QP: 8 min queue for 5 min games

But this way we can play QPC to get the 9 win lootboxes which is what a lot of newer players want which pushes players to play QPC. This is something I think is good for everyone to go through too since playing in open formats and having to deal with a steady stream of full DPS teams organically teaches them the importance of tanks/supports too :slight_smile:

Also if someone thinks that there would be more tank and support players going QPC if it was next to QP: There wouldn’t. RQ was especially catered for them so there’s never a chance they’ll ever give up on the format

Rofl i would prolly play role queue if i didnt have to wait minutes… role queue doesnt bother me i dont play it… if ow2 has role queue as well i prolly wont buy it

given that none of the sources listed in the statement quoted above are valid, the statement about the majority of players preferring 222 is also unsupported

completely and utterly unsupported

No? They would remain or go up because there are not enough people playing???

Doesn’t that mean you should have plenty of priority tickets? I’m constantly stacked with 40/40 and don’t even use them.

You do. That’s Discussing 101.

Can you prove that high queue times are the sole reason for a decrease in player population and no the fact that more than 2 years have passed of the game ageing, more games being released, the game receiving zero new content and tons of controversial changes, all of that in a gaming environment where games die out 1 month after their release?

The same thing is true for Overwatch. Also, peak times exist in every game. These are facts.

These statements are contradictory, unless of course the devs go through with what they said main happen and OQ doesn’t return in OW2…

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Eh, I’ve had those times on QP DPS during primetime EST. It’s not usually that long, but it’s not unheard of either. I often get the “Priority pass refunded” message on it.

You shouldn’t. Case closed.

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You shouldn’t. Said it yourself.

Isint classic mode suppose to stop this from happening?

Play something besides dps or even better play dps and keep waiting

I know of no valid data to support this claim.

What is valid: Queues = supply/demand mismatch.
That’s a structural failure whether or not they admit it, whether or not you accept it as such. Objectively, it’s out-of-touch.

The mode take bribes. /thread


Quickplay Classic in Arcade. That way a person can play the game as any hero :slight_smile: .

  • It still provides XP towards boot lockers.
  • There is NO leaver penalty at all.
  • Q times are mostly UNDER 30 seconds.
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“I hate long dps queue”

“How about solving it by making tanks fun to play?”

“No I dont want that, then its boring if tanks dont insta die”

Overwatch dps community in a nutshell.

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Hmm I have some counters to your post. First, yes most players play RQ but overall the number of OW players has dropped since RQ implementation. Blizzard has admitted this. It’s was one of their stated reasons for implementing cross play. One of the biggest factors for drop in player base is the long dps wait times which is a direct consequence of RQ. So while RQ may be the preferred mode of the small hardcore community, it doesn’t seem to be popular with the medium and casual base.

Second, there seems to be an underlying implication that RQ was implemented to improve game quality on ladder. However RQ was primarily implemented to increase ratings for OWL which had tanked during the GOATS rein. They implemented RQ mid-season, right before the first play off games, which was no coincidence. Ratings had been terrible that season and they needed an EpiPen to save the show. Some Blizzard execs were honest about this and said they felt OWL play had to be identical to ladder for viewers to relate, so they put the RQ change in ladder too. Others promoted that it was implemented solely for the community for “fair and fun” play. I’m sure this is partly true but looking at the timing and interviews I think it was primarily implemented for to save OWL, not to improve your gaming experience.

My personal opinion is that it takes away from the original spirit and design of overwatch which was about flexibility and swapping heroes to address counters, comps, and map sections. In early interviews with Jeff he stated that they want to dissuade one-tricking and even one-role(ing) and wanted people to swap to several heroes throughout a game. Roll queue is the antithesis of this. Especially for roles of tanks and supports which have only a few heroes to swap to.

IMO they should’ve just really focused on improving LFG. Players who are dead set on 2-2-2 could’ve just gone to LFG and formed groups. QP and even Comp on ladder isn’t the same as OWL, there’s no money for winning or climbing, it’s just supposed to be a fun game. These modes should’ve stayed more flexible and definitely should’ve kept lower queue times for all players. Like I said, the try-hards always had the option to use LFG and more people would’ve used it if they had made changes.


Did you use a pass?

It’s insane that people are blaming role queue for the dwindling player base and not the fact that we haven’t gotten a new character SINCE NEAR THE START OF 2020. Like echo is slightly younger than covid being considered a pandemic, who knew that the playerbase would dwindle in a game where we don’t get gameplay updates for years+ at a time.

There’s also ya know, the rampant sexual assault going on at blizzard, what a surprise, people don’t want to play a game that came from the place that created the Cosby suite and cube crawls.

But nah nah it’s role queues fault overwatch is losing players. LMAO, cope more.

I didn’t find any more recent than 2019 using google search of “ Overwatch poll role queue.”


This game is literally designed around tank/healer/dps. Not having RQ from the start was the dumb decision.

Im sorry you want to play a popular role only and then get upset because you have to wait with the others.

That my friend is what we called an under developed brain.


I can find a match in Flex Q in under 30 seconds though.

If DPS players would really quit due to the Q times, then the DPS Q times would go down, since Tanks and Supports don’t have long Q times, so for them this wouldn’t be a reason to quit to begin with.