Reaper is apparently underpowered

Exactly. Noone wants him to be a jack (morrison)-of-all-trades. But he should be better designed for tank busting, and shadowstep just sucks.

3 is the most common value I’ve seen, and quickly increases with Range. Bad Reapers who come at you as if they’re McCree usually take 6 shots.

ok maybe sarcastic for this

but you seem to be getting salty here

ok I didn’t make a point but madamada has made points I agree with and would make if I wasn’t so tired

ok but they’re bad reapers if they come at you like they’re mccree.

It Really Needs to be able to be cast…

While in mid air, or falling.

If you can use the ability, and even pull up the targeting circle, it should actually be functional while in the air.

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He’s in a bad state because Reaper mains think he should always be viable on defense, or in a team that already has a flanker, or he should be able to work as a medium-range attacker, or…

Maybe he should just accept his role for what it is: to kill a squishy on the backline – possibly two in a row! – and escape unharmed. Then wait for the ult to fill up. In between maybe kill one of those same squishies.

Guess what… making him more “viable” against tanks also doubles the amount of everything else he already kills without getting a scratch.

maybe not all the time but maybe a little more

ayyyy he gets it

roadhog is a reaper with 900 health. hogs shotguns are better than reapers since roadhog has a “longer distance” right click. that plus hook and 900 hp beats reaper most the time.

D.Va is reaper with high mobility and rockets and no reload time. and she can eat 66% of his ult.

even monkeys have learned to defend against reaper pretty well with a solid shield dance so that only like half his pellets can even hit you.

zarya benefits from having an opposing reaper to get high charge although she doesn’t counter him directly. she can take him on at high charge

which leads us to shield tanks which he does kinda counter.

he counters rein fairly well, but reins off tank is usually zarya who is gonna feed charge off the rein all game and be really strong

he counters orisa well to a lesser extent since she can damage while shielding and has fortify to buy extra time and pull to back you away. but guess who shes played with. the 900 health better reaper roadhog

you see where im going with this? next is winston who he counters pretty well. but winston is played with D.Va who is once again better then reaper

I’m no Reaper main, but… Here’s how i would fix Shadowstep.

Idk if something similar has been suggested before, but… here goes:

  • Can be cast fluidly while moving or in mid air, still locks onto a location, and teleports the player from point A to point B.
    (Not map points… From one location, to the other)
  • Animation completely overhauled: Upon casting shadowstep, Reaper dissolves into smoke, and darts off in the direction he is teleporting in… Even conforming to map geometry… (Would not be easy to see, and thus, inconsequential as he’s teleporting anyways, and would be relatively hard to follow.)

From the eyes of an enemy player, it would Look similar to a more visual Moira fade, But… To the player themselves, it would act like a teleport.
(Since he wouldn’t be able to be damaged anyways, and would simply be an animation following behind his moving from point A to point B.)

And last but not least, the cooldown could be changed, if the fluid nature made it too Powerful of an ability.
(Could you imagine?)

And he needs to SHUT HIS FACE When Casting it.

Oh, and with this version he Might Actually be genuinely a bit scary to fight again. :smiling_imp:


I don’t think reaper needs any buff to his damage but i do think he needs be able to move faster and shadowstep needs rework as mentioned


i suppose it started because reapers spread and RNG based pellets makes him a terrible option to kill anyone besides zen since he has a round hitbox. except tanks, who you can comfortably fit their head hitbox inside the lottery of a spread reaper has.

He isn’t underpowered per se; his kit is just outdated for what’s going on in the game. It’s a hard life being a cqc hero against anti-cqc heroes.

I know console and pc are different platforms but I am calling bs on this statement. With the amount of times I have been hooked as reaper and died to roadhog on full hp I can count on one hand because roadhog spread makes it so you have to get most pellets into reapers head for it to work.

If a roadhog is out performing you, atleast on console, than YOU are the problem since a good reaper kills a roadhog in 3-4 shots.

As roadie I find it better to back away spamming the alt fire for more consistant damage.

Doomfist, mccree, torb, and soldier in particular actually have hitboxes that helps out reaper a good bit, but other than that yeah Zen and the tanks.

I said this was a popular opinion but not mine… I personally have no problem with Roadhog when playing as Reaper. Roadhog’s full headshot does 300 damage + 30 hook damage easily kills Reaper.

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All I think Reaper needs is a buff to Shadow Step.

His damage sure as hell doesn’t need buffed. Maybe his spread can change to be a little more reliable in close range, but his damage his fine.

He just can’t get in and out like he should be able to do.

Shadow Step should just be removed and Wraith Walk cooldown should be decreased by 1 second.

Oh yeah, getting countered nearly everyone is balanced af.

A problem of roadhog’s is his spread is (somehow) worse than reaper’s which make getting full crit shots more of an iffy depending on the player model. You actually have to hit all pellets on reaper with half of those pellets being crit shots for it to actually kill him so it is impractical at times, even with the damage potential of reaper and roadhog they are limited because of their spread pattern and range, which is mainly why roadhog was the one to have a form of alt fire since his spread is worse than reapers, plus he is huge which makes him an easy target.

Yeah, Reaper just needs better abilities. Moiras’ fade is what wraith form should’ve been, shadow step can go and be replaced with something better(maybe something that can deal with brigitte),and a tighter more consistent spread on his shotguns and he should be good.

Yeah I’m not even gonna bother

If you think Reaper is perfectly fine and you can walk through tanks with him…well, guess the enemy team just plainly sucks