhop to Mercy’s kit, which started as a bug. It’s just the the overall game balance is more important than a hero being fun to play. Mass rez had it’s problems and they have chosen to remove it.

But if a hero needs a lot of nerfs to improve the overall game balance, then the rework was a massive failure. I too think Mercy 1.0 was more balanced, but she would definitely need some adjustments to her ultimate. But I don’t think we will ever see mass rez return.

Also, Mercy has the biggest playerbase. I don’t consider it strange that there are a lot of threads about Mercy.

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There is more than just “kill the Mercy”

  • A Bomb set off as she is rezing. It blows up as the invulnerbility wears off instantly killing those she just rezed, aside from maybe a rein or orisa who were able to use their shield
  • Noon that is locking on during the invul. time period
  • Deathblossom just as the invul wears off.
  • Rein’s Hammer down as the invul wears off.
  • Now we have Hammond who’s ult could also be considered to be a counter to mass rez if it was still iterated because they would just blow the people up once they could move.

Yes in all of these scenarios Mercy got her ult off, but the people she just rez’ed are just as dead as they were before she rez’ed them. The fight then becomes a mind game like it is with Zen’s trans. I have had many games where the enemy Reaper or Genji either killed me themselves, or stood right under me and pressed Q as my Q finished because it was either Transcendence then and hope we kill the Reaper in that 8 seconds, or lose the point.


The most substance we have gotten from the developers regarding the state of Mercy is commentary on patch notes. Otherwise, I only recall a short message a long time ago saying that they were reading our feedback daily. That was a nice gesture, except the part where it was originally posted to a separate thread instead of directly into the Mercy megathread that the devs were actually supposed to be reading. Like everything else in the megathread, it was buried in minutes and most people never actually saw it.

Since then, we’ve been given nothing to show that they are actually reading feedback, because the majority of the feedback has quite clearly stated that Mercy needs another significant rework. People only disagree on exactly what rework (or revert) is best. Instead of making significant changes, they have resorted to nerfing Mercy’s healing by an inexplicably large amount, making her even less fun to play.

We need more than just one token response in a whole year of Mercy madness. We need an open dialogue with the devs about why they have done what they’ve done, some acknowledgement of specific suggestions made by the Mercy players, and some reasoning to help us understand why they have not taken at least one of these many rework suggestions and put it to good use.

Good point.
But these things also counter Reaper’s ultimate, doesn’t it?

Mercy’s ultimate can be countered before and after her ultimate.
Reaper’s ultimate can be countered before, during and after her ultimate.

The best solution would be to make Mercy’s mass rez counterable during the rez, but they have chosen for a rework instead. And they have already stated that Mercy will not get a rework, so we are stuck with the current Mercy.
A second rework could work, but right now are there other heroes who needs attention first.

Notice how it wasn’t instentanious? There were 2 seconds for people to react (the time in which it takes to kill a 200 HP hero) and they had Genji. Genji could have reflected it, but didn’t because he was distracted (because Reaper’s team was still alive, he didn’t wait 'till they were dead). They were focused on the when he ulted.

Here you go:

We have no plans to revert Mercy. We also feel like she’s not in a horrible place or unplayable.

But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest.

And I could be mistaken about this, but I believe they have said it in streams as well.

Edit: Don’t attack the messenger.


reapers underpowered trash even when mercy had mass rez she was better then reaper not that their comparable lmao


Big hit to the argument there. Bravo.

Meanwhile, you’re still here spamming about reaper.

Reaper’s not trash. If he was trash, he’d be where Sombra has been for the past few months at all ranks on average.

in gm sombras picked more then him in masters hes picked 0.7 times more in diamond hes picked less then 1% more

are you ever actually going to play ow sprinkles i mean you have less then 5 minutes on 75% of the entire roster

also this is a thread literally talking about reaper lmfao your definition of spam is just wrong

As I recall, the ‘we don’t feel like Mercy needs changes right now’ was in response to someone requesting further nerfs, not in response to Mercy mains complaining that the hero isn’t fun.

The next two quotes are from the same post as each other. And that’s from a looooong time ago. And if their words have as much meaning there as they did when they said ‘we don’t feel like Mercy needs changes’, then expect them to change their minds.

In streams, I recall Goodman laughing a bit when he was asked if Mercy was going to get nerfed again. I took the laughter at the time to mean he thought the idea of nerfing her yet again was absurd given the rest of his response, but with the healing nerf on the live patch now, maybe I was mistaken? Or maybe time passed and he changed his mind.

Time continues to pass. Blizzard keeps changing their minds, but they’re not telling us when they do or why they did unless you count the patch notes. And the patch notes don’t even make sense, claiming that Mercy is supposed to be the go-to pick for pure healing power and then nerfing her healing so much that Moira beats her at her own game.

I have yet to see anything that shows me that Blizzard understands what they even need to do with Mercy, and I’m fairly certain that’s the same reason why so many other people are upset about the same thing.