Can anas sleep dart not be so frustrating?

People hate everything, that can stun them from action - sleep, freeze, shield bash, hack, flashbang… I get it - it´s frustrating, but asking for every single one of them to be removed? (yes, people does that often here on forums)

Maybe use one of the many defensive abilities tanks have to block sleep dart?

Unless you’re Hog or Ball of course. If you play both of them into Ana then don’t get surprised if you’re being slept frequently.

Because it has a very obvious audio and visual queue so it’s pretty easy to block on tank

Ana is largely why I don’t play Tank as much as I used to. Sleep dart being… well, itself, and the ability to block all healing… both as standard cooldowns. Uh, no.

If the excuse is that sleep is for saving ana from flankers and is her only defence (it’s not) then make it have features that make it only good against flankers. Currently it is used a lot more against frontline tanks than flankers. In fact, it’s not even a good ability against most flankers - try hitting a genji or tracer or some other fast hero with it. Give it an effective range of 10-15m if you want to argue it is for flankers.

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Which elo are you playing in? I’ve been in gold a lot but spend my time in plat mostly as a flex-tank, and I don’t find sleep darts to be annoying at all. Maybe it’s a problem at a higher elo than mine?

I missed sleep on a Roadhog in close range before

Because the trade-off is you can get woken up by any stray damage and in a teamfight, there’s plenty of that. Any DoT from Torb ult or Ashe dynamite can wake you, turrets and B.O.B. will target you and splash damage will also hit. The only time you will sleep the whole duration is if Ana luckily lands it from far away or if you dive the enemy team alone. If you are going solo, you will get slept and whole enemy team will surround you, but you’ve got no one to blame for that.

That’s because Ana is no McCree and can’t melt you after landing a stun. She tries to damage you, you just wake up.

Only you pretty much have to see the future to land it on those tiny Genjis and Tracers.

This thing is already super tiny. If she’s not shooting it at a tank, it’s almost always gonna miss.

Agreed. It should be included in the OW2 Tank passives that Ana’s Sleep Dart no longer can render Tanks useless for so much time.

I think you’re right and i have some fix for this:
Just make ana sleep dart effecet difrrent when its come to long-range.
for exsample: when ana hit sleep dart on close range the durcation will stay as 5 secs like it is now.
when ana hit an enemy from like 10m + the sleep dart durcation will down to 2secs.

With this idea we still can punsih enemy genji\doom\protect ourselfs
but now the enemy will get much less ‘cc time’.

You forgot about:
3 teammates around her
3 tap gun
broken hitbox

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Hook has small duration and limited range

People dont have problems with flash… Forums were flooded with “flashbang OP” posts when devs nerfed other sides of mccree leaving flash untouched

Dart is easy to land:

  1. Go to frontline
  2. Wait for enemy Rein to put down shield
  3. Aim carefully, enemies cover half of your screen
  4. Click E to use uncounterable ability and make Hog smash his keyboard for 4 seconds
  5. Click Shift to dart random enemy Rein, because he is closest to you and you never miss and dart will never go behind him to randomly sleep one of his already purpled teammates

My point still stands, take your dart explanation but replace it with hook and it’s 10x easier.

But dart is meant to be a protection for Ana not her primary purpose in the game like hook is. Without hook hog has nothing. Ana wouldn’t really be impacted much having something different from sleep or sleep being shorter as, in reality, she it is not very useful against flankers which is the reason people say she has it. Give her something better against flankers and not so potent against other tanks, as her nade is already one of the best anti-tank abilities. No hero should have 2 of the best anti-tank abilities that they can combine.

Sure that’s fine but this thread isn’t about Ana as a whole and just the dart ability.

Not like it matters, people just insta-wake the Monkee that dives me as I am sitting at 10hp next to him.

Because so many people always claim these numbers fake because of how hook interacts differently with players as it does with shields. I made a new post doing it with Player hitboxes and unsurprisingly the only notable differences are Hook and brig’s Whip.

Note that this table lists the Radius and the old one the Diameter so of course these values are half as big as the old ones

I think it’s good, but will need changes for OW2 almost definitely.