Poor dVA. Save her

Agreed. She isn’t overtuned anymore, maybe a little weak on the health side, but I would rather play a weaker hero than a broken one.

If 2-2-2 lock came or Sombra was nerfed right now, guess who would be at the peak of the meta? D.Va.

Baiting can be done by both sides, and baiting DM is way easier and more effective them baiting a Tracer’s magazine or even a Flashbang out of McCree.

I can just pretend i’m going to unload all my mag on her as Tracer and as soon as she brings DM up i’ll reload and shoot after it goes down.

The issue is not so much about the fall-off penalty as much as spread, small targets such as any DPS besides Doomfist will take signifcant less damage just because you can’t hit them for full damage even if you’re aiming perefectly.

She’s mobile for the tank standard, when it comes to the overall hero Pool, 3 Supports outrun her, and on the DPS side at least 6 have better mobility tools them her, or at least with a lower CD, and the ones who don’t, can literally ignore DM or at least shred her in-between activations, the only DPS heroes that are actually vulnerable to her are Symmetra and Widowmaker.

McCree isn’t forced to move so close as to get in danger at all, not to mention that while your support is healing you, a Ana or Zeny can be healign him, which in turn makes your damage literally null.

And in this scenario, a McCree can literally demech you while you’re being pocketed by a Mercy while you can barely move his HP with a Zeny orb stuck to him.

10m is long, but picture this: In a situation where i could cover someone from taking fire and them engage the enemy with boosters, now i’m forced to either go directly to him or fly up to my team-mate, not both.

The game isn’t a string of 1v1’s, true.

But if you can’t make a impact by your own, you’re going to be a burden to your team.

With a healer inside their pockets any hero can see play and do well, the problems is that there are other heroes that are more self-suficient, so if you have to pick something to support a hero who struggles at all times, you’re putting everyone on your team in a disadvantage of a 5v6.

This problem isn’t especific to D.va, heroes that completely rely on other team-mates to work at all, with no independence, are extremely unreliable and detrimental.

It feels like filling your shoes with cement to run against Usain Bolt.


theres counters and “what-ifs” to everything in the game. So much so we could be here all night going back and forth and probably never reach the end. D.va still is one of the best heroes for dealing with sneaky sombras or pharmercy, because even her meaningless poke damage does effects like helping knock sombra out of hiding and canceling her hack which is a death sentence to her (though getting hacked could be the same for dva). D.va can still contest pharah in the air to some extent and eat more of her ult missles just by boosting at her with DM, and her nonstop meaningless poke damage keeps mercy’s passive healing from kicking in.

There’s more scenarios and what if’s I (we) could go on about but fact is D.va still is plenty viable in the right situations. No hero is good 100% of the time and anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves which is why its good to have at least 6 heroes (two in every role) you can play really well so if your getting shut down you can switch and hopefuly change things around.

The problem is not the “What if’s”

The problem is that most of this thing is a uphill battle for D.va no matter what.

Getting Sombra to Drop hack is in no way a death sentence, as she can always translocate away and you have nothing to stop that, Sombra only dies if she’s going for some very risk plays that involve the translocator to be used in the middle of the fight.

And against Pharmercy you’re only eating rockets for free given you can’t kill Mercy fast enough nor chase her.

The point here is, no hero is 100% good all the time, but no hero (that is good at least) struggle on all fronts.

If i’m playing Ashe i’m not struggling to deal with Phara or the enemy McCree, Soldier, if i pick Hammond i’m not struggling against Widowmaker or Hanzo.

But everything that D.va does, be it defend her team-mates, go on the offense against the enemy team or playing Zoner, its always a 70/30 against D.va, you can’t burst, you can’t DPS, critting you is even easier them critting a Torb, you can’t defend your team-mates from all damage source like some other tankers do and you can’t Zone properly because your damage is meaningless and you have no CC.

They should just stop buffing or nerfing her and rework her so she’s not so much of a generalist, or a Soldier type of character for the Tank class, and give her more focus so she can have at least some scenearios where you are not spitting against the wind.

she’s been probably the most played hero for 3 years besides maybe ana in a few niche metas.

What really happens if we revert the DM thing? Does she just magically start winning all these losing battles you seem to think she’s faced with?

Every hero has strengths and weakness other heroes can either help synergize to counter those weakness or buff their strengths.

D.va does not need special treatment she’s still a good a hero when played properly with people using heroes that can support her, just like everyone else.

Definitely not. I think Rein’s sustained a higher pickrate than her everywhere but maybe dive, and even then I doubt it.

No one wants D.Va to get “special treatment”. We want her not to be fundamentally changed literally every five seconds. It’s exhausting.


Welcome to the life of a sombra main. At least your hero is not so bad you had a dedicated meme here on the forum.

Buffs and nerfs happen and OWL pretty much dictates which heroes those are for the most part these days cause they have to keep it “interesting.” Everyone cried for armor nerfs cause of brig, well we got it and every tank took a hit from it. And if your hero is getting played in every match well congrats your making overwatch boring to watch cuase every team has a d.va, expect a nerf.

Don’t worry for d.va. Orisa is so damn overtuned she will get nerfed.
Then d.va will rise agin (a litle).

D.Va mains are relentlessly memed upon and me having thick enough skin to not care doesn’t mean I don’t see it.
Sombra isn’t bad and just how Symmetra and Torbjorn’s consistently high winrates don’t correlate to being good, Sombra’s low winrates don’t correlate to her being bad.

Every team has a Sombra now and they’re not even on the current patch. :thinking: Even Vancouver ran Sombra DOATS with Zarya over D.Va.


I literally don’t care, D.Va can rot in the dumpster for awhile. Everyone ends up in the dumpster eventually, some exist down there almost constantly but regardless I really don’t think its gonna hurt if D.Va isn’t playable for awhile…I also think people are exaggerating how bad she is. Also can’t wait for the Orisa nerfs that we all know are coming.

I wish I was playing ForumOWL D.Va, she sounds great.


They rarely read any topics

We shouldn’t want a hero to remain “in the dumpster” just because they were meta.

And D.Va did have her time “in the dumpster”. She was literally the original dumpster hero.

This is likely correct though, at least until 222 shakes things up.


I think your assuming I play sombra and trying to make it personal and that not gonna happen cause they killed her for me long ago before she even became meta. I liked the high speed non-infinite version more. Likely sombra will be getting nerf soon with all the people crying about hack being oppressive yet most heroes pretty much can outdamage her without abilities with just primary fire, and like you say she’s all over OWL.

I’m just telling you how its been, you get popular you get a nerf or the next hero released takes your job… if i had to bet Mauga or whatever hero 31 is, is more then likely gonna be the “solution” to the “orisa problem”

Well if she was the original dumpster hero than things have come full circle in a manner of speaking but seriously, I think people have gotten a bit sick (myself included) of seeing D.Va all the time. Also I never said I wanted her to remain in the dumpster, I just said that a lot of heroes after changes like what D.Va just had end up in the dumpster for a bit. I mean look at when Roadhog got gutted and was useless for months before jack **** happened to him. One more thing is I think we can all agree this game isn’t in a great state balance wise currently.

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I’m not.
I don’t know what you’re talking about

That’s because EMP is overpowered. Rather than a strict nerf, she needs a power shift.
Regardless, I’m bored of D.Va getting changed every five seconds. It’s obscene. Maybe people need to count to 2.

Well first, she was picked less than Zarya for the entirety of GOATS. So where’s the exception there.

Second, seeing a hero a lot doesn’t justify nerfs either. Still waiting on Ana to be butchered along with Rein then!

You’re correct in that balance is slow.

I thought it wasn’t that bad until recently.


The armor change, boop change, McCree buff, and double D.Va nerf (when she was balanced and already being outshone by Zarya) has made me lose all faith in the balance team tbh. I honestly wonder if they moved everyone over to OW2 and have the C team working on OW or something.


Well I don’t play at a level in comp where GOATS is an issue, I do think Ana is slightly too good tho. Like the amount of times as Hog where I dump my entire clip into a Rein and the Rein does’t die cause Ana was pocketing him. Only thing I think on Rein that should be touched is his ult, that thing is an instant teamfight win usually. Also I just hate D.Va because of DM just being able to delete ults completely. Now im not one of those potatoes that just throws an ult into DM and complains its op but its not fun when I use an ult and D.Va flies out of nowhere and just deletes it from existence. I personally think DM, should be reworked to not be as annoying as it is…or was I guess. Just my opinion tho…

yet it wasnt until recently she became a meta pick and she pretty much got nothing but nerfs on her EMP since she launched. Honestly I dont think people understand what hack/EMP does people seem to forget they can still kill all the things without an ult kinda like how they do for 95% of the match already just using primary fire.

And i feel you on the constant nerfing i do. But does she need buffs?? Not in the least I think. 10 Meter DM is perfect and im 100% with d.va now. She’s doesnt seem OP or Weak. I enjoy playing her and dont dread fighting her anymore. I think she’s in a good spot and skill really shows on her now rather then just pressing DM and moving your cursor as fast as possible to gobble everything in a 15 meter radius which I’ve always thought was a bit too much for a game with so many closed spaces.


I guess it comes down to if i have to carefully monitor all barrier/ice wall/immortality field cooldowns to assure my self destruct will get value if i decide to use it for kills, people should be able to monitor the duration and cooldown of a single low uptime ability. I can count on one hand how many of my gravs have been eaten since launch, and I play quite a bit of Zarya. I’m not a god tier player, but I’m monitoring those things unless i get cocky.

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