Poor dVA. Save her

Oh wah, cry me a river. she might have to sit some games out. Travesty.

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D.va hasn’t been the most played tank for like a year. But yeah of course we saw her in every game.

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Pleasure you’d show up,

Remember you on the last thread regarding D.Va’s state and i remember just how inconsistent and bias those posts were, so instead of me quoting those just don’t bother with your ignorance this time i beg?


she’s 2nd out of three stop making it seem like its so op

you can say that again


if only “boo hoo i ulted into matrix because i wanted to hit q without thinking and now it’s gone! matrix is SO op”


I miss way back when her DM was actually a tool to tank and save teammates. Now you use it and then you feed for another couple of seconds before you have it back. Today her playstyle is less about playing with her team and more about trying to eliminate anyone feeding off her giantic hit-box.

If I could have a good DM back again they can keep the missiles, just being able to fly and fire was all I ever wanted damage-wise anyway.


I mean, this isn’t gonna change my mind. D.Va is still the 2nd or 3rd most broken hero in organized play. Do I want her nerfed more? No, but when all the plat D.Va mains come in whining about how their precious D.Vais ruined after minor gameplay nerfs and when a player like me is fine and she continues to excel in all relevant play? Come on.

D.Va is fine. The biggest nerf she has ever gotten was the armour nerf (and I think that should be reverted since we found out Rally armour was bugged)

Yet your alt is hardstuck plat yourself?

I’ve had this talk with you before and you fell flat so quick so lets not.

Take your bias elsewhere it’s not wanted.

Could link more but you were as consistent as you ever were and im pretty sure you remember how that discussion went so i won’t bother.

Fact your calling out plats when you admitted to being hardstuck plat yourself is actually hillarous btw.


Yeah, it’s a dps account.

I mean, I don’t have bias and I can keep relying if I’d like. It’s up to you to read it/respond.

Half of your quotes aren’t even by me, the person just has the same player icon, like wut?

There on my alt, like i said.

Could easily go chase some of that blatent bias if you like?

We are slowly but surely, im sticking it out until i see 2/2/2 and the balance changes that come with it at the very least.

Just watch as those players that main dva leave.


Oh you’re him? HAHAHAHAHAH, then there’s no point in me even arguing with you. You only go for personal cheap shots lmao.


Literally like i said you fell flat so quick, basically a repeat of the same conversation now tbh.

Maybe think twice before you call out plats and throw your weight around the forums and i won’t have to keep you in check maybe?

Don’t quit those big boy “scrims” btw.

She is easy to play, but not easy to be good with.
Her skill floor is lower than Zarya and Hog, but her skill ceiling is higher than both also.
Also to the poster you are replying to, Zarya is not that hard to play if you can track aim.

I do agree armor nerf was worse than this last one. And she is still fine. I think this last nerf has opened up more Hog play, which is not a bad thing overall for the game.

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I just noticed this specific pattern that’s all, haven’t seen a person not above plat make a thread on d.va being garbage/weak.

If you find me offensive, then leave it to the mods, it really isn’t your job to “keep me in check”

Like again, you’ve never even tried to actually start a conversation with me, all you do is make weak personal shots that are kinda sad tbh.

Let the egotistical plats run free?

How could i, basically doing the mods a favor stopping your ego being thrown around like you talked down to half the people on the thread i chased the quotes from.

Thought you’d at least learn some humility or something in the meantime, scrims definitely went to your head im very sure.

How so ? She’s no longer in the Top 6 in OWL. Her pickrate fell below 40% there, and is on a downward trend despite Winston and Hammond going up.
This last weekend, I saw some matches, and whenever DOATs was played, they used Zarya and no D.Va. Even against a Pharmercy.


Because Sombra exists. Easily the #1 most broken character in the game.

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Don’t even bother,

It’s not worth attempting to engage in discussion with Vex in regards to there feelings on d.Va’s state.

Especially if your plat like them your not worth the ground they scrim on.


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Then she’s not excelling.
And Sombra doesn’t explain her absence in Dive GOATs.
Unless, of course, D.Va is actually bad or at least way worse than Zarya.

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Wdym? Sombra in the other team > D.Va. If they had no Sombra I’d put D.Va in immediately, but Sombra is kind of a hot pick rn. Sombra is the one thing stopping D.Va from being back to broken because it makes D.Va juggle even more jobs than usual. More than any D.Va player can handle.

Any D.Va that can play as GOATs into Sombra GOATs/a Sombra triple DPS comps has my utmost respect and awe.