Reaper NEEDS help (he's been F tier too long!) šŸ‘ŗ

Once I can get my account back Iā€™ll link your post on the thread.

Higher hit dmg but less hits will make it do the same dmg as it will be stronger vs armor because of less hits. Just increase the dmg to 700

And think about why that was. That was back when Hog did Reaperā€™s job better than Reaper. Now Hogā€™s damage is not what it used to be, and Reaper is superior in that aspect.

Also Reaper was never the least played hero, and never will be. Back then the likes of Sombra, Torb, Bastion, Sym were all lower. I believe even Hanzo had a lower pickrate back then, but I canā€™t back that up.

No itā€™s not, Armor literally halves his bodyshot damage because it fires 20 pellets per shot with each pellet deals 7 bodyshot damage and each of the pellets are affected by armor reduction. He can take out D.Va, Reinhardt, Orisa and Winston easily mainly because of their large headshot hitbox that makes most of his pellets hit the head instead of the body.

FYI armor only takes off 5 damage if the damage per shot exceeds 10. Otherwise, it halves the damage. Thatā€™s why Reaperā€™s shotguns deal half damage instead of 40 damage ((7-5)x20=40 damage)

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Hi I finally got my account working again, for some strange reason it was restricted but got it fixed. Will link your post now

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I would just like to note, they are lower, but not much lower at all.
I think itā€™s somewhere around a 0.1% pickrate difference, (and all those heroes were/are F tier) Meaning that reaper is also F tier.

Yeah itā€™s kind of amazing that he hasnā€™t been buffed (or fixed) yet, considering Junkrat and Hanzo(!) exist in their current state. Rat was nerfed but still a better choice lmao. Hanzo is a god soā€¦ yeah.

His spread should be normalized so when I am right up on the enemy theres no ā€œbad rngā€ that does 50 damage to them instead of what should be an obvious 1 shot.

And everything else you said. /signed


Exactly! People donā€™t seem to realize that there are too many ā€œbetter versionsā€ of reaper, so why even bother playing him?

Yep, itā€™s such an annoying bug that ruins plays with reaper, I really hope they fix it ( or just make it like tracers guns )

Thank you! <3


I just want my boy back. Reaper is what got me going in this game in the first place.

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Exactly, Reapers ultimate has the same damage as MERCYS PISTOL
Yep mercys pistol, the heroes gun whoā€™s supposed to be the most useless at damaging gun does the same damage as a damage heroes ultimate.

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Ok thatā€™s actually pathetic.

Death blossom actually has the least DPS out of every offense ult (not sure about defense, so I donā€™t use the term ā€˜damageā€™ heroes)

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So many range buffs for heroes, but Reaper remains with his Beta-teleport-ability.

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Agreed, itā€™s such an awful ult, not to mention HOW EASILY it is countered (stuns, knockback, clicking on his head because heā€™s barely moving in blossom

Well, all defense heroes ultimateā€™s are wayy better.
Torb has molten core which is extremely powerful
Sym hasā€¦ wait nvm itā€™s terrible XD
Bastion has tank which one shots body shot
Mei has blizzard which freezes people for a long period of time
Hanzo has dragonstrike which deals insane dps and comboā€™s well with other ults, and a well placed hanzo ult can get a good amount of kills
Widows ult is very annoying, it almost garuntees a couple of picks AND team information for 16s.


Yep, they seem to love to ignore reaper, donā€™t they? (and also bastion I wonā€™t forget about him xd)


Death Blossom can clear entire teams when used at the right moment. The ultimate is not the problem. I still think a fix to Shadowstep and somewhat reduced spread would make him fully viable.

IMO, Blizzard should rework stun mechanic in general. Itā€™s too counter-intuitive, completely useless against some characters/abilities and totally deadly against others. This is not just Reaperā€™s problem.

The whole ult taxonomy (channeled, transformation, etc) is BS.

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I agree on that.
His spread is sometimes to random, itā€™s like how did I kill that/how did I not kill that?
I donā€™t really know what exactly to do about Shdow-Step, but someting needs to be done.

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Not really, it is countered by pretty much most of the roster, YES you can get some good blossoms off, but once you get higher in the ranks people are more prepared. Needs a little buff IMO

Yep, shadow step is holding him back agreed, but not completely, he still has a few other problems.

This is what I donā€™t really agree with though, heā€™s supposed to be a tank buster, meaning large spread.

Definitely agree here, reaper is getting ruined by stuns.

friendly morning bump.


imo, reaper needs speed.

dont make him a constant speedy boy but like, probably alter wraith form to be faster, and give it a meter and also a two second cool down so he cant just pop in and out of wraith form cus why not.


Nope. Reaper isnā€™t superior in every aspect to Hog.

Of course he wonā€™t be. And you know why? Because he is a bada55 and also a funny meme.
It is like with Genji, no matter how meta he is, people will play him regardless. Why? Because he is a cyborg ninja dude. And thatā€™s cool.