Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch

What I don’t like is the fact that your MMR gets adjusted down if you can’t hard carry at a lower ranking if grouped up with a friend.

Season 5(my start)-season 10… I always finished in low-mid plat. 2600 was about my avg. I even one-tricked my main up to 3400 on an alt account.

With the deletion of my main, Symm, I stopped playing solo. I only played with my low-gold friend and even with silvers.

My MMR made the games too difficult for them and we lost… a lot. I’ve dropped all the way down to mid-gold which is about the peak in which my friend starts running into challenges (he’s peaked on all of his accounts around 2500)

Every time I solo queue, I stomp people in gold. I have an occasional game that is unwinable… but it is usually from a leaver or a thrower.

Season 10 I finished 2649. I placed Season 11 (bad placements think it was 3-7… considering I was still adjusting to Symm rework) at 2450ish. My lowest placements since my first season. Since I stopped caring and only played grouped with friends in LFG often having high silvers on my team… my SR kept dropping and dropping. Anytime I felt like seeing if it was me being bad, I would solo queue for a day and win back all my SR. But, I didn’t care about my SR so I continued to let it decay to finish at 2269… my lowest finish ever. Even though my post placement win percentage was over .500.

I started out season 12 the same. we actually went 6-4 (but i had my xbox overheat and on one of the wins I got nabbed for a loss so it read 6-5 even though I only played 10 games) and placed 2234. Understandable, considering I probably got hit with a 50sr penalty for disconnect. This is while playing with a plat ranked account that had a high masters player playing on… it was his smurf that he uses to play with us.

But this shows something strong… my skills havn’t dropped to the point that I am a low gold player. I’m still a plat flex player… but because my friends cannot play at a higher level, I get brought down because I can’t carry them when they are playing at a higher elo… Considering I play support when playing with them… it is a lot harder for me to have a high impact on the game.

This season I have a 16-16 record (so 10-11 post placements, yet I am 50sr down on the season.

Last night I had dropped down to 2090 before dropping the group and solo queuing just to see if I was that bad. I went 5-0-1. The only game that was close was the tie because we ended up with a Symm-bastion on attack Numbani which made the whole team give up on attack, but we full held defense.

The games are so easy that I personally, as the worst widow on the planet, was able to actually do well when my team’s soldier was so bad he had a full tac visor and couldn’t kill a single person, including the pharah that was his job.

If this matchmaker is so good… how did it one, drop me so low on my SR… and two… not prop me back up to at least where I started the season at -25sr? With my record I should be over 2210… but I’m 2181 with a career proven record of always being above 2500.

Now mind you… I’ve always had a problem with climbing when I was on the high end. I had a low MMR that was throttling my wins. I always maintained a winning record (except s11 that I finished 1 win short of .500-- which actually was a winning record after placements, but I lost 200sr during the season) Previously, I would always only win 17-19, but lose 27. I had to maintain a 60% win rate in plat in order to have stable SR. I always though that my MMR was always lagging behind cause I was always winning.

But now? Now I wonder if there is just something fundamentally wrong with it. My friend generally runs around 2000-2200. But groups up with silvers and bronzes.

However, when he did his placements with a bronze, he went 7-2-1 and actually increased his SR up to 2300… and has been free falling in his games as he does anytime he plays in games in the 2300+ range. I usually need to bring in my high master son to play with us on one of his low smurfs in order to carry him.

This system just makes no sense. I’m glad I don’t really care about it anymore… except now my SR is so low that I can’t play with my son anymore on his main account. We have to rely on making low rated account for him to smurf on in order to play… which just makes things not that fair.

Either, I should have never been able to climb to 3400 on my alt (which I’ve retired because Symm has been deleted) doing 100% solo queue or I should not be able to fall this low into gold without actively throwing.

Its like the system is trying to bring me down to silver… or something… (where i originally placed first playing the game) The only time i’ve ever had an even win-loss SR gain is when I played games in mid-high plat with my son where our group rating was in Diamond. This system is garbage and has no idea where to place me because of my wide range of friend groupings.

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