QP: 8 min queue for 5 min games

In comp you can also play what you want (honestly Echo is the strongest hero in the game though and is not a hitscan just as an fyi).

Once again though your arguments contradict themselves. If you do not care about SR, then why care about losing it? Its silly to complain about losing SR and then point out you dont care about SR. Both cannot be true. So if by your logic losing doesnt matter because all you lose is SR then you pick what you want and not care aka the same as QP just with a more consistent skill delta (ie less smurfs).

sure, try to play sombra

try to play torb

try to play junkrat

try to play anything else that isnā€™t hitscan, you will have a game 100 time harder

I donā€™t care of comp and what it bring , Iā€™m not forced to play it, comp is only a stupid way to lose patience, deal with it, some people donā€™t give a thing about comp because comp is the worst thing ever

I donā€™t wanna neither gain the sr, the fact that I care to lose it came only from you

Torb and Junkrat are fine to pick even at high SRs and if you are not at high SRs your hero choice doesnt matter anyway. I actually play a pretty decent Torb at 3900 (havenā€™t had a good DPS season this season) depending on the map and while rat isnt really my hero because I do not know the tech for him yet, there are enough people who do that I can say he is also a fine pick. Neither are Echo/Tracer/Hanzo tier but far from bad.

Again though if you are not playing at higher SRs your pick doesnt matter and you have the same experience regardless. A gold Bastion is the same as a gold Soldier and the same as a gold Sym (who is also an okay pick).

You were the one who brought up gaining or losing SR as a reason not to play comp but then said you do not care about SR about 5 lines later so both cannot be true. It is either irrelevant (the correct way to look at SR) or a reason not to play. Trying to have it both ways just screams trying to find a reason rather than having one.

seen enough streamings from gold to gm where I see only hitscans.

good for you? In that elo unlike gold/plats people know what to do unlike bronze>plats

I donā€™t have any sr (profile is open) and I will never have one, I. WONā€™T. PLAY. COMP. N.E.V.E.R.

I SAID sr? who care, I donā€™t wanna have that number , thatā€™s is what I mean. (you understood in your way)

just take it, some people donā€™t play this game to go comp. and you have all to accept it. stop this stupid ā€˜ā€˜rankedā€™ā€™ elitism, and if someone wanna play only qp so be it, youā€™re not any worst or better if you play comp instead of qp

we are all the same.

seems like this talk wanna bring someone to play comp -_-

no because soldier is a better bastion, take soldier you do bastion job 100% times better

Oh okay I thought we were talking only about games with matchmaking.

And, concerning that, itā€™s impossible for a Competitive game to function without a matchmaking system lol. IP protection is absolutely irrelevant compared to this specific fact.

Just imagine players being able to join whatever game, with players of whatever rankā€¦

Not much different than now, imo. Iā€™ve had plenty of matches with three ranks represented.

Those matches are supposed to be an anomaly though with matchmaking systemsā€¦

Certainly not the case with server browsers thoughā€¦

This is why I only play quickplay arcade, and even then I only really play during the events. This game is very mediocre. I miss 2016 Overwatch both in terms of gameplay quality and in terms of community hype.