Projectil Hitbox size's (width) table

D.Va blaster is basically the same weapon as Mercy blaster.

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Amazing work. Is it possible to determine the length of the projectiles next? I’m curious if Hanzo’s arrows are 4 km long or only 3.

Oh yea that exists too xD
As he said the same as Mercy’s will update the list as soon.

After some testing and playing around I found a way that theoretically works Including 0 Projectile Travel Speed and Gravity to keep it still afloat where it been shot from and have shield walk into it but…
I’m not mentally ready yet to go through the Braindmg this would cause me xD

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Thanks! Is it possible to get a similar test for projectile speed?

Wow that does sound tedious

You don’t need to find out length of Hanzo’s hitbox, it’s a ball in the middle of visible arrow. It’s been figured out already.
Essentially, a fast moving Genji shuriken.

where’s moira’s beam?

It’s actually doesn’t sound so hard, after you already did all of this, which around 75%. I might try to do it with the help of your script…

My idea is like this, duplicating the Rein pair, put them in distance from each other, shoot the projectile with 0% speed and gravity in the middle of both Rein pairs, making one pair of Rein going towards the other and make them stop move once the shield hit the projectile, then count the distance between the Rein pair.

If there is an ‘event’ for is shield getting damage then great, if there isn’t then manually stop them I guess.

Edit: well even just 2 reins against each other with their shield open, it doesn’t need to be 2 pairs.

Not really a projectile its something unique entirely.

But if you would test it it would go through the shield at a 0.01m wide gap

Its not all to hard just a time-consuming Pain
And it only works if the arrow always spawns in the exact same location.
Cause you need to do it twice once from the front and once from behind cause the projectile can only hit 1 thing before its “used up” and you need to place a new one.
I will try it later after work if you haven’t done it till then xD

yesterday i was playing mercy and i noticed something about it.
i think its a small beam with a lock on on a small radius around the main beam, i was on a roof she locked into me, i moved away from her los and she would still damage me for about 0.3s, then at some point she would do the same through a corner.
either a bug or a lock on.

Can someone measure the doomfist rocketpunch, because it acts like a projectile too and i would be interested :grin:

That could just be either Server issues or a small LoS delay like mercy and zen have.
Either way not something you could measure with this cause at 0.01m gap width LoS is true which means all LoS based abilities instandly work.

As far as I know dooms punch doesn’t damage shields which makes it unmeasurable with this method

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Oh that’s yeah, time-consuming indeed…

Oops u right I somehow missed that, that will take a bit more time than I thought.

I just checked that and it seems it’s always spawned the same.
(I just made X hero to teleport into the same vector with 0 projectile gravity and speed, and shoot each time, the spawn was exactly the same and you really can’t differentiate between the projectile shots since they are exactly on the same place)

No tomorrow I’ll try but I can’t promise it will work for me, I don’t have much experience with the workshop scripts, just here and there few small personal editing from other’s scripts lol.

And hey if you want to do it instead I won’t stop you ><

Its a little tough to observe/ determine the Symmetra beam collision. I think you should display Symmetra charging at least one beam level off of the Rein shield(s) to demonstrate that her beam is connecting to the shield and not the wall behind it.
The tiny particles from the beam’s point of contact aren’t prominent enough.

Okay, so I have done the basic stuff and it’s a lot of more work than I thought, I forgot how much time it’s take to debugging…

The thing is I need to make it much more accurate and cover some wired edge cases like self knockback disorientate the calculation of the position, and the moving speed of the dummies sometimes effect the position of collusion with shield and projectile, and different projectiles disappearing on different times.

So I’ll work on it a few more hours to make it more consistent and reliable.

Interesting for you guys (and girls) to probably
I just sat down and managed to do it with alot less pain then I thought. (Sorry spend the last do days happy like a kid at christmass in the PTR xD)
To keep it short Hanzo’s Arror hitbox is a ball with the Diameter of 0.2m (200mm)

Interesting Funfact:
The hitbox seems to be at the back of the Arrow
Most likely to make it look like they are stuck into the body without doing it with extra code.
Actually smart Devs

WS Code: G1230

Math: The Rein’s are 5m apart the first one needs to walk (Teleport) 1.67m till the Arrow hits. The Second Reinhard has to walk (Teleport) 3.12m till the Arrow hits. The math is as follows: 5m-1.67m-3.12m = 0.21m
If we round this number the same as we do in the main post we land at:


So after a break I decided to complete my project, here is an example:


It’s partly base on your settings, I just made it semi automated by checking LoS when the shield is getting break. Not perfect, but I just did it for fun and learning experience.

Btw the Devs might using radius and not diameters, and therefore it just half of your measurement dimensions?

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This isn’t very accurate, Symmetra’s Primary Fire width was nerfed from .3 to .2 & Zarya’s from .1-.2 to an even .15 back in August, that’s half of what you’re saying.

Symmetras hitbox size is 0.15m width the devs even said it
The devs mentione Genji and hanzo having the SMALLEST projectile hitboxes and torb was said to be equivalent to zen.

Special mention; Ana’s unscoped shots have the smallest projectile size in the game when fired at enemies.

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