Summer Games : Are you disappointed?


No new event mode and a very low amount of cosmetics compared to every other event rendition ever done. Cuz at least if there was more cosmetic content then maybe, but low effort on both fronts, is really disappointing, no matter how nice the skins may be.

I wasn’t expecting much since SG is always me least favorite event, but man this just feels low effort.

extremly disapointed at the lack of imagination, and just how boring the skins are, not even many new voicelines.
and lucio ball again, best thing is the dva skin thats all

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No new Mode , no new voicelines , The skins aren’t bad but not great too.

Really disappointed.

Lucioball threw me off. I placed plat but I am silver in regular comp… Not complaining, just surprised.

i would say that it could be 50/50 … because i love lucioball, skins and stuff we get…
no new mode after 3 years, not many things happening, no lore, no cinematics…
and all of my enthusiasm was literally shattered when i saw this:

they cant even load JPG in to game :confused:
this killed it for me this time
AND there is absolutley no communication with players… nobody is even reading this stuff

Tell us what you’re really thinking

Gmes? What games? I only see lucioball.

They had me at “winky face”.
Racer Girl D.Va is all I ever wanted :sunglasses:

…I do like the other skins though because I play a lot of the sports and they appeal to me.

Cruiser is pretty much the only skin i use ingame :joy: all because of “Hey Daddy-o” and it is just a all around enjoyable skin

Yeah it’s quite lackluster I’ll still play but I also was really hoping for a new event. Lucio ball is fun but after a while it can get really boring. I love’s new skin but aside from skins we only got one new emote and two highlight intros and still no golden metal pose for :tired_face:

Yes but not because it “sucks”, because my Xbox broke and this was supposed to be my first time getting to play on a summer games event

I’m sorry you won’t be able to play :confused:

As long as Blizzard keeps spoiling all the legendary new skins on social media before the event comes out, the events will never have the magic and fun they used to have. Last few events have been a big bummer because I already knew everything coming out and then it was just “Okay, straight to grinding time”.

I am a little disappointed. No new event and most of the cosmetics are boring. Anas and Dvas Skin are not bad, but they aren’t great ether. Orisas potg into is ok too.

I typically buy boxes every event but the new skins all suck, minus grandma ana. I’d like the Canada flag icon but this will be the first event I don’t buy anything, lame. I wouldn’t even use 99% of what they gave us this event if I got it in a free loot crate lol

I have always gone into an Overwatch event expecting amazing new content, and we have been getting that until this event, wtf is this event.
Here’s my complaints:
•All the new skins are rubbish except, Ana and I’ll make an exception for Rein bcuz he hasn’t gotten an event skin in years
•It took me almost an hour to actually get into the damn game
•Seeing that Hog got a new skin but it isn’t him in swimwear and Torb not getting a beach skin and Pharah not getting a basketball skin, and to make it worse I got a legend outta my free box and it was Pharah’s Raptorian skin, not even a skin from last year
•The new highlights would actually be good if they had summer games skins to go with it, I’m not using that new Orisa highlight with Forest Spirit
•Mei’s new emote doesn’t loop
•No new brawl, Lucioball for the 4th damn time
You messed up Blizzard…

DISAPPOINTED. It’s like they do not take it seriously anymore.

Bit disappointed, was hoping for another mode to go with Lucio ball, and (this is just my opinion so I am sure not shared.) I dont feel the skins or emotes have the level of work put into them that we have seen in the recent ones for the OWL stuff. I.E. Lucio emote and All Star skins.

Frustrated, tilted, angry is what I feel towards this event. It’s not even Lúcio ball. They cut content in half and put no effort into it.

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