QP: 8 min queue for 5 min games

Don’t you know by now, only DPSes deserve to have fun.

Yea, I do know, but its the community that supports it unfortunately.

IDK if you know how MM and Queues work mate but RQ did effectively destroy both of them. Also it is a system that when the number of players goes down, its consequences are way way way way way way worse than on an OQ system.

But to simplify this: RQ effectively SPLIT the playerbase into 4 categories instead of 2. So yeah, if RQ didnt exist, all Competitive players would queue in ONE mode only and all QP players would do the same there.

At this point is an empirical fact that having the decaying playerbase split in many queues is ultra detrimental for ANY mode. Specially for RQ.

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ahaha ya no role que was dicussed more then the mercy rework M8, alsmost as long as comp has existed.

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Then why is Role Q working fine for me?

Apparently the OP rather prefers to quit than to switch to Open Q (which I can perfectly well understand), so it is still completely irrelevant to the topic.

The size of the Open Q player base makes the splitting of the player base pretty much insignificant compared to the impact of people leaving because of the content and update drought.
You might as well say that having Mystery Heroes in the Arcade is splitting the player base.

So you want Open Q removed?
While I personally dislike it I am perfectly fine with having slightly longer Q times if it means that other people can still play their preferred mode :woman_shrugging:

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99% of the people who want open queue removed are people who want to abuse it to instalock a dps and make everyone deal with them.

Those are the players you dont want in a team based moba anyway. If you dont know how to function in life as a team, thats your problem. Go sit in a corner and play with your toys by yourself.

Also, more people use RQ than OQ now because the wait times in OQ are nearly as long as RQ wait time for DPS.

RQ is a success and the only ones on here complaining are people we dont want in the game anyway.

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best guess: some people prefer the excessive wait times, unnecessary restrictions, and other severe problems added to the game by 222

to each their own

there are two claims made in the quoted statement above.

Both are numeric claims comparing one to the other, when there is no known valid numeric data supporting the claim of size of either of the two groups of players

as such, the entire statement is unsupported

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Bribes only existed because they destroyed tanks, and supports with nerfs. They made the fun unfun, and they knew it. That’s why we have, “passes.”

You mean long queues.

There is no game out there without queues.

They knew it, they warned us about it, they went ahead with it. If you think this side - effect of the game mode somehow automatically renders it as a failure, then so be it. We’ll have to agree to disagree.

However, it should be great news for you that, since OW2 will be all about 122 RQ, this side effect will be addressed.

Can you prove that’s because of RQ and not because of the game being 2 years older, receiving tons of unpopular changes and zero new content, all in a gaming environment where blockbuster games due out after a month due to players having nothing else to do in the game?

I would really appreciate a link.

Quite the opposite. As you also said, it is the most played game mode by far.

The most probable reason for RQ’s implementation is Goats, however it in no way is the only reason, as it has been confirmed by the devs themselves that development began on the system before Goats was even a thing (which makes sense based on how much time Overwatch features take to implement).

For me, RQ addresses what Flexing would actually often results in pre - RQ, which was players handicapping their entire team after randomly switching from Support/Tank to DPS. With RQ, players can play whatever role they choose, as it no longer is race of who has the better hardware.

Also, we can still flex within a role and as everyone utilizes 222 (soon 122) comps, the playing field becomes much more balanced, organized and (at east theoretically) easy to balance.

However, I see the perceived problems of the game mode and I’m glad that OQ exists for the people that prefer it.

We didn’t. The MMR punishes grouping up, which made climbing with LFG an absolute chore. Couple that with queue times that were much higher than the current ones, but for all players, not just DPS and you’ll understand why LFG is rightfully considered dead on arrival.

I know I used it for almost 2 years and in now was can it replace RQ, unless of course it’s actually fixed.

this data has been brought up many times

again - while it is valid data per se, it is not valid for the purpose of supporting the claim that was made for multiple reasons

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I agree that it’s great for highly competitive team games (by team I mean people who you regularly play with or who you at least found in a group to vet they are competent and experienced players in their role), but I’ll never agree that it was a good decision for ladder. That’s just my option. It basically attempted to solve two problems that didn’t even exist there: Goats and “4 dps” comps. Goats was never played in lower ranks. Only in higher ranks at least master and above which is a very small percentage of the community. And 4 dps type comps were only being played in gold ranks and below. And those comps are still very winnable in lower ranks because of lack of game sense, it’s not an insta loss like it would be in Diamond or even mid plat, so it wasn’t a problem. And in Plat and above most comps were 2-2-2 because it was tough to win a game without it. This was usually a starting comp in most games, but you had the option to flex or switch things up mid game if needed like going 2-3-1 if you really needed more damage or 3-1-2 if you couldn’t push through a choke, etc.

So like I said, the problems RQ addressed weren’t really problems in ranked. A lot of people do prefer it so I think they should’ve somehow designed a system that made it optional, basically like LFG but without the wait times and mmr problems. People say that’s impossible, but not at all, I bet Elon Musk could do it :slight_smile:

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Given the number of times that the devs have implicitly admitted it is a failure, as well as all the dev time that has gone into attempts to fix/replace it when those dev resources could have been creating much-wanted new content, I personally can’t see RQ as anything BUT a failure


I personally believe it’s exactly the opposite… Exactly because ladder is such a disorganized mess, RQ is a necessity…

This doesn’t invalidate the complaint, needless to say, even though I have heard many reports from higher - ranked players as well who go into their experiences with multi - DPS comps.

I also agree this would had probably been the best option.

not at all

222/rolequeue was never, is never, and never will be a necessity

if it were, it would be impossible for all the matches without 222/rolequeue involved to ever have been played…and yet, millions upon millions of such matches have been played, and are being played as I write this and as you read this

Further…the devs have implicitly admitted - by actions rather than words - that 222 (and by extension, rolequeue) is a failure

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This reminded me of:

“dOn’T yoU guYs hAVe pHOneS?” :rofl:


maybe because not everyone like comp , its stale meta, its smurfs and so on?

There are zero reasons to play comp

There are zero reasons to do anything in any game except if you are complaining about smurfs in comp and then pointing to QP where it is going to be drastically worse I find it hard to take that argument seriously.

There used to be. And they were way better without queues. The only reason they put a queue system in instead of dedicated servers was to protect their IP. It wasn’t for the well-being of their players, lol.

There is a difference, in qp you can play what you want , not only hitscans.

In qp I don’t care about a thing about smurfs since I don’t win or lose any sr (the beauty of qp)

if you care about smurfs in qp I tell you a secret, in qp you can’t smurf and if you want you can leave.

I play qp to have fun, something that in comp don’t and will never exist.

for what I have to go comp?

gold weapon? who care

sr? who care

being flamed ? no thanks

there isn’t a single positive thing about comp

to me comp will be the end of fun.