I just found out zen orbs are larger in hitbox

Hanzo and genji have the smallest projectiles. Mercy has big ones, but sym orbs are the biggest I’m pretty sure. They can be so far away and still count as a direct.

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Didn’t it get buffed back to the original firing speed?

Either way, you still have time to get hit by two and get out of the way without major repercussions

I don’t believe they have…they still feel rather slow to me

There’s a forum post somewhere with all the projectile sizes…I’ll see if I can find it

It appears the hitbox of blaster pistols is just huge

It looks like it was nerfed 15%. Then increased from 8.5 to 9 shots per second. So it is still slower than in 2018. But they made the orbs charge up faster in secondary fire by 15%. That he didn’t have back in 2018 before the nerf.

I found two but they have different values and are quite a while apart so I’m not sure how accurate any of this is

They got reverted to having a faster fire rate about a year ago, check march’s patches I think

Every hitbox in this game is grossly inflated. It was originally designed to be forgiving to fps newcomers. Oh well.

To their original rate? Or some in between number because I Feel like I remember orbs coming out way faster before

And I still can’t land a shot!


Probably an in between rate

https ://imgur.com/oopbOXR


so according to wiki

april 2018

  • Secondary fire rate of fire reduced by 15%

aug 2020

  • Charge rate increased 15% (0.6 down to 0.52 seconds per orb)

so i think the wording is important…because charge rate is not the same as firing rate…but also even if we assume it was a mistake and theyre referring to the same thing…reducing by 15% and then increasing by 15% dont result in the same number…

also i cant find anything in march…the last change i can find was in january…but its for discord not destruction

Well yeah, haven’t you noticed they are super easy to land, almost easier than McCree’s bullets.

The enemy has to be literally standing still or run into Zen’s projectiles .

To hit with Zen’s projectiles from long range you have to attempt to predict where the enemy will be. It can be very difficult to do when they made it fairly easy for the enemy to dodge them.

The travel time of Zen’s projectiles are so slow that there is time to A-D out of it.

Which is super funny when you run into people obsessed with “skill” in this game.


I’m pretty sure they reverted that nerf actually

Game has no movement acceleration. It is skill indeed to hit targets that have no acceleration and predictive motion.

Oh, did they buff the charge speed? I could’ve sworn they just reverted the nerf

Nope. I went and checked the patch note. 15% buff to charge speed. And a small increase to fire rate from 8.5 to 9 per sec. which is definitely less than the 15% nerf it got in 2018.