Proof SR is rigged

Frogigy, i don’t think that is Kaawumba’s intention.

He was trying to be sarcastic here in this thread and on the threads, as well as this, using his experience as a reference point.

Last season I ran into a widow one trick sitting at high gold with a 35% win rate on widow. Hard to understand how that can be possible but it is.

I actually lost a grand total of 7 SR for 2 losses and gained a total of 44 SR for 2 wins.

True story. :rofl:

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Oh wow. I wish I had losses this leaniant. Keep grinding, you will get into gold!

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Ha! Thanks, NearVoid, i think that it was a bug, as a couple of more experienced forumers had mentioned. Hence, the bug report submission (no reply though from tech support).

This old man is happy to remain in Silver/Bronze. I can just jump into a game with no “warm ups”, play whomever i want and just relax because i am just enjoying the game. =D

This again. Ignore the, you belong where you are, people. They have their own agenda, it usually follows along the if they admit the system is borked then that leads to questioning they are where they belong, and so on. It’s very easy to show how messed up it is, buy a new account. Play the heroes you are best at. When you get your levels and placements out of the way, chances are you will place 1-2 tiers higher than your main. Or you can do what I did this last season on a new account. I used it to learn some characters I had not played much but thought were fun. Was not good at them at all, 5-5 placement, high gold… how is that even possible? I sucked at them.

The question I have is, I never even played this account last season. Just had an internet down issue… 10 minutes ban. I can’t even recall the last time I had a disco on any of my accounts. Also I noted 15-17 gains for wins, solid 21-30 for loss… it used to be the opposite. Same amount of golds, same pushes, same characters. Strange stuff.

Either way, SR is not actually rigged. The system just tries to give you a “fair” match, which means better players when you are playing good, worse when you are doing worse, and so on. End effect, unless you far below your level and can hard carry, it tends to keep you where you are regardless. Tested time and time again. Dozens (maybe hundreds?) threads on this over the year or two.

my stats: 1150 - 79 - 1118
lowest sr 1150
highest sr 3199

same i went from 3489 to 3.1k,

Totally agree… And that I think this is a contributing cause of much frustration for many players including myself… And I think you meant to say that as the matchmaking systems tries to get a 50% winrate match, when you are performing well they try to group you up with lower skilled players to balance out and vice versa… the trouble is that it does not account the type of player you are, you might end up with a team of healers or tanks (doesn’t help that blizzard allows your profiles to be private), then people will say to flex… I have tried and I think flex players get it the worst in this system, since they may not be always playing their best heros, their overall stats may suffer and they end up ranking lower even though they are doing what the game is supposed to do… Of couse people will then say oh so get good at multiple heros, but seriously even if you are good at all heroes, this is still a team game, there are ROLES, so even if you play one role you need to rely on others to perform. Arguably a good DPS can “carry” better as if they consistently outplay the opposing team, getting more kills, but then wouldn’t this defeat the purpose of team game where you can play tanks/support/dps as you choose to?
Anyways, the point I’m trying to say that there is a contradiction between how the game is supposed to be played and the ranking/matchmaking system… it tries to use individual stats in comparison to the population and rank you accordingly, then group you up based on that. Trouble is individual stats doesn’t equate to group performance, not in Overwatch anyways. It system is only good initially, to quickly place the player at the appropriate skill level, but then it is very bad as a feedback mechanism for players to improve. And that is where the frustrations comes from, as a player you invest your time in a game not just for enjoyment but with hopes that it would lead to improvement in skills which is supposedly reflected in your ranking. So it is really frustrating to see your rank going nowhere, due to factors beyond your control. I really hope that the new guild system blizzard is building will help with this issue. Until then, I think I will be taking a break from this game…


Actually since you only play Symmetra and Mercy, there is a slight difference in skill between gold and diamond. You’re also on console which would give you a greater advantage for playing aimless heroes.

There is also a difference in impact you have in a game when you’re the only bad player, meaning it would be easier to maintain low diamond because there is no PBSR even if you’re performing bad.

I used to be GM before I switched from using my right hand to the left hand. I mostly played Winston, Symmetra, and Mercy as I learned to play with my left. You know what happened? When I was mid diamond there were games where I had a 70% win rate with Symmetra and maintained that rating for about 15 or so games. I played like utter trash but I still won games, and eventually after 100 games I reached high gold and couldn’t go lower. So even when my aim is worse than bronze, I was able to stay at at high gold by playing Symmetra.

This was also before PSBR was taken out of diamond+, so it was easier to drop down in rank by playing bad, but for you it would be easier to maintain rank playing a low impact heroes.

Another thing with playing with friends that are as bad as you, would make it harder to win games. Also you’re not playing any high impact or carry hero, so why do you think you’re diamond level if you win, but won’t even post your other account?

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There is nothing rigged. As long as you are valuable for your team you’ll keep climbing. I remember I was 3000+, then I started to play every hero in this game. Even in the competitive. I was flexing a lot. And I was flexing really bad. Unless I’ve started to main Rein & Zarya I was stuck in plat. Now I’m gaining twice SR per win than losing (35-40 per win and 15-20 lost per lose). These placement matches I had 5 loses (3 of them because of leavers). And I managed to get placed higher than last season’s finale. There is nothing rigged. All depends on what and how you play.


But isn’t that precisely the problem though, the devs themselves have encouraged players to flex and pick counter heroes, but the ranking system contradicts that by ranking you based on what you main. So what happens if you can’t play your main? Or your team can’t work with your main? or you are getting countered by your main? Just stubbornly stick to it and lose the match? Force other players to play around you? I think that is where a lot of the frustrations and toxicity is coming from. Mains players sticking to their mains because they are afraid to drop in rank for playing heroes they cannot perform with, and flex players trying to work with the team but still getting punished by the system. Everyone still loses.


Honestly… I feel like Diamond is a weird rank to be in. Good mechanics will carry you into diamond. Being really good at one or two heroes will get you into Diamond, especially if you play in stacks but once you’re there…

You have a lot of:

  • Masters+ smurfs
  • Masters+ learning new characters
  • Masters+ Tanks/Supports with far superior game sense but bad aim playing dps
  • CSGO elites with good aim, but terrible game sense
  • One tricks… so many one tricks
  • Decayed masters/gm

With People that actually belong there making up maybe half of the roster.

Overall… my experience in diamond has not been great. So far, for me:
Silver was casual
Gold was best rank
Platinum had a lot of unwinnable games
Diamond… I feel like I will hit masters very soon now because I am amble to flex to almost anything and fill the gaps or counter one tricks. Diamond also seems to have even more toxic people but they’re at least competent.

This is the greatest fallacy statement ever. Aim is relative to your competiton. Playing a non-aim character would help you if you played on PC with a controller against mouse users who would have an easier time aiming (I’m gonna just leave the mouse/controller debate alone for now). However, when everyone is using a controller… everyone has the same input issues with regard to aiming. Hence, playing characters that require less aiming mechanics to be effective is no difference between console and pc. It is relative and has no place in the discussion except to demean controller users.

Let me ask you something. How often do you win 5v6? Why does the community hate leavers so much. Because going 5v6 is near impossible because of the way matchmaking is done.

Having a bad player is fundamentally worst. Feeding ult charge and always being dead doesn’t help and puts your team at a severe disadvantage.

I’m not sure if you’ve ever played with a bronze player before. Like a true bronze player. They are soooo heavy. Even as a plat player, trying to carry a true bronze or silver player even in low gold is difficult. That is the level difference between trying to play with a gold player in a diamond game. You are better off with no one at all… which is why you fell all the way to gold when switching hands.

I think I’m at like 100 games on my alt. Still climbing. I don’t think I’d be climbing (or shouldn’t be) if I was severely missranked. Maybe get lucky and tread water…but climb? have a winning record? Do it over multiple metas… with a non-meta hero… combating throwers? I had to prove my worth every single game because I had to fight my team along with my enemy. No, sir. I earned that 3400 and the compliments I got along the way about how good my Symm play was.

However, on a “low impact” hero (whatever that means, elitist much?) or where you play a supportive role to your team… if the team is poor and doesn’t play into your advantages (at any rank) then the team will fall.

Have you ever played with a real smurf? Smurfs lose. Support smurfs lose even more then dps smurfs.

I climbed originally out of silver and into plat when I found Symm becauss of how great the character was in filling the gaps left by underperforming teammates. Bad tank? Barrier helped us survive and get in chokes with my hidden TP. Bad healers? SG gave my team the extra health they needed. Lacking DPS? I microwaved the team. But off the point… It wasn’t lack of aiming that helped me rise with Symm… it was leveraging her utility to have a high impact on the team. It didn’t show in stats, because being a good symm was about making the right plays, not filling the leaderboard. Great plays are high impact… so I’m not exactly sure what you mean by mercy and Symm being low impact… when before a month ago, mercy was almost unanimously the highest impact support in the game.

ASymmPalLife - Not that it will do you any good since the profile is private… Nor is viewing my profile relevent except for those that doubt I’m telling the truth… not that even those people would believe it is even my account unless I go through all the hassel to create a bliz account just to post on the forum… So yeah, knock yourself out.

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This is a problem. It may be what all these complaints are based on (I don’t know). If they are, though, they should just say it rather than playing a hero you’re not good at, losing, then saying it’s rigged.

If you have a good solution for the fact that there’s so many heroes and it’s nearly impossible to rank people who flex, especially when they flex poorly, you should patent it.

Personally, I think it’s easier to educate people on reasonable expectations as to what the MM is, what it can do, and the trade offs that are made that help some but hurt others, e.g. PBSR.

I like that you gave us your W:L, it helps a bunch.
Also, it’s worse than you thought.

521W - 453L = 68 win differential
2100 present - 1750 start = 350SR gain over time
BUT, you said you have 3DCs, which is a loss of 150SR. So your SR gain over time is actually 500. You’ve never been subject to decay, so we don’t need to worry about that.

500/68 = 7.35SR per win

The reason that I didn’t include the DCs in the calculation is because DC SR loss doesn’t effect your MMR. So if SR chases MMR, the 50sr loss would only be a short term SR loss like that of decay. So I would have slowly gotten a higher SR gain to make up for the short term penalty.

Over the long term… the only penalty that could probably be affecting me would be the most recent that was in the s12 placements.

So here my story.1945 after placements -> 2100-> 2000 ->2100 -> 2000

hmm wait a second.2000-> 2100 -> 2000 -> hmm is the match making intentionally trying to make me lose pairing up with toxic idiots everytime i drop and silent or cooprative teammates everythime i climb to 2100.

Now im back to 2000.Don’t worry folks by tomorrow i’ll be hard carrying back to 2100 before dropping back to 2K.I’m forever stuck here.

Iruka sensei of gold and beyond to turn you into a hokage because i wasn’t given a chance to be naruto :confused:

Look man. I don’t know if you realize you’re trolling. I actually don’t think you do so let me give you the Wikipedia definition of “trolling” so you know where I’m coming from:

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll’s amusement or a specific gain.

I want to focus on the parts I bolded, which states “A troll is a person who starts quarrels by posting digressive messages in an online community with the intent of normalizing tangential discussion.”

I say this, and I want to be clear that I’m really not sure you realize you’re doing this, to bring up that the system as we understand it does not handle groups well, especially groups of widely varying skills. You cannot play with your friends, and your Smurf son, on an account and post it as something having any validity regarding the matchmaker at all. All you’re doing is telling us stuff we already know. WHICH WOULD BE PERFECTLY FINE BUT… and this is the line you cross where you become a “troll”, you use terms you know or should know are “quarrel starting” (proof, rigged) then go on to discuss a perfectly legitimate complaint that most certainly isn’t rigging, even if we accepted your “proof”, with the effect of normalizing the idea that Blizzard is somehow altering your SR in an unfair way rather than you and your choices causing glitches in the system as designed.

If you want the SR to be accurate, don’t play with friends. If you want to play with friends, don’t expect the SR system to be accurate because WE ALREADY KNOW groups of disparate skill break the system. This is a legitimate debate and if your title was “Always playing in groups makes SR really difficult to pin down accurately” you’d have me, and probably all of us who clamp on these “rigged” discussions to try to stop this madness, on your bandwagon.

If your intent is really not to be a troll, you may find that trying to understand how the system works will provide you with more options to fix it’s flaws than going on about how Blizzard is fixing the games to make you lose.

AND OMG WHY DO YOU ADMIT TO PLAYING WITH YOUR DERANKED GM SON?! He should be banned and you should feel bad for setting such a poor example.

TL;DR: If SR is rigged, it’s by you, not Blizzard.

Sorry, but your own experience isn’t proof of anything general about the matchmaker. I’m not saying you haven’t experienced all of this, it just doesn’t prove anything. I’ve actually been having better games and climbing. If individual experience is proof of something general, then my own experience is proof of the contrary to what you claim.