It turns out that this year Blizzard decided to add polish flag as player icon (it is available in press kit center), however i can’t find it within the game.
yea, as usually
such simple thing screwd up

yop, this is embarassing on blizz part
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it is not only deeply disapointing for me, but hell … they cant even load JPG image properly 
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feelsbadman poland cannot into overwatch
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at least it seems that they didnt confuse colours of flag…
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Continuing the discussion from 1.27 Known Issues:
is this ‘known issue’?
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apparently as usual we get 0 communication
Any info on the flag?
I really want it for the OWWC xd
I dont think its coming since if you go on the blizzard press center and check the summer games screenshots they’ve removed the screenshot of the icon
Well, that’s a bummer.
Thanks for letting me know, I still have some hope though.
Shame on you Blizzard. That’s all i can say.
Flag was prepared and presented in press center, but not implemented in the game? I dont get it.
yo know what … if they dont know something… like they think that Eagle is not ‘perfect’ … or have some questions regarding some details and elements … why they wont ask us here what do we think… we could give them advice on this
but theres no communication
we are here Blizz… just talk to us and we will help
if you pulled this flag off because you are not surre if you should put Eagle on flag (because there are certain rules), if you dont know something about details, if you are not sure about colour palete… JUST TALK TO US, we are here to help
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no wonder they pulled it off
heres high res for reference… if anyone in dev team even cares
so, can we have any info? like
“yea, we felt it does not met our quality standards so we pulled it off temprairly”
anything… lack of communication on blizz part is really frustrating
if Blizz have any questions, just ASK us… because there are some ignorants that believe that Polish flag with eagle on it is a symbol of Polish Navy
<— this is symbol of our navy
so if you (artist) are confused on how it should look like… just ASK what you need to know