Reaper is apparently underpowered

I dont know why but when ever I see reaper talked about I will hear “reaper is underpowered” I dont get it, I feel like he’s very balanced and he’s very viable. I want you reaper mains to know theres a difference between getting countered and a bad hero


he is supposed to counter tanks, but he is countered by tanks. that’s whats wrong with him


No he’s in a bad state mainly due to how archiac his kit is and Brigitte. Used to play him all the time now I’m a Tracer main.

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His teleport should be like going through sims teleport

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What? I counter tanks hard as reaper. maybe your just not very good with him


Get close and click heads. I can’t think of a single tank who counters reaper, other than Hammond being escape and road being able to heal, possibly being able to grant himself enough time to group back up with his team


I’m getting flashbacks…

It really does seem like he and Bastion share some problems…
They’re supposed to counter Tanks, but… Are easily countered by… Tanks…

And the biggest issue… People can stay over Ten Meters away from you, kill you, and not get killed By You.

When the Machine gun has the same problems as the Shotguns… there’s a problem. With both of them.


I said this earlier.

His kit is overall bad while having too much counters at the same time.


I’m seeing this alot, and my answer is always that you aren’t supposed to tp so close to the enemies that they can hear/see you. You should mainly use it to get out of spawn and maybe flank if you’re certain they won’t see you


Do you even play Reaper? I doubt it, because if you did, you’d have known that you can’t click heads with Reaper due to how brokenly RNG his spread is. Want to score crits with Reaper? You gotta aim for the upper chest and hope the RNG gods are on your side.


yes this is exactly how to use teleport

I play reaper a lot (check my time this season) and I disagree with this,

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Name checks out.

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Reaper is good basically against no-one. He is an obsolete hero that doesn’t work anymore, in a similar way like McCree but worse


I have played reaper. Not recently, but enough that I know that he’s a shotgun hero, supposed to be played at point blank from the enemy tanks, where the spread is basically the same as mccree

tanks? close range with DPS that isn’t tracer/genji? flanking to kill healers and wraith back to your team?

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Or maybe you’re not facing good tanks

Reaper does only one thing which can be easily avoided, close range damage.
Roadhog can deal similar amounts of damage but has better range than Reaper.
Junkrat deals similar amounts of damage and has way better range than Reaper.
Why run reaper when other heroes can fulfill his job nearly as good as him and are far more versatile.


yes and if they keep avoiding you repeatedly and you cant hit them then you gotta swap he isn’t working then

It’s not weird to me that Reaper is underperforming.

Reaper is a close range hero in a game full of lange range shooters and CC.

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Roadhog. hook + headshot = dead edgy boi.