Reaper NEEDS help (he's been F tier too long!) šŸ‘ŗ

Hi there, sorry I think I exaggerated a little there with most of them being bug fixes XD will change the post.

Yea I would loveeee the smoke grenades, it would be such a unique fun part of reapers kit, and it SHOULD exist! (maybe 1 grenade every 10 seconds?) However I guess your right about the 25% dmg reduction ALONG WITH the self healing, that might make it a bit overwhelming, but then again it is so easily countered by stuns, maybe instead it was a transformation ultimate instead of the 25% dmg reduction? (so stunproof)

Same here I feel you ;-;
Stopped playing him a while ago

I know were desperate but to be honest, he needs BIG buffs for him to be anywhere near viable. Remember the last buff, people thought it would make him powerful but look at him now, heā€™s WORSE due to brig being added.


If he gets smoke grenades then they should hide friendlies from Sonic Arrow and Infrasight in their AoE, along with disabling Tac-visor auto-lock. Smoke with chaff embedded as the reason in-game? You know Reyes is gonna have an answer to Jackā€™s Tactical Visor, right!


Iā€™d definitely like to see him ignore Armor and have a RMB, something that allows him to better approach because what he has right nowā€¦ainā€™t it.


Reaper player here. I think all he needs is a static shotgun pattern instead of a random shot spread, for the sake of consistency. Also, the ability to teleport while moving because shadow step is pretty bad outside of returning from spawn.

Overall, I am satisfied with him though since he kills most of the cast pretty quick.

Just think about it,
He quickly murders all of the tanks and most people he gets near. The only characters he has trouble with are Genji, Pharah and Lucio. It goes without saying that ranged chracters are going to destroy him, buy thatā€™s why you flank. Reaper is highly dependent on positioning and that means knowing the mechanics of the maps.

To reiterate, heā€™s not where I want him to be, but heā€™s like 87% there. I think most tanks will agree that a good Reaper feels extremely difficult to fight against, and as a tank buster he fulfills the role really well.

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People need to stop worrying about ā€œgrandmasterā€ play

1% of the overwatch population should not be how this game is balanced around.

two reasons for this

  • No matter what the character in grandmaster play highly mechanical heroes are always superior to other for the most part because they provide more options to their teams
  • when you balance around 1% of the population usually 99% suffer for it.

Reaper is very map dependant. Wide open maps heā€™s a bad pick but in maps like rings row or Rialto where there are small lanes and flank route heā€™s a powerhouse

Iā€™ll be speaking for ā€œyourselfā€ as currently my account isnt working (idk why lol)

The reason I put GM is because it proves that actually good players can easily counter him, ALSO

Proof from a bronze that even down there heā€™s bad, if you ever get killed by a reaper thereā€™s 2 options

  • Your bad
  • You were outplayed (flanks are really hard as reaper right now)

Oh so thatā€™s why he hasnā€™t hit the even the 1% pickrate mark for the past 2 years in MOST RANKS

Except this isnā€™t for the top 1%, this is literally for the whole community, just because I put gm stats doesnā€™t mean heā€™s god in masters and below.

Will respond tomorrow, no time to argue sorry

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Reaper needs to ignore Armor. Itā€™ll be a huge buff for him if given to him.


Armor only takes 5 damage off his shot per trigger pull rather than per pellet. So it wouldnā€™t make much of a difference. Plus, he can already take out armor guys like D.Va, Reinhardt, Orisa and Winston rather easily.

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Like i say highly mechanical heroes are always gonna have more use once people get used to em.

I can actually do more healing with ana then i can with mercy now, and because of anaā€™s kit i can counter enemy healers better. Does this make mercy bad, no, alot of people use mercy. But ana can be better if u put in the time with her.

Same applies to reaper, people can do alot of damage with reaper and frag out, but people who put time into tracer or genji can get the similar results. Most people cant play tracer or genji well but if they put in the time they can do better.

Almost every group of heroes have low difficulty and high difficulty skillcap heroes. The lows can hold their own but when a dedicated high skill hero player vs them then they are at a disadvantage in most cases. But then you also have to take maps into account, and team comps. If they are running and Winston itā€™s gonna be hard for reaper to keep up even though heā€™s strong in a fight vs both of them. Thereā€™s alot of variable that go into account when you pick your hero which is why one-tricks are bad for group play.

Lucio is a good example. On kings row he might do ok cause theres alot of walls for him, but on Illios his potential as a healer and brawler go up by 5x because how many environmental pitfalls there are.

Reaper should never be a powerhouse in maps like nepal shrine which is wide open and hard to flank in but right now in smaller lane maps like numbani heā€™s a good solid pick. But you also have team comps to take into consideration too. If they are playing bunker comp heā€™s good, if they are playing mobility dive heā€™s bad.

Im perfectly happy with reaper right now, i mean he can one tap 200 hp heroes with close range head shot, and tear through tanks. Not to mention he has self healing now by being in combats, only buff i think he needs is to shadow step. In needs faster channel time.

I agree.

Iā€™ve put over a dozen hours into Reaper because I love the character but heā€™s so weak given the new heroes and all the ways you can get armor. He just lacks the impact.

I donā€™t want to boost his damage though because he would cut through weaker characters too easy. He needs to be a strictly tank buster / flanker, IMO. Iā€™d say it would be enough to let his shots ignore some armor.

His Shadow Step needs a huge look at, too. Itā€™s way too slow. IMO, I think that he should place a copy of himself somewhere and then click the button again to teleport there when he wants. That way thereā€™s some strategy to be had.

I agree with most of the things you say. But, you say he has high damage in the pros, well he has high damage occasionally and against squishes that have burnt their escape abilities. Most of the times his pellets do not register and his spread and recoil is rng. What serious e-sports game uses rng for recoil and spread in 2018? Even R6S that used it, said that by the end of the year all weapons will have a specific spread and recoil.
I understand that they donā€™t want specific recoil and spread because people will use macros to control it, but that is seriously something that can be solved by a better anti-cheat program or changing the core code so that mouse macros donā€™t work in game (donā€™t register at all).
Also his fans want a smoke gun as secondary, but that will be useless. The game notifies you with red indicators where you are being shot from, so what is the point of smoking an area and then attacking players in said area if everybody knows exactly where they are getting shot from?
Imo he needs his shotgunā€™s effective range increased by 10-15 meters, his spread reduced by 6% and his lifesteal increased by 5%. Also his shotguns to be more effective against shields. Then he would be a real tank buster.

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Iā€™ll be the one to say this. Pickrates in GM canā€™t be compared. Why? Because everyone in GM is excessively into the meta. Whether it be because they have to or because they donā€™t know otherwise, Rein/Zarya/Hanzo/Mercy/Zen/Brig (often replaced by widow) are the characters played in almost every single game. Some maps you whip out the dive like Numbani or Gibraltar, and other like Junkertown or Ilios Well you whip out the Hog/Orisa, but thatā€™s really it.

Iā€™ll say this now though. When Hammond comes into comp, I PROMISE Reaper will be played more. Hammond works pretty good with Ana, and triple tank could be very viable. Reaper works well against triple tank, and is good with Lucio (who has identical pick rates to Reaper overall) along with Ana. Heā€™s been put in the same situation that Lucio, Ana, DVa, and some others have. Those characters work well together in a game. If thereā€™s a Reaper, chances are youā€™ll need a DVa. If you have a Reaper, Lucio is really good with him because a sped Reaper is insane. Itā€™s just something we need to wait and see for S12 unfortunately.

Literally him and like 2 other people. Iā€™m not even exaggerating.

Also, Iā€™ve always thought this. Thereā€™s actually a raven sfx that plays on his bird skins, why not just make that the basic sfx? It fits the theme across all skins, regardless.

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Last meta.

why pick reaper when junkrat kills tanks faster?

this meta.

why pick reaper when hanzo kills tanks faster?

hes not been the best at his job for a very long time.


Hes suppose to be a tank buster. Focus on that.
1.Armor no longer affects his shots.
2.Shadow step reworked into something like moira fade but with shorter range but three charges
3. Ult dmg hits decreased but individual hit dmg increased so he kills faster.
4. Silent footsteps please and thank you.

Honestly the change they made to his Wraith form was a large net buff. Heā€™s become much more effective as a dueler, I feel like he is close to being playable but needs a way to deal with armor to be effective.

I think the best change they could make for him would be a mechanic to ignore armor. For instance if Reaper got a headshot on an enemy, it should ignore armor. That would simultaneously raise his skillcap, while giving him counterplay against Brigette, without negating her ultimate.

Did you not see the stats?
Even in triple tank meta reaper was STILL the least played hero in the game.

Exactly, the fact that he was the least picked hero in triple tank proves how trash he is

His ultimate damage is already a dps loss. He can be killed by other players directly on top of him, mid-blossom, and you want to turn the damage down? If anything, it needs a slight increase.

My take on Reaper, too lazy to type a response.

Just to be fair Iā€™ll share this post on my post too :slight_smile:


Thanks for being very polite when arguing by the way, a lot of people get really aggressive when arguing. Iā€™ll try to be as nice as possible, please donā€™t get offended if i seem too harsh :stuck_out_tongue:

First off I didnā€™t really understand your first points, if possible could you explain better?

Except he isnā€™t, on EVERY SINGLE map heā€™s bad, thatā€™s not because the map is bad but because he is a really bad pick. He hasnā€™t hit 1% pickrate in a longggg time, which is really saying something.

VERY rarely does he 1 tap, he has to be right in the face, pointing MOST pellets to the head, which is EXTREMELY difficult to pull off, unlike a hanzo headshot.

I get it, he does a lot of damage but you need to remember a lot of tanks have counters to fighting him (TOO many counters), for example

  • Shield Dancing
  • Outdamaging due to high health
  • Ability to easily run away from reaper (dva winston)

His self healing is VERY small, itā€™s hardly noticeable
when your fighting as reaper/against reaper.

I put that in the thread but honestly it is probably one of his least needed buffs.
I think he could live without it, what he really needs is hitbox ruduced, bug fixes, no voiceline for shadow step, basically everything I put in the thread under the category (What reaper NEEDS)