Reapers hide then ult to kill 4-6 people is unfun to play against. Can we do something about that?

I mean as a former Mercy player, and someone who was getting the hang of unleashing dragonstrike through at least 2-3 enemies as the Mercy rez’ed them to get them to either be injured or killed, killing someone just as the invul wears off is just as good as stunning a Reaper out of blossom.

The Rez will literally do nothing. There have been many times while on both sides of the rez where I heard “Nerf This” followed right after the “Helden sterben nicht!” and as both the Mercy and the one being rez’ed my response was simply “welp” because as I was just able to move, I was dead. I got maybe 1 step out before I was dead again. The ult literally just stalled the game for a full second.

What needed to be done instead was reduce some of the ease Mercy had with the ult. Make is strict LOS like a Lucio barrier so shields, and walls could block the rez would’ve been my first go-to after getting rid of Mercy’s invulnerability and at the least try replacing it with a damage reduction so she could still die.

Adding a cast time to rez would be on the things I personally would’ve tested but at the end of the day I don’t think I would’ve gotten that far down on the list.

Punctuation please. You’re hard to understand.

You just admitted that ever rank under GM, Reaper is picked more than Sombra. So Reaper is not trash right?

You don’t have proof of this. Unless your other account got banned in which you actually looked at my profile right?

Meanwhile it’s comparing it to Mercy. this thread in its entirity is spam.

You’re throwing out useless arguments and just making yourself look like you have none. Your main argument is

Even when there’s no real proof of that. So please, pick a new argument and don’t be toxic.

actually you do have less then 5 minutes on 75% of the roster but you have a private profile account i guess youre scared or something :man_shrugging: not sure why youre complaining about me talking about reaper on a thread that like you alrdy said was about spam, i also said reapers barley picked more then sombra at all and you love to talk about how trash sombra is and how great reaper is but if reapers barely picked more then sombr a at all one of those has to be wrong and i know you aren’t going to say sombras good so if his pickrate is comparable to sombra does that mean gasp hes not great

srry you cant understand what im saying i know you get confused easily

It’s extremely petty to throw around playtime on someone to “prove” an point to be null. It’s almost as if I own this game and I can make an opinion on a hero if I want to.

It’s amazing to me how blind you’re being here.

It’s almost as if, your other accounts were banned from the forums for toxicity right?

How about this? Get off someone else’s account as it’s clearly against CoC, ToS, and EULA. Fight on your own profile. So we can see your stats.

Stop hiding behind the fact you’re using someone else profile. Yes, you did admit it. Yes, I do have screen shots. Yes, you are a troll just looking to start fights with people who disagree with you.

Yes you are “NordBigD”. Yes You are “DrDraken”. Yes you are “WildWolf”. Yes, all of those have been shut down as they’re fake. They’re fraud.

If you can’t even have a civil discussion and haven’t learned your lesson after this many accounts, there’s no reason you should be here at all.


Is a revert or a rework not changes as well?
Well, they don’t think she need changes.

It’s from February 8.
I don’t consider that a looooong time ago tbh.

You’re right about that. They do keep changing their minds.
In a developer update did Jeff say that Mei was balanced and yet did she received a longer slow time, piercing freeze and no falloff damage.

Who knows. They might think Mercy does need changes now.

But to be honest, I don’t think she should get changes now. There are heroes who are in a bigger need of changes. Let Mercy rest for once.

I thought Mercy mains were upset because their most liked character keep getting changes over and over again. Seeing your favorite character getting worse and worse must feel terrible. And other players are upset because Mercy was the required hero in all team compositions and because of the many threads about her.

The developers already stated that Mercy should be the go-to main healer, but they also seem to think that she is too viable compared to other healers, so they keep toning her down and buffing the other healers.

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you you just said ‘‘your other accoutns were banned from the forums’’ then ‘‘fight on your own profile’’ lmfao :thinking: yeah you own the game but you haven’t played it in months and you barely played it at all b4 then so your opinion doesent add up to much i guess someone who only played qp and even then for barely any time might think a terrible hero is good because well they have something in common with a terrible hero

This. Death Blossom is pretty much feast or famine unless you are bubbled or nano’d.

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So you’re saying the sollution is to give Mass rez the limitations it deserves like LOS ( well i’d rather it require melee rangeo on a soul cus I know how buggy line of sight can be epecially with lag and mercy flying.) and maybe a cast time or something?

Sure let’s do that, then we give Mercy the buffs she actually needed insttead of that god awful Invuln buff.

nah tbh its medicore feast or famine because you cant even kill most full health tanks with it lmao

This is the main problem I’m having with these Mercy arguments. They’re never consistent.

One will say “We’re upset because we have had 13/11/15 nerfs” while another will say “The community is disrespectful to us” and another will say “Blizzard has gone back on their word multiple times” (of which has never happened btw).

It’s extremely difficult to have a discussion when the reasoning gets changed so frequently.

Exactly, is it that hard to buff the damage to a clean 600 from 570 so it can at LEAST kill Roadhog if he has no breather?

Funny, because Mercy most of the time also only got 1-2 rezzes.

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you realize reapers trash right

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ppl like sprinkles might get upset lmao

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You realize that highly depends on who plays him.

oh nvm checked your account

Obviously there is a reason Blizzard does not touch him. Just because you are bad at him, doesn’t mean everyone is.


just because silver players like you cant deal with him doesent mean a heroes good and blizzard isint known for their stellar balancing

I mean it’s almost like there’s multiple people arguing that they’re not happy with Mercy’s current state and they all have a different opinion on it.

There is no Secret Mercy Main Meeting where we all sit down, complain about Genji’s who ask for healing across the map and then as we’re leaving someone asks “Hey what are we unhappy about today?”

Everyone has their own reasoning for not being happy about Mercy’s current state, and for some it’s all of the things you’ve listed just pile on top of one another.

How about the multiple times where they said “Oh, we feel Mercy is fine” and then the next PTR patch pops up 2 weeks later and low-and-behold there is another Mercy nerf. She isn’t “fine” if she needs another nerf.

But yet they all have the same idea: Revert her, to some degree. There’s hardly any posts that aren’t this. And it’s making posts that actually have merit very hard to even see.

Never actually.

They’ve said “Mercy doesn’t need changes right now” and then a month or two later, when the game is in a completely different season and/or the meta has changed, Mercy needs changes. Confirmation bias tells you it’s only been a few weeks. But in reality, it’s been closer to a month or two.