Honestly it’s just as annoying as mass rez
Except it’s not cuz Brigitte stuns him, McCree stuns him, Lucio boops him, Pharah boops him, or everyone just destroys him before he does anything.
Deathblossom is such a non factor it’s not even funny.
It’s not instantaneous and it requires line of sight and it doesn’t make him invulnerable and it doesn’t work on anybody getting enough healing and it doesn’t kill tanks in one go and it can easily be countered after it has started. He also can’t fly at the target with a GA type ability, wraith is telegraphed and slower.
Reaper never gets more than 1- 2 kills with it tho if it actually gets something. Thanks to all the cc and one shots on the game.
TBCH this isn’t the best place to say something about a character’s ult. Especially reaper, holy cow lol.
Here is a small list of things that can stop death blossom:
Shields, D.Va, Roadhog, McCree, Brigitte, Ana, Doomfist. Even a Reinhardt charge can disrupt Death Blossom
D.Va alone with right click makes it useless.
Any sort of a boop negates it too
Death Blossom is very counterable and doesn’t undo the work of an enemy team, you seriously cannot compare it to the level of mass-rez.
It can’t insta kill , rez can heal teammate from 0 to full health which is the opposite of insta kill.
Characters who play hide and seek with their ult before using it;
Reaper, McCree, Junkrat, D.Va, Soldier, Hanzo
Why can’t they be nerfed for no reason, too!?!?!? >:(
Oh, I know. It’s because people didn’t wanna save their ults so they could get that sweet POTG /guaranteed teamkill. Only to get punished for by Mercy using resurrect.
Buff reaper so he doesn’t have to hide!
YAS. And make him get something totally useless as an ult!
Mas rez had no counters once when Q is pressed. Reaper can be countered in various of ways.
It’s called kill Mercy before she could use it.
Nobody wanna focus the healers.
This is weak argument. You can kill reaper before and during his ult.
Mercy 1.0 - You could kill her before/directly after she used it. She wasn’t invulnerable when she used res then.
And it’d be a 5v6 - with either no healers or just one. Advantage.
because all of them aren’t instant, none make them invulnerable, all require line of sight (in Junkrat’s case for the damage) some are very loud and bright, actually all of them, some disable you in one way or another, some can be blocked by shields healing or any other protective abilities, junkrat’s telegraphs his position. I find ulting Junkrat’s very easily and if you don’t suck at aiming you can take the tire out.
It wasn’t punishment it was cheese when she’d just hide around the corner telling her teamates to die on the point. You only get the half second before she pushes Q to do anything and since she’s hiding you don’t know where she was in the beginning. Also don’t go off about other ults hers is still instant makes her invulnerable and doesn’t need line of sight.
Unless she’s hiding and you physically can not kill her. You can’t focus a healer that’s not there.
Yeah, maybe if her team fully died without even taking out one person.
Chances are they got a couple kills though, or ults were used against them to wipe them, and they still all have their ults.