Projectil Hitbox size’s (Radius) table V2.0


As some of you maybe know about 1.5 years ago I made a post named: Projectil Hitbox size’s (width) table In which I used Shields to measure the Diameter of almost all Projectiles in the game.

Despite barely being active in the game since about 1 year ago I have visited the forum occasionally and almost every time I had someone link the old table in another post which led to a discussion about if Projectiles interact the same way with Shield- and Player hitboxes.
To solve this problem I’ve finely decided to make a part two using actual Player hitboxes.


Tolerance: ±0.03m

Hero Ability Radius in m Radius in Inch Timestamp
Ana Bullets (Enemys) 0,00 0,00 0:12
Ana Sleep 0,20 7,87 0:22
Ana Grenade 0,20 7,87 0:30
Ash Dynamite 0,00 0,00 0:36
Bastion Tank 0,26 10,24 0:43
Brigitte Whip 0,50 19,69 0:48
D.Va Light Gun 0,25 9,84 1:02
Genji Shuriken 0,10 3,94 1:12
Hanzo All Arrows 0,10 3,94 1:20
Roadhog Scrap Gun 0,00 0,00 1:48
Roadhog Chain Hook 0,50 19,69 1:56
Junkrat Frag Launcher 0,20 7,87 2:12
Junkrat Concussion Mine 0,20 7,87 2:22
Lucio Sonic Amplifier 0,15 5,91 2:28
Mei Sec. Fire 0,15 5,91 2:38
Mercy Blaster 0,25 9,84 2:48
Pharah Rocket 0,20 7,87 2:55
Pharah Concussive Blast 0,00 0,00 3:03
Reinhardt Fire Strike 0,85 33,46 3:11
Sigma Hyperspheres 0,20 7,87 3:30
Soldier Helix Rockets 0,20 7,87 3:36
Symmetra Photon Projector 0,20 7,87 3:42
Symmetra Photon Projector [Full] 0,50 19,69 4:13
Torbjörn Rivet Gun 0,10 3,94 4:22
Torbjörn Molten Core 0,20 7,87 4:30
Tracer Pulse Bomb 0,20 7,87 4:39
Widowmaker Venom Mine 0,20 7,87 4:51
Zarya Particle Cannon 1 0,15 5,91 4:58
Zarya Particle Cannon 2 0,20 7,87 5:11
Zarya Graviton Surge 0,20 7,87 5:15
Zenyatta Orb of Destruction 0,15 5,91 5:35

How is it Measured?

Workshop Code: 8VQ6G
It is rather basic. By finding the Rightmost point of Hammond’s (almost if not fully spherical) Hitbox in his Ball mode (And with that the Radius of the sphere). We can then place this point at the eye height of the Character whose projectile we want to measure. By then shifting him incrementally to the left and shooting straight we can fine the Radius of the Projectile we fired.

There if a few things to note here:
This of course is not 100% accurate which is why the Tolerance is ±0.03m that is just because the game (and the engine at least in the workshop) is not quite made for such precise operations. This is most likely also why the HUD indicator in the video doesn’t always update correctly. This is also why I decided to round most of these up or down because I doubt that the dev’s made adjustments on the hitboxes in 0.01 increments.
The Green Sphere is a bit cheated as it’s not quite the same as the radius it calculated Idk why but my guess is that effects are just weird


F tap: shifts Hammond to the left by 0.01m
F Hold: shifts Hammond to the left by 0.1m
Crtl tap: shifts Hammond to the right by 0.01m
Crtl Hold: shifts Hammond to the left by 0.1m
F+Crtl: Resets Hammond to starting position on eye height of Player
R tap: Resets Player position (After Changing Heroes)
R Hold: Kills Player to pick a new Hero

Known Bugs in the code
  • HUD Indicator not updating properly sometimes.
  • HUD Indicator can break sometimes. Seems to happen when going above about 0.85m

Good stuff. Always useful in the inane “Hanzo’s projectile hitbox is HUGE!!1” debates.


Huge work.

Unlucky most people dont care about facts and will talk about how big hanzo arrows (when its just visual bug & hero hitboxes)

UPD: code dont work, please help.

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