Reaper NEEDS help (he's been F tier too long!) šŸ‘ŗ

Last meta.

why pick reaper when junkrat kills tanks faster?

this meta.

why pick reaper when hanzo kills tanks faster?

hes not been the best at his job for a very long time.


Hes suppose to be a tank buster. Focus on that.
1.Armor no longer affects his shots.
2.Shadow step reworked into something like moira fade but with shorter range but three charges
3. Ult dmg hits decreased but individual hit dmg increased so he kills faster.
4. Silent footsteps please and thank you.

Honestly the change they made to his Wraith form was a large net buff. Heā€™s become much more effective as a dueler, I feel like he is close to being playable but needs a way to deal with armor to be effective.

I think the best change they could make for him would be a mechanic to ignore armor. For instance if Reaper got a headshot on an enemy, it should ignore armor. That would simultaneously raise his skillcap, while giving him counterplay against Brigette, without negating her ultimate.

Did you not see the stats?
Even in triple tank meta reaper was STILL the least played hero in the game.

Exactly, the fact that he was the least picked hero in triple tank proves how trash he is

His ultimate damage is already a dps loss. He can be killed by other players directly on top of him, mid-blossom, and you want to turn the damage down? If anything, it needs a slight increase.

My take on Reaper, too lazy to type a response.

Just to be fair Iā€™ll share this post on my post too :slight_smile:


Thanks for being very polite when arguing by the way, a lot of people get really aggressive when arguing. Iā€™ll try to be as nice as possible, please donā€™t get offended if i seem too harsh :stuck_out_tongue:

First off I didnā€™t really understand your first points, if possible could you explain better?

Except he isnā€™t, on EVERY SINGLE map heā€™s bad, thatā€™s not because the map is bad but because he is a really bad pick. He hasnā€™t hit 1% pickrate in a longggg time, which is really saying something.

VERY rarely does he 1 tap, he has to be right in the face, pointing MOST pellets to the head, which is EXTREMELY difficult to pull off, unlike a hanzo headshot.

I get it, he does a lot of damage but you need to remember a lot of tanks have counters to fighting him (TOO many counters), for example

  • Shield Dancing
  • Outdamaging due to high health
  • Ability to easily run away from reaper (dva winston)

His self healing is VERY small, itā€™s hardly noticeable
when your fighting as reaper/against reaper.

I put that in the thread but honestly it is probably one of his least needed buffs.
I think he could live without it, what he really needs is hitbox ruduced, bug fixes, no voiceline for shadow step, basically everything I put in the thread under the category (What reaper NEEDS)

Once I can get my account back Iā€™ll link your post on the thread.

Higher hit dmg but less hits will make it do the same dmg as it will be stronger vs armor because of less hits. Just increase the dmg to 700

And think about why that was. That was back when Hog did Reaperā€™s job better than Reaper. Now Hogā€™s damage is not what it used to be, and Reaper is superior in that aspect.

Also Reaper was never the least played hero, and never will be. Back then the likes of Sombra, Torb, Bastion, Sym were all lower. I believe even Hanzo had a lower pickrate back then, but I canā€™t back that up.

No itā€™s not, Armor literally halves his bodyshot damage because it fires 20 pellets per shot with each pellet deals 7 bodyshot damage and each of the pellets are affected by armor reduction. He can take out D.Va, Reinhardt, Orisa and Winston easily mainly because of their large headshot hitbox that makes most of his pellets hit the head instead of the body.

FYI armor only takes off 5 damage if the damage per shot exceeds 10. Otherwise, it halves the damage. Thatā€™s why Reaperā€™s shotguns deal half damage instead of 40 damage ((7-5)x20=40 damage)

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Hi I finally got my account working again, for some strange reason it was restricted but got it fixed. Will link your post now

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I would just like to note, they are lower, but not much lower at all.
I think itā€™s somewhere around a 0.1% pickrate difference, (and all those heroes were/are F tier) Meaning that reaper is also F tier.

Yeah itā€™s kind of amazing that he hasnā€™t been buffed (or fixed) yet, considering Junkrat and Hanzo(!) exist in their current state. Rat was nerfed but still a better choice lmao. Hanzo is a god soā€¦ yeah.

His spread should be normalized so when I am right up on the enemy theres no ā€œbad rngā€ that does 50 damage to them instead of what should be an obvious 1 shot.

And everything else you said. /signed


Exactly! People donā€™t seem to realize that there are too many ā€œbetter versionsā€ of reaper, so why even bother playing him?

Yep, itā€™s such an annoying bug that ruins plays with reaper, I really hope they fix it ( or just make it like tracers guns )

Thank you! <3


I just want my boy back. Reaper is what got me going in this game in the first place.

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Exactly, Reapers ultimate has the same damage as MERCYS PISTOL
Yep mercys pistol, the heroes gun whoā€™s supposed to be the most useless at damaging gun does the same damage as a damage heroes ultimate.

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Ok thatā€™s actually pathetic.

Death blossom actually has the least DPS out of every offense ult (not sure about defense, so I donā€™t use the term ā€˜damageā€™ heroes)

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So many range buffs for heroes, but Reaper remains with his Beta-teleport-ability.

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