Proof SR is rigged

So I’ve finally finished my 1000th game of comp. After 1001 games I am 521w-453L-26t. I originally started my first season in Season4 and placed 1750. I peaked on this account around 2840’s.

My worst season was last season when I finish 1 game under .500 (but was 3-7 in placements so I really ended up with a winning record on the season)

I’ve never had a losing season. Season 11 was the first season I ever finished or started(after initial) under 2500.

I have had maybe 3 disconnects in all my 1000 games.

I am now 2100.

Are. You. Kidding. Me.

I have long stated that the SR system is messed up… but I didn’t realize it until I looked at my record after 1000 games. If i had an even 25+ for ever game i was over .500… I should be high diamond. But instead, my avg SR gain for a win over .500 +5!

What is even more frustrating… is a few seasons back, I created a new account… and it initially placed at 2800. I then kept winning in solo queue to push it to 3400 before I retired it. I probably could have gotten to masters, the games in Diamond were easier then Plat.

This is proof that SR is a lie and it is a completely pointless number… especially gold-plat. How do you constantly win… and still get pushed back down.

Like last season… pretty much finished at .500 (1 game off) but dropped from 2647 s10 finish… to finish s11 at 2268. Then I went 6-4 (plus a dc) and placed 2234. After 50+ games this season… I am -4 games (no dcs since placements) but I am -139sr from placements. That is an avg of -34.75sr per loss.

On an account that before last season never finished outside of plat.

I mean… I am trying not to get triggered about my SR drop… but this is ridiculous.

EDIT ADD 9/26: Someone requested the breakdown of the seasons halfway through the thread and it is starting to get lost.

s4 S~1750 f: 2500 75-55-4 Symm 16hr (73%win), Mercy 7h (33%), Dva 4hrs (49%))

s5 S-? f: 2699 high: 2775 151-123-9 Symm 31h (60%), Mercy 10h(44%), Dva 4h(45%)

s6 S-2784 (7-3) f: 2550 high 2843 64-55-4 Symm 13h(62%), Mercy 4h 53%, dva 2h(42%)

s7 s-2614(6-4) f: 2555 high: 2728 64-60-3 Symm 10h(56%), mercy 6h(57%), Orisa 2h (27%)

s8 s-2651(8-2) f:2522 h: 2681 55-51-3 Symm 9h(60%), Mercy 4h(48%), Orisa 2h(41%)

s9 s-? f: 2652 (high) 13-7 Symm 2h(75%), Mercy 1h (70%)

s10 s-? f:2657* (high) 11-10 Symm 2h(72%), Mercy 1h(35%)

s11 s~2460(3-7) f:2262 h: 2502 66-68-2* Symm 10h(58%), Mercy 8h (55%), Lucio 2h(40%)

*previously estimated at 2647 and 67-68-1 but when looking it up in game at home they were a number off

s12 s2234(6-5) (high) current 2095 25-28-1 (As of OP)
9/26: 2207 54-53-2 (21-9 solo)
10/25: 2191 68-66-2 (31-14 solo)


The only people who are allowed to climb are those who can consistently hard carry games. Other than that you are where you belong. Whatever ai they are using to create matches is really weak and has no real idea how matches go.


Thing is… Gold is too easy. I literally just had a game where we won 5v6… the entire game on Anubis. The guy left right after the timer expired to end the match. We started on attack and almost got both points… then we held on defense. All of it down a guy.

I got 15sr.


Overall Competitive Record: 616-591-74
Starting SR: 35 (Season 1, equivalent to 1750 today)
Low SR: Season 2, about 600
Current SR (Career high): 2527

I guess Blizzard just rigged it against you. They like me.


So proof comp is rigged is because you started in silver and are now in gold? What makes you think you actually belong in diamond? I’m looking at your stats here. There is nothing that says diamond to me.


dude ive seen you go around talking all about your SR gains. Just stop tryna flex ur lil sr gain

Let’s do this then. Let’s assume it’s true the system is ‘rigged’. It’s also true that all players work with the same system. There are numerous examples of players who have climbed (legitimately) from low ranks to high ranks.

So, some players can climb and others can’t. It’s then probably true that the players that can climb perform better and more consistently than those who can’t, or they play a busted hero on which they are able to perform well.


Lets see… I’ve always been plat. Until last season. I’ve always had a winning record. I have an alt account at 3400.

I’m a support/symm main.

I win.

I win consistantly.

I don’t expect to be diamond… I do however expect not to be getting screwed by the SR system.

Oh, and thanks for linking my overbuff that has me as the 238th best Symm in the world… but I’m gold?!? lol Overbuff is no longer reliable. I even admit I’m not that good of a Symm to be ranked in the top 300 of all systems.

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Also I’ll toss my stats out there. Do with them what you will.

Initial placement: 2350
High: 4003
Low: 1600
Total record: 256-12-221 (52% wr)


Performance based SR below Diamond. Your stats must’ve made the system lower your gains and amplify your loses. What heroes do you play?

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You are 25-28. 47% winrate this season.

Glad you’re proud of your rank. Are you also proud of your 45% dmg and 43% death rate? How about your mercy 10% heal and 64% death rate? Or your Lucio 11% damage 57% death rate? Or your Moira 12% damage 51% healing 24% death rate?

These are your stats against other golds. But you know… you definitely belong in a higher rank


This thread has convinced me that performance is extremely important to climbing. OP and I have the same winrate, yet they are currently only 350 above where they started while I am 1450 above. Through my entire career, I average +2.96 SR per game while they average +0.35.

Actually pretty interesting.


Well, lets not forget my 97% on both offensive assists and dmg boosted if we are going to cherry pick stats. I play mercy as a support for my team… not being a healbot. My death stats are actually pretty good… though I do have some improvements and make some boneheaded mistakes that lead to some deaths… but I don’t stat pad. I do what it takes to win… so if that means not healing the bot teammate I have that runs in and feeds… and thus giving the enemy MORE ult charge… then I will.

Or, lets cherry pick my 86% of healing and enviromental kills on lucio, or 76 def assists… or 81% sound barriers… On lucio, who I primarily use when I’m main healing and on maps that he’s good at.

Stats don’t show the whole picture about how you play the game to win. Padding stats can actually hinder the ability to win the game…

I mostly play Symm and Mercy for most of my career. Orisa/Dva as my tanks. I’ve been getting more well rounded this season, playing a lot more supports and having success with them considering I’ve done quite a bit LFG in s11 and 12 and had my role locked into heals. LFG is also the main reason why my win rate is so low these past two seasons despite being gold. Silvers and Golds seem to struggle with basic team concepts and having to face established teams with basically solo q players win mics tends to hurt the win rate.

When I solo q… i tend to have a very easy time…

See, that is what I’ve found also. Most of the people I look at that have career winrates like mine are usually master/gm players… while most of the golds I have experienced actually have a career negative win rates.

I’ve always caulked it up to symmetra to be honest. I have 94hrs (compared to my next highest 44 mercy) on Symm with a 62% win rate. Her ability to win tied to whatever stats the PBSR takes into account in the MMR is all messed up and always has been.

I’m a play maker and a strategist. I don’t stat pad, I play completely with only what it takes to win. If that means I pocket the carry widow and dmg boost her I do and let her get the glory.

Do I save my rez for the mei that will help stall the point for reinforcements… not go in and rez on cooldown from the genji that isn’t doing anything but overextending and feeding.

I place my turrets where they will do the most distraction for my teammates to follow up, instead of throwing them out for trash damage that gives enemy support ult charge. Or I set them up as peel support so my healers don’t get dove… but they might not get a ton of dmg or kills.

I just play to win… and that should be enough for the SR system. But it isn’t.

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Clearly you aren’t doing enough to win. It is painfully obvious to everybody except you I guess.

Keep blaming the system though if it makes you feel better. It seems to.


Ranking up requires much higher than a 50% win rate. It needs to be more along the lines of 55%+ of all games played to really get movement. Win rates in the 50%-53% or so just isn’t high enough.

and odds are your current fall to 2100 is due to meta shifts and other player outpacing you as far as nerdy player growth. Being your mains in Mercy and Sym have quickly been passed up or passed over by better hero picks.


Lol…read it again. It say’s you’re 23rd percentile meaning 77% of Symms are better than you. According to that you’re top 300 of 300.

To be fair you deny the stat, but like a lot of things you’re not seeing the whole picture before you come up with a conclusion.

I don’t know who told you that your SR is based on whether you win or lose, directly, rather than the relative skill of who you win or lose against.

It’s not “rigged”. You won a ton of games against people you should have won against easily. This is how it’s supposed to work.

Your alt says nothing, not now at least. Play 1000 games on that, alternating with your main playing the same heroes in the same proportion, document it all, and publish it.

That’s what “proof” would entail, even then we already know there’s variation, not “completely pointless”.

What is completely pointless? Thinking this game is important enough to a gold player to think you could ever get “screwed by the SR system”. Is it taking money out of your wallet? Poisoning your children? Shooting your son in the street?

Get some freaking perspective, man.


That’s actually false below Diamond. I regularly make 27-32 on a win in Plat while losing 17-23 on a loss, so theoretically I could rank up while maintaining a <50% W/L rate (if I played enough games.)


My career record is 736w-34t-670L. Which means im +66 on my career. I’ve climbed from low silver to grandmaster so about a +2500 Sr gain.

It does make me wonder how your total net record comes out to be +68 which is about the same as mine yet we have completely different results. Can anyone explain this?

I’m sure there is some weird statistical answer to this lol. Also my first season was season 4 too so cheers.


Where do you think you should be. Plat? Diamond? Masters. GM/top 500? Come one man.

Google “This is how sad Overwatch is”

And then enjoy what would be otherwise impossible to get!

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