Poor dVA. Save her

Sombra isn’t making D.Va juggle between jobs anymore than Tracer did in Dive.

D.Va has significantly more jobs in GOATs than she did in Dive.

Peeling for the backline and helping on the frontline/highground. Those were her jobs in Dive, those are her jobs in GOATs.

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Stop overeacting…

It aint end of the world guys.


Dive: peeling for Winston, peeling for backline (mostly tracer pistols) and eating pulse. (This is obviously very broad and there would be more micro jobs) and bullying off high grounds

GOATs: clearing high grounds, eating grav, eating fire strikes, ability cycling, and ult combos. Add all this with making sure you have to spy check and cDM Sombra + remove her from where ever she is shooting makes her other jobs near impossible because of the amount of resources Sombra takes from D.Va.

Dive was a lot less resource heavy on D.Va imo although she may have had a similar amount of jobs. And not even just in game, I think there is a lot more mental drain in GOATs because of every little thing that is happening, while in Dive everything was much cleaner and easier to see.

Eating Firestrike is part of peeling (and is tbqh easy as “Hi”).
Ability cycling is something she had to do in Dive aswell.
I could add that Sombra was sometimes used in Dive and it didn’t remove D.Va.

Her jobs haven’t changed much, but her power level has been crushed.

To come back to the “2nd or 3rd most broken hero,” do you really put D.Va above Lucio ? Zenyatta ? Ana ? Widow ? Orisa ?

and? she has to stay completely still to do anything.

I believe the worst part is that we have 3 mobile tanks, and 2 of them are main tanks, not competing with D.Va.


Looking at brig, sym and mercy. You’d be surprised. D.Va was blatantly over nerfed and people who support this overnerfing are gold players that kept tossing ults into her dm and complained on forums that her tanking ability was too strong and that she should play like a tank not a dps. These are the people blizzard listened to


Go easy on the golds.

It’s hard to count to 2 you know?


It’s a lot harder when you have to be looking for Gravs, pokes in your shields for Zen volley/anti nade and Sombra. Putting it as peeling… yeah i guess so.

With what? In GOATs she cycles with Zarya bubble and armour pack, what did she cycle with in Dive?

Ah yes, but Sombra also had a weaker hack, stealth, and translocator.

Crushed? As you know I disagree. Weaker? Undeniably.

I feel like Lucio’s usefulness is Too limited to be considered broken. It’s really reserved to Amp and Boop. The reason he’s really good is that, along with Zen, they bring the most utility in the game, so if you can live on relatively less heals, you will win and gain a bonus supp ult.

Discord is the main reason for him being picked because of how good damage is in this game and it is fine.
Trance is an ult as broken as EMP, but again he is only good in comps that can’t be Dove as easily. He basically needs a shield or someone to baby him which is EXTREMELY exploitable. He’s a pretty good argument tho.

Only parts of Ana that are broken are anti nade completely blocking healing and the insane amount of healing Nano gives. Not enough to be broken. She is also difficult to multitask with.

A good pick, but she can be predictable. All she needs to shut her down, is pressure. Unpredictable pressure.

Absolutely 100% OP… in a 2-2-2 world. As soon as 2-2-2 comes out, she is snagging 2nd place like no body’s business.

Lucio is just a victim of the main tank, Zen is there because Damage is incredible and Trance is stupid OP, being instant cast, Orisa is dumb in 2-2-2, Widow is very good if you aren’t able to effectively predict or block her angles, Ana’s extremely broken ability gets easily blocked by shields and DM.

What makes D.Va ‘broken’ in my eyes, is her ability to multitask and bring utility, that no other tank has. Honestly, if they made it so they removed missiles, reverted her DM changes, reverted the armour nerf, and made DM 3 seconds instead? She would still be the best off tank. The fact that she can fly and block damage at range while being able to control that high ground pretty easily is insane. Like, people say “she needs competition” and although I agree, that would just encourage power creep, because what becomes of Zarya and Hog at that point??

Wow this is ranty, I’m going to sleep lmao. I hope they don’t touch D.Va anymore unless they buff her health.

I won’t, thank you so much. OD playoffs ezclap.

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And this is without the DM nerf.

I wonder what her OWL stats would be if they do have Dva with the DM nerf.

Hardstuck plat playoffs

Let’s get it

Can’t remember the last time i was serious in asking for a DVa buff, like 3 years ago or something, but i’m slowly starting to consider it. Not there yet though.

These new anti-DVa posters are boring btw, the old ones were a lot more fun.

Deflect and Recall.

She truly became viable after that rework. So that’s not quite true.

She has lost damage, survivability, her DM has double the cooldown. Soon pros will have the range nerf as well. How many heroes have been hit that hard ? Like ever ? The only hero I can think of is Brig and she’s complete trash out of GOATs.

You forgot Speedboost.

A bit weird, since he was the go-to off-healer in Dive vs Dive.

Zarya is just as good if not better at multitasking. She doesn’t actually have to move to do it.
Isn’t that what an off-tank should be ? An utility tank.

D.Va’s utility is mostly dependant on DM, of which the power is entirely dependant on what it counters. If all the things she counters, especially those she’s the only one to counter, weren’t as broken as they are, she wouldn’t be as useful.

Hog is currently the most picked off-tank on ladder, and Zarya is the most picked tank in OWL.
We have three off-tanks, people have complained about one (that is the closest thing we have to an actual off-tank) to the point she’s not played in team comps that should favor her (DOATs). I don’t think it would hurt if we got some good competition.


Why do you twist things so shamelessly?

Why don’t you mention the full picture?



Everyone who isn’t Orisa or Hog has a horrible winrate because those 2 are pick or lose at this point. D.Va is not even the lowest winrate tank. There are 3 tanks below her and one that is above her sees two times less usage than her.

But hey, I guess that doesn’t suit your “poor dva is overnerfed” agenda that you so pathehtically push everywhere

Why don’t we look at masters?


Oh look, it’s 3 more people below D.Va again. And look, top two are against above all averages and are mostly farming everyone else.

Dva is bad and needs help, especially if we’re gonna get role lock. She’s worse than pre-buff mccree and sombra.

No, she doesn’t. She is finally actually approaching being balanced. Because she was broken for the better part of the last 2 years. There’s no arguing about that.

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I’m tired of these “omg dva sucks!!!111!” threads. No, she does not. Actually, devs are really close to make her balanced - not an universal pick for every situation, but rather a single-target initiator. She had ~80-90% pickrate for all the duration of OWL, was an S-tier heroe for st2-3 of s1 (ones with >=95% pickrate, other 2 being OP right-after-rework Mercy at st1 of s1), although not sure about stages 3-4 of season 2, couldn’t find any data on them.
Although, i still think her shotguns could be buffed a little.

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If she had “80-90% pickrate” then she wasn’t S-tier, since that’s below 95% pickrate.
And in OWL S1, the meta was Dive, where the best off-tank is supposed to be D.Va, so her pickrate there is meaningless.

Stage 4 starts on July 25th. For the latest stats:
As you can see, she has fallen a lot. And that’s without the latest nerf.

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i was playing comp the other day and someone picked dva and i was thinking to myself “sigh… not dva, take something else”.
kind of “funny” how much the feeling towards my old main has changed, i have pretty much gone from being a dva main, to being happy to see enemy is playing dva cause i know i will get many ults, same way i used to feel about hog in the past.
she really takes a lot of gamesense and teamplay while most solo queue teams just dont have this.