Could it be ?!
Ya he’s getting buffed in the next ptr which is maybe going live this week?
He needs more than that though. One of the best ideas I’ve seen is armor piercing.
They haven’t said this would be all though…
WF being cancelable is a big deal for me (and other Reaper players ofcourse). It gives you way more options on how to handel a situation.
Another good idea I’ve seen is giving a resource meter like defense matrix. I think that could make him a lot better
I have little to no playtime on Reaper, but I’m excited for you Reaper mains out there.
Long overdue for him to get something. I hope this helps bring him to viability!
Having a small heal during wraith would be cool. Something like gaining 60hp-80hp. Reaper mains need some love!
Sorry but the added recovery time sounds like it negates the entire point of the buff. Instead of playing mind games and having outplay potential, wraith will suffer from the same issue shadow step has.
Lol, i am also in this boat. He’s needed it for awhile, hope ya’ll enjoy!
Super excited. I feel honestly he needs a little more. Being able to teleport in wraith form or move higher like flying would be best, right now it’s just a death sentence and this change wouldn’t alter that. Any other dps can just follow you and kill you once it ends, except McCree who is so dangerous to be close to that he actively counters Reaper.
I’m waiting to see what the new recovery time will be. If they increase it just slightly (0.2/0.3 seconds) it wouldn’t really negate the whole buff. But remember that he will still be fully reloaded. He didn’t say they would remove that.
yes but to account for their sins of buffing an off meta hero they must nerf mercy again (don’t ask why just roll with blizzards logic)
I dont understand why every hero needs build in clunkyness, while Genji and Tracer have no such sort and are considered balanced.
If one must take the blow for all the buffs… Yeah, sucks to be Mercy mains but the other will all take it
Reaper Needs slighlty more Mobility.
So Mobility is the key to Almost all characters in this game.
If not , they generally have some aesthetic to work around this and keep them useful.
Reaper’s main thing right now is to be able to quickly get behind the enemy and surprise them,Which he can do fairly well and easily depending on how Much experience you have with him and the Maps in general.
Even at about 200~ hours on Reaper I was still learning some cool new spots.
The current problem is that once engaged he has no mobility to assist with his fights.
EVERY other DPS DOES. They all have it, they all have mobility options applicable TO the fight, not just to getting there quickly.
If Reaper had slightly less spread, this shouldn’t be an issue, as your main goal would just to get there undetected, drop in close on someone and get out.
But seeing as the way his damage formula is currently and the spread on his weapons, he is easily matched or outclassed too many times by other characters even non DPS at his supposed effective Range.
The range that he was created for but is not filling. Too many other heroes have abilities that outclass his damage.
The only counters to that Is either an increase in mobility , as to match EVERY other character in OverWatch.
Meaning cancel wraith form/ slight speed buff (currently its barely faster than the walk speed of some characters.)
Or spread reduction in addition to slightly less falloff.
That’s about all I honestly believe this hero needs.
Either you give him the ability to run/ chase down the heroes that run from him as all the other hero’s have.
Or increase his chance’s of successfully killing them.
He shouldn’t just show up and be a sitting duck while everyone can run away from him and then attack out of his effective range.
Reaper? Let me walk away quickly ten feet and then fire him down.
Now from my experience it’s much easier using him at gold etc because a lot of these players have not dealt the necessary gamesense to deal appropriately with most characters.
Take for instance how you can decimate people with a Torb in gold because they choose not to learn how to counter it.
You can simply launch a shield at it and it will no longer aim at you even if you stand a foot away from it and then take it down.
True. I also think that because of the recovery time Reaper will move a lot faster in the new WF. This means he can close gaps and then this would all make more sense.
Which means its not a reliable engaging tool and he has to resort to getting the drop on someone or slowly walking up to the enemy, which are his main issues since launch which prevents him from being viable and makes him essentially a worse Roadhog.
I mean, it’s a start, but if he doesn’t get spread fixes and gap closers, then he’ll still be largely worthless and worse than his counterparts or alternates.
I’ll be estatic if they manage to fix shadowstep.
I said it before so I’ll say it again.
This is what I would do with SS
Shadow step
sensitivity bar in the options menu
Indicator gone for the enemy.
Reaper now teleports as seen in his highlight intro.
One second usage for disappearing and one sec for appearing
were you the guy who suggested it move like doomfist’s ult?