Reaper buff confirmed?!

No. I’d just make it work like it is now.

He should simply be invulnerable during his animation coming out of it. Its simply stupid that he is stunned and can do nothing, but the enemy Widow can laugh her (insert back body part here) off while lineing up her headshot and killing him.

I thought the direction they’re tanking is that they want to make him more effective against tanks since they predict we might move to a tank meta.

IT won’t matter if he isn’t effective against the majority of the cast. This is the problem with Tracer/Hog/ Junkrat etc. Basically they do a little less tank damage, but are really good at sustaining themselves, mobility, and/or killing other heroes.

Some have alternates, like Hog’s engagement tool, some have it all, like Tracer. But Reaper has always had the short end of the stick in this area.

His wraith form needs a speed buff while moving in it. Too many times I will wraith out to get away from a tight spot, only for the enemy to be right on my azz again and finish me off.

I don’t mean being way out of position either, I mean being where I am supposed to be, and get getting rekt by it as soon as I leave wraith form as if I were never in it to begin with.

another great idea: Have wraith form leave a trail that does damage. Cmon that is an ace idea.

Well, basically as I expected.

They put out a “buff” that does not address the core issues of Reaper (lack of range and mobility, poor against armor which he often has to deal with). Now this would be a good time to leave Reaper again for the next 4 seasons of competitive.

Oh wait, while we’re rolling out this “buff”, let’s provide mild tweaking so that he can’t shoot for a while after leaving wraith form. That way, it will leave Reaper more vulnerable after using his invulnerable skill and make it easier for people to chase and hunt him down if he is using wraith form as a disengage ability instead of a bait ability.

Thanks but no thanks.

I feel like he is going need something more than just yet though.

Like Joozhuah said he needs armor piercing honestly.

That would be amazing and I think they have something like that prepared.

Anyone else can’t wait to see how they manage to screw this up?


I believe all Reaper needs is a mobility buff. Improving shadow-step would be nice, cancelable wraith could be as well.

It would however be a shame if wraith form got upped with no changes to shadow-step.

I think shadow-step is where the love should be first.

Lets wait and see :slight_smile:

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Can my golden Reaper-guns finally shine again?

I’ve always found it peculiar that Reaper’s wraith form doesn’t match the one in the cinematics. Is the reason because he would be less noticeable or something else because wouldn’t it be less lore friendly if he is in a large form like he is in the game when he is a Talon Operative which you need to be stealthy in such a profession.:thinking: