QP: 8 min queue for 5 min games

Like why should I keep playing this game?


I mean you dont have to…


Role Queue was a mistake.


Don’t queue as DPS then?


It could be worse

It could have been 4 comp games that each cost 10 minutes to queue for, and all of them had a leaver at the first-minute mark.

I mean, at least I didn’t lose any SR, but I have to sit back the queue again… and again … and again… until I finally got a full match, and it was on HLC


Why did you have an 8 minute queue?

Are you queueing at midnight hours in an unpopular timezone?

Do you not have priority passes?

I switched from soldier to Lucio for shorter queues, turns out im better with him too. best decision i made in this game

dont play damage if this bothers you that much

dps is my least played roll. so am i not allowed to at least chose dps in QP?

well you know what the wait times are its up to you! I still play them in arcade modes but not qp anymore

in comp you get at least two rounds

Why this game needs you is a better question. Don’t try to revolve interest around you when the case is kinda completely opposite.

Gotta luv roll queue would of been a better concept to have a roll lock instead

Why are you playing QP?

Like who gives a crap about SR in comp - the reason to play comp is to make the queue worth it. You get more than one round on a payload or hybrid map, matches last 15-20 minutes instead of 5. There are leavers, but far less leavers than in QP (and they get punished immediately), you don’t ever have to see Paris or HLC, and you earn gold guns.

The integrity of competitive is screwed anyway with so many alt accounts so there’s literally no reason for anyone to not just… play comp to make the long queue times worth the wait.


Role queue will always be the biggest mistake. Anyone who defends it is just wrong.

Arguments like “are you in a different region thats dead, or playing at not ‘peak’ hours” are just plain stupid. Every game on the market has no such thing as “peak” hours. You go onto any competitor any time of the day or night and you’ll get a game. It is pure copium to pretend like these queue times are either acceptable or okay. Whats really happening is a pure lack of players now.


If you are getting 8 min queues as DPS, you are clearly not playing the other roles enough. Flex pass is a thing.

Or you can just keep whining, whatever mate

I have trouble to understand what this rather controversial opinion has to do with the topic?

The OP apparently prefers RQ despite the shorter DPS Q times in Open Q, so Open Q (despite being an available option) doesn’t seem to be a viable solution for the problem at hand.


Honestly one of the greatest mistakes in gaming.
That and listening to the top1% who backed RQ completely out of touch with 99%. That and keeping the ppl who backed it employed when they should never touch another AAA title. Ever.


Play open queue comp then. It’s more or less QP with better matchmaking

Completely disagreed, it’s actually quite the opposite, but hey… That’s exactly why Open Queue exists, for people like you…

And turn the game into a race of better hardware deciding who plays what they want and who doesn’t?

Yeah… We’ll pass on that…

Ever heard of opinions my guy?
Your view that RQ was a “mistake” isn’t any more correct than someone else’s who believes otherwise…

Peak hours, AKA hours of the day when the player population reaches its highest values, exist in all games and affect queue times.

You will get a match even outside of pick hours in Overwatch as well if you wait long enough, by the way…

Based on all unofficial polls and official usage stats on the game modes, the majority of the player base supports RQ and plays it the most.

So yeah, what you’re saying has no backing whatsoever.


False. There is no valid data to support that claim.

But hey, keep defending a garbage lockdown prison cell handcuff template for the mainstay game mode - without facts or data. These queue times are ridiculous (and certifiably bribed for 67% of players) vs. pre 222 or open queue.

Bribes? Fail on site. No more discussion. If your mode takes bribes you get to leave gaming industry. No more paychecks.

222 queues are full evidence of supply/demand mismatches, failure to read the demographics, and inability to cater to the FPS masses.

An easy layoff for those who backed it without a doubt.
As a shareholder I would demand blood.