PTR Mercy actually feels really good

Blizzard defines what Mercy is

She is what she is defined to be at the moment

She has a current definition that is about to receive a change that increases the effectiveness and frequency of her ultimate

Such a change is a buff

Anyone who is 2v6 is going to die, no matter who the healer is. Ana’s burst healing is not good enough to keep a target alive, who has no shields, who is being focused by 4+ people. No one can.

Mercy is like the Resto Druid of WoW, and Ana is the Holy Paladin. They both serve different purposes and their healing styles are completely different.

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sometimes yes, sometimes no.

I dont get to choose the circumstances

I tried her last night as well and didn’t really feel anything. My only enjoyment came from watching Ashe and Bob doing things. Valk’s flying still feels boring to me. The floating needs to change and the base healing was a bit mind numbing.

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With her ult, it is enough. And tanks without shields are bad for stalling anyway, since they help enemy charge up ults.

I`ll say it again “Press Q to outheal Winston primary fire!”
Such change is not a buff. This is an insult.

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At this point, we’re hyper focusing on semantics that aren’t even constant game-occurring events.

As a Reinhardt-main, I can assure you, that even Nanoboosted, I will still be dropped swiftly by the enemy with focus fire if it’s just me and the Ana. CCs and Stuns makes it near impossible sometimes.


Players define what hero is. If hero is healer, yet best used as DPS, it is DPS.


I respectfully disagree

In her current state as I type this, Mercy’s rate of healing and rate of earning ult charge are lower than they will be when the change announced on 20181023 goes live

this in turn means this change is a buff


Players do not write the code not produce the animations, skins, sprays, etc that define what a character is

Blizzard does these things

Therefore, Blizzard decides what each character is, including but not limited to Mercy

compared to mercy that is now live,even a cripple ferret would feel better

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They can decide whatever, but it doesn’t matter, because it’s players who will use hero.

I dont have access to the PTR, but find Mercy in her current unbuffed state to be fun, engaging, effective, and balanced

I look forward to her ult being even more effective in helping my team win teamfights and capture/control objectives

I still tell you that if you only consider the current version of a hero when taking patch notes, you know nothing of balancing.

A player can use a character within the limits of the character

A player playing Mercy might want to invoke a 2000 HP shield - that’d be quite convenient at times, yes indeed - but the player cant as that ability isnt part of Blizzards definition of what Mercy is

And what about her rate before last nerf? (It will be not “last” im sure…)

“Mercy get buffed…”

This is a revent… Blizz get that they are mistaken. But too late.


Those limits allow to drop weak parts of character entirely, using hero in “wrong” way, when it’s just avoiding liability.

If I don’t use rez at all, I am not playing in intended way. But since intended way includes me playing target practice for other team, I just drop that part.

If pistol during Valkyrie is better, than trying to use your beams, then those beams are basically dropped and don’t exist for that “new” character. Why would I want to use ult in suboptimal way? Pistol all the way, it’s best part of ult since all resurrect buffs were removed from it.

Devs can create all kinds of things, but if players don’t feel like to use those new things, it won’t be used, regardless from dev’s intentions.

A player can nerf a character 14 times. Oh wait…

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In my opinion, one makes changes to balance a game rather than a character.

The changes sometimes end up being to a given character, but even these have repercussions for all characters - the Rein I heal in Valkyrie for example will in the very near future get healed a bit quicker

The changes to the game for the purpose of balance are made against the current version of the game, not a previous version; this being necessary because the same is no longer what it once was, but rather what it is now

That said, past experience is a good guide to how to act in the future. We as humans learn from both our mistakes and our successes. The devs have said for example in interviews at Blizzcon 2018 that mass rez is not coming back. I conclude (perhaps wrongly) that they learned from the experience of this being in the game at one time, with the specific learning being that this ability shouldnt return to the game.