Read Open Queue Limit Tanks OW2

This post is mainly about OW2 but I wouldnt mind this for OW1 either.

Limit tanks in OW2 open queue so goats cant be run this means you can still get fast queues and switch between roles but you can’t have multiple tanks on a team, one plays Open queue to play Goats they play it for Nostalgia, Faster queues, Interesting games, More strategy.

I like OW1s open queue because Goats is rarely run and is just a better experience with quicker match times.
OW2 makes 2 or 3 Tanks mandatory even in quickplay it seems I’ve played 4/7 2 or 3 Tank games.

Heres all the reasons why Open queue would be better if tanks were limited on this post,

I disagree with this post, if you want limited tanks, pick role queue. The entire point of throwing OQ into the beta was so people can quickly jump in games to test the heroes and changes. If someone wants, they can even treat it like mystery heroes, swapping heroes every couple deaths. It’s not that serious. Wins don’t matter. Losses don’t matter. There is no progression. There are no points. It doesn’t need limits, let people have their fun. Let people test things at their leisure. Please use the appropriate modes provided for your specific desires.


Just cause you want people to try new characters doesnt mean you should ruin the integrity of the games.


It will matter when they make it the same this is going to be the same as open queue comp

Why else would they include it in the beta?

And the people who play Open Queue are, and I know, this might shock you, but they’re okay with that. That’s why they play Open Queue. Because that sort of random team composition is half the fun. Want a source for that? I’m an OQ player. Like that’s all 90% of the PvP that I play. RQ is boring. There’s little variation. OQ allows for just about anything to happen. And it often does. And that’s cool.

Again, if you like role limits, then go play the role limit mode. It’s not complicated. You don’t need to change a non-role limit mode to fit your role limit mentality because that mode already exists.

Because its a gamemode people enjoy? And people were complaining about it on the forums and 3 people made videos on it which I dont agree with all the points in the videos.

Thats not a thing you mean role queue?

I dont get why you dont want tanks limited it doesnt really make much sense no one likes playing 3/2 every game and in OW2 it wont just be a GM rank thing its going to be every rank even quickplay.

Most OQ players dont like Goats they dont want to play goats everyday I think most OQ players play OQ for quicker games
And alot of them like playing 1/3/2 in OW1 and 2/2/2 but with faster queues no one ever has said I really like 3/3

I land on the side of purism here. Other than the grandfathered hero limits (no multiples of the same hero on one team), Open Queue should be open and free for everyone to play how they want. If unique metas develop here, radically different from Role Queue, so be it. In fact it may be a positive and shouldn’t be discouraged.


Its not a positive no one in OQ likes goats your just saying that because you dont like OQ and want it to die from what ive seen on previous threads.
Maybe im making too much of an assumption though.

3/2 is not GOATS…

GOATS was a very specific comp that you can’t achieve in OW2 because the tanks have fundamentally changed and healers have seen nerfs and changes as well. Just because you have 3 tanks on a team doesn’t make it GOATS. It makes it a triple tank comp or a tank-heavy comp or a dps-less comp. Not GOATS.

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Yeah ok but its better than goats imo so its still not fun.

3 Giga overtuned tanks that represent 2 players each

Its like an 8 v 6 (If you play regular OW2 comp)

For OW1 its not too bad but for OW2 there needs to be Tank limits I dont care what the new comp is called or whatever I dont want it to be a thing.

In their last news site they said that its for people who want to get fast into a game. Therefore: it stays as it is.

You would still get in games in the same time with tank limits or am I forgetting something?
You just seem to despise Open queue for no reason and want it not to succeed.

That’s simply not true, quite the opposite. I am in fact a staunch advocate for Open Queue. In fact, I have been having these conversations since Season 2. I do try to keep an open mind toward the other side’s arguments and do my best not to take an absolutist position if it stands in the way of objectivity. Also, I like to think that I’m capable of changing my mind when I’m proved wrong.

I was a cautious opponent to Role Queue from very onset of this debate in 2016, but when it was finally implemented three years later, I saw that while it did some harm, over all the change was beneficial to the game. I changed my stance on the issue of RQ itself, but was disappointed that the ranked version of Open Queue was completely eliminated and lent my voice to those trying to rectify that situation.

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The way I see it, the point was to fix queue times.

And OQ is just a good heatsink for excess players.

Nice, good to know that but still.

I dont think mutliple tanks in OW2 is a good thing in OW2 each Tank represents 2 players its a very unfair advantage atleast in OW1 they were balanced to be one key player.

Tanks in OW2 are giga buffed to represent 2 players having 2 Tanks is like having 4 players for the price of 2.

They need to limit tanks for open queue in OW2 and Ive been playing almost exclusively Tank in this season and last season.

Just because its open queue I still want fair games for Competitive OQ 2 or 3 Tanks is going to be an almost must across almost every rank even in QP im seeing only Tank and healer teams.
OQ players still want to have fair and integral matches.

“Blizzard please add open queue”

“Blizzard why can you play multiple tanks in open queue please add a role queue restriction”

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Guess you never properly read my original post just read the first 3 words then comment scratch that the first few words literally talk about limiting tanks lmao

Do me a favour and actually read the first few lines

Its not role queue its just restricting tanks since theyre giga buffed and now represent 2 players for the price of 1 hardly role queue you arent actively queing for any role and can still switch between roles, queues are still faster and most people dont want to play multiple tanks but its almost a must at this point.

What a dumb uninputful useless comment.

This magical world, where you get the RQ experience but don’t have to deal with the RQ queue times…

It doesn’t exist. Open queue is, by nature, unbalanced and has people doing whatever the crap they want. If you don’t want that, don’t play OQ.

Deal with the queue times of RQ if you want game mode restrictions.

P.S. Tanks DO NOT represent “2 players.” Far from it. How does adding 100 hp to Ball suddenly make him as valuable as 2 tanks? Or 100 HP to hog?

You’re sorely overestimating the “Giga buffing” of tanks.

Firstly, learn what GOATS comp is first before complaining about it

GOATS was a 3/3 tank support meta, consisting of Rein, Zarya, DVa, Lucio, Moira, Brig

Any change to GOATS no longer made it GOATS. The removal of DVa and replacing her with Mei or Sombra made variations, but did not come close to the GOATS comp

Therefore, 5vs5 cannot, in amy way, yield GOATS. The closest hero comp would be something called LAMBS (My name)

LAMBS is a comp consisting of Lucio, Moira, Rein, DVa, Zarya

So sombra goats isnt a thing?
Or doom goats?
What about when people were playing Zen instead of Moira for goats.

Regardless though I dont really care I just want them to limit tanks I dont care what its called.

Limiting tanks would literally go against what Open Queue is about

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